annoying symptoms
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hi all, just when you are thinking you are managing stuff another symptom! tch - can anyone enlighten me please, last nite whilst out had horrid anxiety attack, suddently felt very hot in the face sweating buckets and faint, churning stomach and felt very unsteady couldnt drive home even this took around an hour to settle at home whilst feeling very scared and hot, its horrid trully isnt it, thanks ladies. hugs debi xxxx
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maria101 debi62095
Hi debi, yes I just had something come over me and heart start to race I was bit frighten
as you said when you think your managing something other craziness comes....but I think I had this sometime ago on the road and I turn back and went home
you don't know from one day to the next, monster hormones lol
Black1207 debi62095
Hello Debi.I feel Yr pain I'm going through the same thing. control Yr breathing.take a deep breath in then breath will pass.when this happens to me I go hide somewhere.until I get myself together.but I'm going to see my doctor next wk to see Wht we can do.hugs and will Get better
gailannie debi62095
While I am not a doctor, I might be able to offer a plausible explanation. There are aggressive endocrine changes that happen with menopause. One of these is that when we lose our estrogen, our adrenal glands attempt to compensate. One of the things that happens is that our cortisol, adrenaline, and nor adrenaline go higher than normal. While it's not possible to test adrenaline levels, cortisol when tested, is high and above normal range. You probably know that these adrenal hormones are considered the "fight or flight" hormones.
So with all this in mind, this is part of the reason that many women in menopause ecperience bouts of anxiety and panic attacks.
At least that's the best guess I can give you, as to what happened last night. Sorry, i know it's all very unpleasant.
Eat well, sleep a full 8 hours a night if you can. Drink plenty of clean water, take a good vitamin and reduce stress in you rlife where possible. Hopefully this will pass soon.
debbie12340 debi62095
Woo3353 debi62095
Gailannie's explanation is spot on (a gynaecologist told me the same) I had this and eventually decided to take flouextine, with existing mild anxiety problems I already had it caused me to get a panic disorder.
I have had no panic attacks or anxiety, my sweating has been reduced greatly and although I am peri menopausal I can at least say I feel better without worrying about these episodes coming on so randomly.
Try taking Magnesium and pure flaxseed these help to regulate hormones or try some bioidentical hormone cream
Keep talking on here it does help it certainly helped me
looloo43 Woo3353
Woo3353 looloo43