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To all the new people .. it's not all doom... I went for my opp . In and out within 2 days .no sickness or the runs or headache or bloating.. Just normal post op tiredness were I had to rest.. I can eat exactly the same as I did before . Cutting out takeaways and fatty foods. Common sense really 🙄some of the story's you read on here could scare you s**tless! But there should be more positive story's like mine .. it's the best thing I ever did and I'm glad I had the opp.. thumbs up to the nhs xx
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Lynne1965 louise68650
2chr2015 louise68650
Lynne1965 2chr2015
2chr2015 Lynne1965
Hi Lynne. Thank you for your reply. I am 45 and mine all started last year. I was good for a while and then it started back up a couple of months ago while we were in the process of moving. I was being more active moving boxes and such, so I wondered if that may have brought it on. I even ran a low grade fever for a few days. Of course went to doc, got US and it didn't show anything. (Last year it did show several gravel stones and sludge). It's been almost 2 months since then. I had labs done which showed my cholesterol was high. I decided to cut out meat and as much bad stuff as possible. Mine has never been excruciating. Just a steady pain. Was yours in your back too? Did you go months with no pain? And o was feeling fine this morning and decided to take a walk (working on that cholesterol). And now it has started hurting again! Did you notice exercise or increased activity bothered yours? Sorry for so many questions. Doc said I could go for a ctscan, but I don't want to as I've heard it's not much better at showing them.
Lynne1965 2chr2015
2chr2015 Lynne1965
louise68650 2chr2015
Hi. It was 4 weeks from start to finish.. looking back I really wasn't so good it's all A bit of a haze.. lots of pain .. feeling tired all the time having no appitite.. you don't realise how ill you were till you feel better😁
Alabama louise68650
Pleased you are doing so well and I agree, there should be more positive stories. I am waiting to have my Gallbladder removed and am terrified , not of the operation it’s self but how I wil Be feeling in the days & months & years after the op. Can I ask you if you suffered from gas and flatulence before your op ? I know it an embarrassing question but i need to know if my gas problem is related to my gallbladder problem. I have had 4 excruciating pain attacks in 2016 and admitted to hospital last December with a stone stuck in a ducket , I pass the stone while in hospital but was told I still have a large stone left in my gallbladder and at that point was put on the waiting list to have gallbladder removed. Had an appointment for surgery last May but they wouldn’t do it because I wasn’t well with another problem, that other problem has now been sorted out so just waiting but not getting any pain, just this gas problem.
2chr2015 Alabama
Alabama 2chr2015
2chr2015 Alabama
That's good that you were able to lose the weight. I'm not overweight, but I need to exercise to help get my cholesterol down. I'll try to walk again tomorrow and see what happens. Right now I am having pain behind my shoulder blade. Ugh!!
biliarydyskines louise68650
louise68650 biliarydyskines
Hi . My symptoms initially were terrible pain due to stones stuck in bile duck. After pain subsided I had a dull ache under my ribs all the time .. feeling tired and sick. I had big black rings round my eyes, had to take time of work pre op due to feeling shocking.. all the feelings have gone. I have changed my diet completely I have lost a stone in 3 weeks.. Still not 100% but getting better by the day😄
2chr2015 louise68650
That is so good to hear. And I'm glad you mentioned that you were tired. I am tired a lot too and just feel blah. Oh and the aching pains