Anger and irritability
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So much anger and irritability i dont know wht to do wth myself anymore. So angry i physically feel the way i feel and so many other things too many to list. Try to focus on blessings and hope for better days, i try and do light exercise and stretches every morning but it just isnt cutting it anymore. Im such a bh bcuz i dont feel good and i know im being a bh i dont want to talk to ppl bcuz my tongue is killing me and is so dry and tastes awful which are a few of like 60 symptoms . I work with my sister who is almost 6 years older than me and everyone thinks were twins and she doesnt feel to the extreme of how i feel and god forgive me but i get irritated especially at lunch when she can eat whatever she wants. My husband told me he was going to football game tonight and under my breath i told him to f**k off and visualized punching him repeatedly lol - omg who does that. Im so mad because after everything hes done to me hes the one feeling fine going out eating whatever he wants enjoying ppls company and ive declined so many things to the point that my best friends dont really text me anymore and it sucks bcuz i truly dont feel good. I just read all of this and I am embarrassed and ashamed, I am a grown woman throwing a tantrum I recognize it but im posting this anyway because its so real and im beside myself. Medication made me feel worse of course. Im sorry its been a long time since ive posted anything and vented no matter how ridiculous i sound i know there is no judgment here:)
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Guest susan39015
100000000% understand I am in that same ROCKY boat ! I have isolated myself from the world and anything out side my home for like 4 years now 😦 WHAT do you do when some hormonal monster has taken control of our internal control system! I'm glad there is an internet that I can have a cyber life and order everything I need from food to clothing to personals and so forth! AND I'M post menopause! I still fight 66 plus symptoms!
susan71378 susan39015
It is good to vent. At least you haven't done it in public. I was getting episodes of rage which scared me. One day, I was getting gas in my car and some young punk pulled up blasting that rap music so loud that my ear drums were hurting. Suddenly, I hear this really loud, mean voice scream "Turn that sxxx off!!!!" I then realized that voice came from me. Immediately, he turned the music off and drove away and as I looked around and all the men pumping gas around me had their heads down not daring to look up. Hahaha. Embarrassed to say, I was a screaming banshee that day, but what do ya know? For once, the screaming over my menopausal horror show inside me was gone. After that day, I've had little feelings of rage but who knows when it might get triggered out of the blue again. Never have I done something like that before and it surprised me. Where did that come from? Well, we all know the answer to that, don't we.
jamie37119 susan71378
as a side note...I swear my ears are more sensitive now. My son is a screamer too 😦
caz240 susan39015
I feel exactly the same. I used to be the most patient kind gentle person. Now i feel angry and on edge most of the time. HATE IT. Hate myself like this. Trying to laugh at myself like i used to but usually end up blubbering. Thankfully i do have better days now. Sending hugs this menopause st is st!!!
Moderator comment: I have edited this post due to the swearing. These are open forums so as per the T&Cs please do not use offensive language in posts otherwise they may be deleted.
Lisaippie susan39015
hi Susan, you sound just like me ! ive been feeling all those ways for at least 6 years im angry, mad, have severe anxiety and p****d all the time , i am going to therapy and a Psychiatrist and im just so frustrated with everything i am wanted to check myself into a womens retreat for about a year to get better and get a hold on my life although i dont know what would happen to my job while im away but at this point maybe a need a new career path as well as a new life beginning as well i havent been happy in years and this menapause isnt getting any better either , feel free to vent here whenever you need we are all here for each other hugs❤
bev27429 susan39015
Susan, I totally get it and you! I have never been an angry person, but the rage that I can feel over basically nothing at all is scary and totally alien to me. Even my boyfriend chewing his food can take me to the absolute brink. I have to use every internal resource within me not to scream and throw things. It's so bizarre. The rage comes out of nowhere, so I can't even prepare for it. I can remember feeling absolutely hate toward the people in my life who I love deeply, and they haven't even done anything! I know that this isn't me, but it is scary and so hard to deal with.
Just know that so many women are going through the exact same feelings that you are. You will be OK, and you will get through this, even though it feels permanent and desperate.
Sending hugs and understanding your way xo
kelly55079 susan39015
I understand.. I feel like I'm mad at the world and I shouldn't be.. Yes the food part p*es me off because nothing is working and I have to work HARDER at it which I don't have the energy for. I'm often kinda 'short' with my kids and I also have to do my best to be good as it's not their fault their mom doesn't feel all that great. I just try to make sure they have what they need and try not to get anxious about it. And yes, spouse gets to work-out and go out with friends BUT me just no energy for it--- at times he ignores me which also makes me angry. I just want to be my sweet nice self again.But yes it's OK to vent and have bad days-- we are going thru a lot!!**
Moderator comment: I have edited this post due to the swearing. These are open forums so as per the T&Cs please do not use offensive language in posts otherwise they may be deleted.
jamie37119 susan39015
If it is of any comfort... I am exactly the same. Every!!!! My poor kids have to put up with me and I feel terrible about it. I am over the symptoms, the irritability and being FAT!!! I never used to be FAT.
I want to thank all of you ladies so so very much for your replies. Some had me laughing and some had me sad because i feel so bad for what everyone is going through and I just want so bad for everyone to feel better and be able to enjoy their lives. Thats what i pray for for all of us. Hugs to all ❤ xoxo