Another day, when will it end
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Hi ladies, hope everyone is doing ok & managing to get through the day/night. I'm here again to vent, this scary woozy sensation along with other seemingly unrelenting peri crap is really getting to me, will it all end? feels like it's here to stay gggrrrr last couple of mornings I've woken early with some sort of horrible anxiety feelings OMG! am I going to die.....silently yelling "I've had enough!" I won't include the expletives I ranted LoL just want to be normal again. Ok, vent over...take care ladies & keep well.
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michelle50768 Bobbins059
I just read an online article in the daily mail about a woman who quit work nearly got divorced and thought she was bipolar. Turns out it was menopause! !!
She also talked about the palpitations and shortness of breath which I get a lot and thought I was dying.
Hope ur day gets better
Hang on in there xx
Bobbins059 michelle50768
carole28488 Bobbins059
Bobbins059 carole28488
Fairy28 Bobbins059
Bobbins059 Fairy28
Trevis Bobbins059
lesley89854 Bobbins059
We are all behind you with these horrible feelings that most of us endure during Peri.. I have been in Peri for quite some time and i will be 60 in October! I cannot sleep, my stomach is constantly playing me up! My memory is dreadful amongst other things.. my concentration is bad..
I am terrified that I am going to die! It's also very costly as I cannot go out without protection on because of the un predictable bleeding or lack of bladder control..
I never know what's going to happen next!!!
Keep fighting it can only get better.. Can't it???
cazjaz16 Bobbins059
Carolmayhew6 cazjaz16
Carolmayhew6 Bobbins059
I felt like that on Monday n Tuesday it's horrendous isn't it
I put Tuesdays anxiety duwn to going into hospital fir procedure on my knee had a GA n felt ok after
it's like it's rebooted my settings lol hobbling around but still got anxiety but not as bad n the muzzy head has subsided I'm hoping the op has sorted my aches n pains out no doubt I'll soon know
brendababy Bobbins059
We'll need to tell ourselves this is temporary & will be over soon. It's good to be able to vent our frustrations on here though knowing other ladies understand.
Hope you've managed to get a sleep & the symptoms you described sound like the hormones are causing chemicals such as adrenaline to rush through you... Don't worry about it.. I've had all the symptoms you describe.
Take care x
cazjaz16 brendababy
brendababy cazjaz16
Look forward to the good old days when I woke up feeling normal and got on with the day ahead. I don't even recognise myself anymore.
Sorry for being so negative, hope it hasen't affected how your feeling.
Have a nice weekend xx
michelle50768 brendababy
cazjaz16 brendababy
michelle50768 cazjaz16
cazjaz16 michelle50768
michelle50768 cazjaz16
cazjaz16 michelle50768
brendababy cazjaz16
Best wishes x
val50972 cazjaz16