Anxieties with menopause

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How do you guys deal with the anxieties of peri menopause and the tiredness do any of you work how do you sleep at night too do you ever get hot or cold I do at times

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm sat full of anxiety today ,I've noticed every so many weeks it's up so high ,I feel shivery. Like coming down with something ,hormones doing it there either high or low ,like were stuck with it ,no switch to switch hormones off .wait this day out all one can do .
  • Posted

    Hi susan dont get anxieties but do suffer with tierdness and had not been to workfor 2 months did try bit only did 4 hours iand i only work part time i do take hrt plus  complete vitamins b and floradix has started to help x

    Hope you get sorted 

    paula x

  • Posted

    Yes anxitey is at an all time high, especially when I'm due to for my random period. I've been taking the B vitiamins everyone is talking about and excerice helps with the anxitey and the sleeping, if your body and mind are really actually tired you will sleep. Best of luck.

  • Posted

    I have anxiety as well and its deliberating, I am actually seriously contemplating to start AD's for it as interfering with my work...I work for myself and most of it I can do from home but a few jobs I have to go to clients place and that is a problem, I have to really force myself and take a Benzo to get there..UNLESS I have a good day that is, which on occasion I do have. Tiredness and low motivation I have too, but I think thats also coming from the anxiety now...I do sleep a lot although at times I do wake up at night, the last two nights I started to have night sweats...sad
    • Posted

      Dear Manuela,

      I am having the same troublesome issues as you ! Anxiety ! I totally relate to this sweetheart, it's extremely lowering isn't it ? Lucky for me I don't have a job but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to go if I did.  I also have Diazepam which I only take very occassionaly, I have started taking Magnesium which is supposed to help you relax therefore sleep, it has helped ! I also take feraglobin iron and B12 in a liquid, helps with fatigue.  I just keep praying it will just go away.

      Debbie x

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