And the Doctor says.....

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Hi Ladies, since my last post I have been to see my Dr & this is her   conclusion...being a year since a period all my menopause symptoms are peaking, does this mean it all gets worse before getting better? the seemingly endless mental moods & tears, stuffy head, sinus like congestion, funny bits n pieces"down there" etc just an overall weird not right feeling also can these peaking hormone levels cause spikes in BP...yep, mine is up which explains why I feel hot woozy & just really out of sorts..AND NOW, my stomach has been feeling sickly & tight like my body is finding it hard to relax, I've been shivery cold but hot n clammy OMG! 😩 I'm a wreck. My Dr gave me a script for Livial but I'm not keen on anything HRT, as I told her because of family history also I'm seeing a specialist early Oct. Have any ladies heard of menopause symptoms reaching a peak before everything finally settles? will I ever really be free of  this sh** ? Just want to be able to be the 'get up n out n do' person like I used to be & not have very day governed by how I feel, I'm only staying between my home & local area because of feeling so crappy & weird(scary) My Dr says it all passes & that no woman has been left permanently in a menopause state. Everything I read says, the last period, menopause happens at age 51, but can range from anywhere 40 to 60 maybe she thinks me being 55 I should be through & done & back to normal HUH!! 😒 am I normal & or late? oh my once joyous carefree life where are you? have you been sucked into some bottomless abyss for good? 

Keep Well Ladies xo

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry here again, did I mention the achy joints from hell? my noodle brain that thinks milk belongs in the laundry & the thingy that has some vague connection to the whatzit & everyday words that can be as baffling as reading an encyclopedia & how things end up on the floor because my hands temporarily forget how to hold things, the aimless wandering around the house thinking "what am I doing?"....I sound like a right royal moaning millie! sorry to all the Millies.....I'm sure you're all lovely ladies LOL 😁humour....we need it, if I didn't have my humour, well........

    Here's to better days

  • Posted

    Hello there. You are really struggling and I can empathise completely with you. It is almost as if I could have written your post with regard to all the symptoms. I am only 48 and dread this peri stuff continuing for several more years, When my symptoms flare up I also convince myself I have got some terrible disease. Its a living nightmare. I hope you get some clarity and support when you see the specialist in October. x x 
    • Posted

      Hi Liz, how are you? I agree, it's a nightmare! I get horrifying tearful moods, then anxiety, then BP spikes then hot n woozy in the head etc, gets me really wound up that I'm never going to be normal again or I'm going to die....more anxiety then dizziness OMG! does it stop?!...then it settles a bit only to start over 😡😢👿  can only take each day as it comes

      Keep Well xo

  • Posted

    Hello there, I could of written your post except I am still having awful, eratic bleeding episodes. I am 50 and my gp as told me to expect another 3 years of this hell. Do you have any stomach/ digestion problems at all ? I don't know if that's down to the anxiety or insomnia or what but it's yet another problem recently appeared. I too just want to get up in a morning feeling well. Hope you get some relief when you see your specialist next month .hugs to you x
    • Posted

      Hi Steph, hope you're feeling ok. Sometimes my stomach feels tight & unsettled but I think it's probably due to anxiety...sorry to sound rude but this whole 'wonderful change of life' is a bitch...can I say that? 😕 Even if I have a day that doesn't feel too bad, I always seem to have this sensation of being on the edge/an off feeling. My sleep pattern has changed as well, after dinner I often just drop off while trying to watch TV then bed near 11 & start getting wakeful 3 or 4 in the morning, I'm usually up by 6. I've had many horrible symptoms, how I'm still alive I don't know lol 😖  The end to it all can't quick enough! Keep Well, take care xo
    • Posted

      The change of life certainly is a bitch and more besides lol. I am hoping my stomach issues are all down to this but I have yet another gp appt in the morning as I am concerned it could be something more serious (hopefully not) , fed up of the feelings of doom as I have so much to live for including beautiful young granddaughters. I always feel on edge, panic attacks come from nowhere and have me sweating and problems swallowing which is teryfying. Do you have arm, shoulder and neck pain amongst your pains ? . My mother never talked about her menopause so all this is such a shock to me. 😕fed up 😭x
  • Posted

    Hi Hun

    I'm 4 years post now age 53 it does get better but I still have a lot of the symptoms still just not as bad now. I didn't take HRT due to family history. I was never diagnosed as in the menopause either. I just used to go with different symptoms monthly and nothing was ever diagnosed after having tests So I look back now reading these posts and come to the conclusion that I wasn't physically ill but in menopause. Try and keep looking ahead and positive Hun there is light at the end of the tunnel. I still on antidepressants and won't stop them as think they have helped a great deal. Good luck Hun xx

  • Posted

    Yes I too have started suffering with stomach and digestive issues, feel nauseous and have weird sensation in my throat stomach growls, got appt ENT next month as ive been back and forth to Drs.  I have totally outstayed my welcome at my medical centre they all know me now (and there are quite a few drs there lol) always thinking the worst I think with fluctuating hormones it gets you so anxious its hard to be realistic.  Sympathise with you all - Joints in my elbows felt sore yesterday!! mad
  • Posted

    Hi Bobbins don't know weather  to laugh or cry at your post  and whoops there goes the brain don't even know if I got the write spelling of weather bloody brain fog lol.Anyway I've been back to docs tod home I'm having a bit depression with all of these symptoms  he now tells me I have allergic rhinitis caused by my hayfever which I'm still having even though it's turned a bit chilly you have to laugh. My symptoms are exactly like yours it's awful today in the car I felt woozy I sometimes think when it happens first thing on the morning it's because I've taken my meds dabigatran and now on a channel blocker dilitzan for my AF. I'm sure all this anxiety doesn't help it.I know what you mean when you just want to wake up and feel like your old self pardon the pun sick of seeing happy people I do smile and crack the odd joke believe or not ha ha just wish I had my mojo back one day perhaps.Keep smiling xx
    • Posted

      Hi Glitzy how are you? YES LAUGH...LOUDLY! LoL cheesygrin if I didn't have my weird warped humour to ease this miserable being I am at the moment, I don't know how I'd live. I try to find humour in everything...I often look in the mirror & laugh!   I think too it's whether not weather LOL 😄

       Take care & keep well xo

    • Posted

      Omg lol I used to be very good at spelling I'm sure you get brain dead as you get older lol. Sometimes I type that fast words just come rolling out and don't make sense ha ha I think now I have dyslexia another  problem to add to out list. Nighty night. Tomorrow brings a new day let the new woman unleash herself xx
  • Posted

    Hi just been reading what you said, I'm worried so much had to have both ovaries out, I'm 46 hot flashes and moods have started. I spoke with my doctor he suggest I start HRT, but I'm to scared to I know it's a small risk off breast cancer but I always get something, I can just walk past someone with a cold and I will get it. I don't know if my mood swings are related to this as I suffer from depression anyway, I liked to ask you or anyone reading this do you think HRT would help me as I'm young. Cheers mich x
    • Posted

      Hi how are you? Because of family history HRT isn't an option also too I wouldn't choose it, for me personally there's too many effects against it. For some women it can be a a personal decision, be well informed. Are you able to try something herbal/natural, is there a Naturopath or similar where you are? I'm in Oz, I take Harmony Menopause tablets, I've always preferred to go natural if possible as I always worry about how medications etc will effect me. 

      Keep Well, do hope you're feeling better xo

  • Posted

    Oh I so sympathise! I've been having all these symptoms since 2009 and I'm now 56!. I've taken menopace plus (herbal remedy from chemists) and have just started to take black cohosh for horrendous night sweats.I'm awake 2 -3 times during the night and wake up in a panic and very weepy. GP has given me antidepressants but I refuse to go down that route, clonidine tablets to stop night sweats (but these can cause depression so why the hell she gave me them I dont know). I had knee op in March this year which is proving slow to recover from so I'm already panicking about that. And now GP tells me I can't have HRT because I suffer from migraines and am at higher risk of strokes. Surely there must be other women on HRT who suffer from migraines?. I've lost my old self and I DONT LIKE THIS OTHER WOMAN I've become. I have alot of pain in both legs, and not just from operated knee leg. Before op GP told me this pain was due to lack of oestrogen in muscles, making everything feel tight. She wasn't wrong........some days now it is like having a permanent tooth ache in my legs. Does anyone else have these leg pains? 

    I'm beginning to worry that I'll never return to the old me........and it is very , very scarey. I don't know about anyone else but I feel an absolute idiot to feel like this at my time of life......I was hoping that with kids off our hands me and hubby could enjoy ourselves........not a hope at the moment! 

    • Posted

      Hi Pam, we're like two peas in a pod....and many other women too....wondering about this 'other woman' we've somehow become, I always thought AYE! no periods I'm free to do anything, well, where is this vibrant freedom? 😏 Don't feel like an idiot!, it's scary just not knowing...when will it all end? will I ever be the same? am I going to stay like this?...I've thoughts all sorts of things & yep, up goes anxiety 😡 can seem as though we take two steps forward then ten backwards. I too get sore joints & achy weak muscles, don't seem to have the strength or stamina I used to have. I even cancelled my family catch-up holiday this year because of all this, just didn't feel well or able enough to fly. I take Harmony Menopause, a herbal supplement, think it has helped a little, HRT isn't an option for me.

      In the meantime, take each day as it comes. Keep Well, spoil yourself xo

    • Posted

      Google "Estraderm MX patches" to get the pharmaceutical warnings about it.  It does not say do NOT use estraderm mx patches if you have migraines.  However, it does say to let your dr know if you have migraines among other issues, and then it says "Your doctor may want to take special precautions if you have any of the above conditions. "  Really, that just means monitoring.  With patches, you apply them usually twice a week, or a gel, daily.  So it is not a permanent state which cannot be stopped immediately.

      I get headaches (not migraines) if my oestrogen is too low.  I also had two hip replacements and other surgeries while using oestrodiol oestrogen and it was never an issue, particularly because I use the transdermal ones, not the oral tablets.  Transdermal is deemed to be not a problem for creating clots, strokes, etc.

      Print it off and take it in to your dr, or get another dr.  I have been using oestrodiol for 25 years now with no problems, only major benefits,  other than my oestrogen being made ineffective by an undiagnosed prolactinoma for 6 years.  This caused my oestrogen to be made ineffective.


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