Another symptom
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Hello ladies, have posted here before about symptoms of menopause, here's yet another one. Have any of you had any problems with your ears ? Ive been back and forth to GP with ringing ears that disappear then come back, outer ear canal infections, earache and generally feeling not right. Doctor says nothing wrong so is it yet another one of the 66 symptoms ? Always something and everyday seems to be something new, just want to feel normal again but am doubting it after two years of this rubbish. Thanks everyone x
1 like, 23 replies
donna48864 Fairy28
Yes, this is one of my most troubling symptoms. I suffer with constant ringing, have done for over 2 yrs now. I get feelings of dizziness, disequilibrium and feel like I'm veering to the side when I walk. It's awful. My nana on my dad's side suffered exactly the same and was left with tinnitus for life sadly. I have taken stemitil and betahistine off the doc. The stemitil worked best but didn't alleviate completely. I know take a really good women's multivitamin and B12 boost, these have helped enormously with the woozy feeling but the ringing/ whooshing is still there always. It's not noticeable when there's a lot of noise around me, traffic, my children arguing, TV on. However, I'm sat doing my make up now and I can only describe it as the sound you get after you leave a really loud nightclub lol (them days are long gone for me haha) hope this helps and you don't feel so alone with it x
Fairy28 donna48864
elaine68190 Fairy28
Fairy28 elaine68190
elaine68190 Fairy28
elaine68190 Fairy28
Fairy28 elaine68190
elaine68190 Fairy28
davida39072 Fairy28
Fairy28 davida39072
MrsMerm Fairy28
But I have been having ear probs for ages on and off, so yes I think this is another symptom. I never had any such thing before meno
Mrs M
have a good day hun x
Fairy28 MrsMerm
didi0613 Fairy28
Fairy28 didi0613
sharon07214 Fairy28
will we ever feel normal again Donna? I don't know. Can anyone else advise?
Fairy28 sharon07214