Anti depressants grrrr

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It makes me so mad when docs just want to chuck anti depressants at us it's like when I was at school back in the 80s and the nurse thought paracetamol was the cure all, now it's anti depressants. I know for some people it's worked for them but seems from what I've read they just cause more problems specialy for the many different symptoms from peri, what do you lovely ladies on here think?

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12 Replies

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    Yes this is a hormone problem ! They gave them to me tried for 2 weeks was absolutely awful and just quit .

    I think it’s a case of misdiagnosis for most women but they make money from them so ... 

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    Hi Sarah,

    I think that they do cause a lot of side effects. My psychiatrist has just started me on St. John's Wort, as he indicated that there are fewer side effects and the efficacy is on par with standard antidepressant treatment. At his recommendation, I am also starting acupuncture through my local hospital.

    I am almost 50, and the signs point that I am getting very close to menopause. The depression has become very intense, so I have my fingers crossed that I will soon find relief. The biggest help, though, I think will be time. My psychiatrist indicated that I am in physiological withdrawal from the hormones, which is why I am experiencing these symptoms.

    In the meantime, though, it is a tough slog!!

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    I refuse to take them and I agree with you. I just don't see them as an answer or cure to my problems

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    My former gyn wanted me to take antidepressants and I refused.  They aren’t a solution for me.  She was no help when I tried to talk with her about peri, so I couldn’t take her seriously.
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    Paxil has helped me tremendously. Has gotten rid of about 90% of my health anxiety
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    I am one of those women the doctors chucked anti depressants at! but in my case it was the best thing for me and I took them for around 16 months.

    They helped by giving me the opportunity to learn how to understand the symptoms peri without the mass panic, I taught myself self help techniques like hypnotherapy, changing my diet etc,

    I knew I wasn't going to take them long term and it wasn't'until I realised that I didn't'care enough about anything that it was time too come off them.

    I am very much stress free now amd have not experienced and panic attacks. I still get most of the peri symptoms but I accept that them and that the are part of this whole journey.

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    Hi ladies

    I'm so glad they helped some of you ladies but that's the trouble with them everyone's different they aren't a one size fits all. I tryed them for 2 days and was up all night being sick and had the shakes and was like a zombie, it terrified me to the point I darnt take them again, the next doc tryed to give me a different one but I said no, I can't remember what they were called that made me feel worse but I didn't need more symptoms on top of the awful ones I was having already.

    I'm at docs Monday and thinking of trying contraception pill. Take care all you lovely ladies.

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    Almost 5 years ago at 55, after a cold I experienced a major health anxiety attack, then depression. It was terrible I lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks felt like I was going crazy. I never experienced depression so I didn't even know what it was. I just wanted to sleep, couldn't concentrate, pray, no interest. I was given lexapro 10 mg and it took about 6 weeks but it started to lift the depression and I felt like my old self again. Only thing I gained weight and sex - already very distant-became non existent hard time reaching climax.

    After 3 years I weaned myself off. Now 2 years later it's back again not as intense ( thank God!)and again after a cold, I think being congested sends me into panic, health anxiety and brings in this beast. This time the obsession with my emotions, not feeling like myself, fear that I can't handle anything is making it worse.

    I'm taking St. John's , exercising, cleaned up eating, vitamin d, iron, and it has helped a little bit but I'm 3 months in and I'm not my self yet. This stage in life sucks, none of my friends, Co workers seem to have gone through such an intense change.

    God help us.

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    I agree 100% Sarah.  Seems that anti depressants is the first thing a physician reaches for.  I did one short term in perimenopause.  Later in menopause (at 58)  another physician gave me the exact same antidepressant, while I was caring for my dad who was dying.  I took one pill and wound up on that sofa all day with a throbbing head, it felt like my body was nothing but lead.  That ended my trial of an antidepressant!  So apparently, an antidepressant can have very different effects in peri than meno.  (Just my warning)
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    Yes it's like today I've been hit by the awful fatigue again (was hit with it for the first time 2 weekends ago) I dreaded having this again specially at the weekend where I need to be happy and have energy for my family, but here I am at 16.42 just woke up as just needed to sleep but still feel awful 😞 therefore taking anti depressants which made me feel zombified on top of already feeling like a zombie how's that going to help. I just can't believe there's no real help and we are left to suffer like this and still have to look after family go to work where no one understands. I'm so done with this peri hell already.

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      Exactly.  I always think I’ll get things done on weekends but am so drained from the work week that there’s little left.  Peri can be incredibly cruel.
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      I here you Liz and just hope we find the help we need.

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