anal fissure, 1 year of absolute hell!!!!!!!!!!!
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hi everyone my name is jordan (25) and i am currently having to deal with possibly the most annoying and fustrating condition in the world, or so it feels from where im sitting at the moment. I have always suffered with an irritable bowel , and from time to time with this came small doses of hemroids which was unpleasant but with a few lotions would subside after a few days.
But about a year ago i developed symtoms which felt very very uncomfatable , i started getting a strong pressure in my anus and with this a very irritating itch would occur around my anus also. I went to the doctor diagnosing my self with what i thought was just hemroids , so backward and forwards i went to my GP getting all kinds of creams and ointments for hemroids which didn't do a single thing to reduce the pressure and pain i was in. After a 5 months my GP finally referred me to hospital to have flexible signoscopy (or something like that) to see if there was anything else causing the pain.
This procedure was so painful due to my anus feeling like it was an open wound , but i grit my teeth and bared the pain. The results of this test showed i was suffering with multiple anal fissures. I didn't really know much about this condition and was left feeling quite worried and troubled.
So while i waited to be seen by a specialist i just continued being in pain and enduring these painful symtoms. Being a bricklayer by trade i couldn't work properly and even driving to work was a challenge. The worst bit was not being able to talk to anyone about my condition due to feeling embarresed about a problem in my anus.
So now nearly a year later i am using a ointment called GTN and after getting used to violent migraines as a side affect am hoping with all my might it will help to heal me. I have never been so depressed in my life and can honestly say i feel like i am being slowly tortured by a throbbing dull ache in my backside. If there is anyone who has any advice or is dealing with the same pain and discomfort write back to me please and maybe you can help show me a much needed light at the end of the tunnel.
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In the 4 yaers i have had the condition it does not get easier. You just seem to have to get used to it. I have never yet found any diet that make any difference. Just be carful with chilli and how i love real beer ... but sometimes suffer the following day.
In the 4 yaers i have had the condition it does not get easier. You just seem to have to get used to it. I have never yet found any diet that make any difference. Just be carful with chilli and how i love real beer ... but sometimes suffer the following day.[/quote:797747f5de]
maximus97380 Guest
I am nearly 30 years old and have been experiencing this problem for over 8 weeks now. I have tried several ointments but none have achieved the requires results. I am at my wits end because the pain is unbearable and there's nothing that my gp can do or provide to assist me. Just like you I find it difficult to perform my daily duties even though I eat a strict high fibre diet. It is a ticking time bomb and at times the pain becomes so overwhelming that I imagine death would be the only solution. If there's any remedy of some sort please share.