Another symptom

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Hello ladies, have posted here before about symptoms of menopause, here's yet another one. Have any of you had any problems with your ears ? Ive been back and forth to GP with ringing ears that disappear then come back, outer ear canal infections, earache and generally feeling not right. Doctor says nothing wrong so is it yet another one of the 66 symptoms ? Always something and everyday seems to be something new, just want to feel normal again but am doubting it after two years of this rubbish. Thanks everyone x

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya Lou

    Yes, this is one of my most troubling symptoms. I suffer with constant ringing, have done for over 2 yrs now. I get feelings of dizziness, disequilibrium and feel like I'm veering to the side when I walk. It's awful. My nana on my dad's side suffered exactly the same and was left with tinnitus for life sadly. I have taken stemitil and betahistine off the doc. The stemitil worked best but didn't alleviate completely. I know take a really good women's multivitamin and B12 boost, these have helped enormously with the woozy feeling but the ringing/ whooshing is still there always. It's not noticeable when there's a lot of noise around me, traffic, my children arguing, TV on. However, I'm sat doing my make up now and I can only describe it as the sound you get after you leave a really loud nightclub lol (them days are long gone for me haha) hope this helps and you don't feel so alone with it x

    • Posted

      Hi Donna thank you for reply, yes it's a very lonely feeling and I know exactly where you're coming from. This morning is bad really bad, feels like my ears left one particularly is full of water swooshing around along with the high pitched squeeling and like you throws me all of balance. It's depressing and is always there worse at certain times of the day, it always comes back. I have to have music on in the car all the time and have the telly on all the time at home so that's it's not so noticeable, but at night it's awful and keeps me awake. Although GP says it's ok it just adds to the anxiety that's already there , was give Sertraline but just made things so much worse. I'm so very sorry you're going through the same thing, I wish I had the answer for you but that's what I'm looking for aswell ! Hugs xx
  • Posted

    Hi again Lou hope you are feeling okay? I've got a bit of a virus too. Hope you feel better soon love Elaine😁xxx
    • Posted

      hello my love, having a rubbish day already and it's not even 10am ! So sorry you're feeling poorly aswell - have you had any ear problems with this dreaded bloody awful God forsaken menopause nightmare ? ! Xx 😰
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      Hi Lou sick and tired of it all just hate it all the timm
  • Posted

    I have a sensation like a popping in one ear quite often, sometimes feels like wind blowing in my ear.  Woozy, sometimes I get balance sensations like I am standing on a boat.  Have been to ENT, had MRI, found nothing wrong in the head.  ENT thought it could have been neck issues, sent to oestopath, after several visits, he could find nothing wrong.  Going round and round in circles, spending a fortune on medical care and no better 2 years down the track.  Am learning to live with it, really bad days I use ibuprofen which seems to help.  Do not nauseaus with the bad balance so that is one small blessing.
    • Posted

      Poor you it does seem like a common symptom now I hear more of you lovely ladies are going through similar things, maybe another thing to add to the 66 symptoms, I seem to have 160 and counting though ! .....glad you have been throughoughly checked for your own peace of mind, takes all I have in me to actually get to doctor as I have health anxiety with anxiety since this meno so just seeing an instrument makes me freak out, it's just all so horrible isn't it x
  • Posted

    Yes, me too Lou, went to see GP on Wednesday as my right ear had sharp pains in and soreness, the nurse said it was just a bit of wax adhered to the ear drum, it is still sore now.

    But I have been having ear probs for ages on and off, so yes I think this is another symptom. I never had any such thing before meno

                                    Mrs M rolleyes

    have a good day hun x

    • Posted

      Oh no poor you , seems im not alone then - yes definatley since meno as never had ear problems in my life before. My GP said ' once you've got ear problems they never go away' ! Great I thought thanks, but then Hes a man, what would he know about it !........x
  • Posted

    I sometimes get this random ticking or clicking in my right ear. It goes tick, tick, tick. Then it stops. So random and weird. Had my ears checked by an ENT, just had some earwax, but nothing else wrong.
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      Hi, glad nothing else going wrong but still horrible for you x
  • Posted

    Well I never. Yes I have had problems with my ears, outer infections etc. I have even had a hearing test, have lost a little hearing in my left ear but apparently a hearing aid would be too annoying. Also been to the doctor who said nothing wrong. I have never associated it with the menopause though, it kinda makes sense now.

    will we ever feel normal again Donna? I don't know. Can anyone else advise?

    • Posted

      Hi Sharon - gosh same as me, doctors say nothing wrong all the time, to start with gave me spray that did nothing , went away eventually then guess what it comes back - gets better then comes back over and over, sick of doctors who say nothing's wrong when there must be something. Not bothering anymore so just have to put up with it. Menopause is so hard for us so I guess we have to help ourselves somehow x

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