An Inside Job
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Over the course of 16 months (which has been my sentence so far)
ive learned that this Per/Meno condition or whatever you want to call it..isnt a quick fix.
I feel as though i have reached the crossroad of my life, and this is natures way of showing me that i need to go inward.
ya i know it all sounds flaky but its the truth.
Im forced to look at myself, past present future, and come to terms with everything. I know that there are a lot of unresolved things that have taken place long ago, things i didnt even understand or process that could have had an impact on my psyche to this date.
So for me to continue in a healthy manner I need to do the work on the inside.
This might also explain how many women dont feel the pain of menopause because they are in a good place in their minds and hearts.
Also it shows as many women have very hard illnesses and fates, and yet accept them with all of the grace in the world, through the pain through everything. They are not affected by it.
So for me..i think this is an inside job..
and maybe if i can figure some things out about myself, i will be more accepting of what is happening to me now. I dont know if it will pull me out of depression, but I do know that our minds are ever powerful, even more powerful than the hormones, and the two are at battle at the moment.
didnt mean to go on the hippie track but i think this has something to do with it all..
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Azzumi mauiblue
Hi there..
Yes you are right. When I go to the dark place the thoughts aren't made up..they aren't fantasy or something from a movie I watched...they are real things I still need to deal with. Things that I can cope with quite well when I'm feeling good but when those hormones go out of balance they are nightmares. I wonder some days if theses things didn't happen would peri/meno be a little different for me. So I too have to work on hormones and my mind through counseling. I thing one day I will conquer this. I think one day it will be over..
mauiblue Azzumi
Yes, its really a pivotal time..for lack of better words..for us during this time.
We are forced to face everything. To self actualize or not, like in Maslows heirachy of needs or whatever.
i have unfinished business i guess, but dont we all?
I think you are going to conquer it for sure, you are true grit.
katyD211 mauiblue
Thanks for this, I have heard from only two other women that this is indeed a time to look inside ourselves and pay attention to what may need attention.
One of the women was a friend's sister and the other is The woman who wrote the Wisdom of Menopause
Christiane Northrup. When I first read her book I was nowhere near where I am now in this journey. I need to re-read her book, and consider your revelation.
Great insight...big hug!
mauiblue katyD211
Yeah it just keeps pointing me back to myself everytime.
Not saying that the physical part of this is avoidable, but its our whole being that needs addressing, not the symptoms but everything.
hugs to you too
Guest mauiblue
Very well put mauiblue. I had not spoken to a family member for years, didn’t even want to be in the same room with this person as I do not agree with his life choices. I recently came to grips that I cannot change this person, only accept and love them I do. Hate is exhausting... however, if someone is mentally draining, I just stop conversing with them. 😊
mauiblue Guest
Im learning that with a brother of mine. And with people in my life here. One mom who has a boy who is friends with my son. (kind of )
she literally sucks the life out of me, so hugely extroverted going constantly wanting the boys to go go go, from the moment we see her and when she leaves my kids and I are like.."what?? "..she is an energy zapper.
she is alovely person though but she cant stop..
i have learned that i need to be in charge of who im around and im getting better at it every day... grrrr
lori93950 mauiblue
I know personally just going through a divorce and also a break up with a boyfriend and now being completely alone thinking about .... what’s next .. and all the meno stuff.
It’s all too much !
mauiblue lori93950
Yes agreed.
And that is where "one day at a time" comes in to play.
when i entertain the what ifs of life..its pointless and a huge anxiety creator.
lori93950 mauiblue
mauiblue lori93950
so what did you decide to do finally?
I was wondering what your lady doc has to say about your regimen of hrt and how or when it will begin to help your moods?
Its so weird because i see lots of lady patients that have basically no hormones to speak of , and their demeanour is fine, and i know it is.
women in their 40's have labs that are up and down or even very low, and they are also fine.
So i think the hormones or lack of dont really matter i think its the individual woman and all the factors that play into whether she gets hit hard or not.
believe me i have access to lots of this info at work, and really trying to put it together, make sense of it all.
thats why i was wondering what the doc has in store for you, and also because you spent a bit of money.
patch off patch on? yep story of my fricken life
lori93950 mauiblue
I HAD to put the patch back on as the fatigue was just overwhelming. Never experienced anything like it in my life !! I am disappointed as wanted to just ‘get through this’ naturally . Im doing a full patch this weekend and then will go down to 1/2 patch Monday ... the 1/2 seems to keep me level . I’ve also introduced a low dose of testosterone .... feeling a bit wired ... you can’t bloody win ! Either completely exhausted or wired and nervous .
Sochima822 mauiblue
I believe it has to do with nutrition. When I started the peri journey my body was screaming, don't you dare feed me junk or anything processed or I promise I'll come back with a vengeance. I had to stop eating meat because when I ate it my hormones would do a number on me that same night but if i didnt eat meat I was fine. My sister who doesn't eat meat and no junk food has not suffered peri symptoms like I have, since for most of my life I ate out at a lot of restaurants, eateries, pubs, etc. Nowadays, I've noticed that eating at places makes me sick to the point of vomiting whatever my body rejects. Too much oil on my hash browns i vomit the oil, too or a sauce my stomach couldn't digest out it comes, naturally with no other side effects or sickness. However, I do have a sensitive stomach so nowadays f i get a stomach ache I take Bromelain to help neutralize it and also acts as a probiotic.
lori93950 Sochima822
I have noticed my appetite has completely GONE though ... I have to force food into my mouth .
So I think yes be as healthy as possible but nothing can replace hormones .and the effects of diminishing estrogen and progesterone .
mauiblue Sochima822
I think that nutrition has a lot to do with things but for certain not everything.
Our gut, being our second brain, does influence so much of how we handle things. Nothings right if the gut aint right, no doubt about it..
mauiblue lori93950
i force feed also, its awful. its like...ok what can i eat as fast as possible so as to have something in my system, its a job, a chore, its stressful.