anxieties with menopauses
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I feel like my anxieties are getting worse at times. It seems when I am anxious my bowls leak out with me not even taking a bowl movement. When I was at the movie with my brothers wife and their kids and my boyfriend seeing Annie around 6pm I started feeling like my heart was racing again and feeling like I was going to pass out or just scream like the other day when I was ran up to someone in the building next dooor to our building screaming I'm scared my heart was racing then and I felt like I was going to pass out then I felt so weak and when the fire department came in with me to my Apartment I went to the bathroom and I wiped away some stool that leaked out. Could this be because of a heart problem or what because I feel like I am having flu like symptoms tonight or is this part of peri menopause would like to know i feel like putting myself in the hospital because of all this please help me.
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marlene21102 susan47122
kerry91 susan47122
Sorry you're feeling so bad, I've been there. Marlene is right about the sugar since I've been following a low carb, no sugar diet the anxiety has gone. Sugar also wreaks havoc on your hormones so it stops you from being stable. Look up what excess cortisol does to you during the menopause and you'll have a good idea of what's going on. You can help yourself, try slow paced breathing too, this brings your cortisol down and stops the palpitations. Hang on in there, you're not alone.
jayneejay susan47122
Sorry to read about your symptoms right now, i got the upset tum like that, mine was in the mornings, had to run to the loo, no joke.
Mine eased as peri went on, mine was due to taking the cheap magnesium supplements, which was either magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate as they have laxative effects, and as i took my magnesium before bed, in the morning i was as you described running to the loo.
Since i have changed to chelated magnesium bisglycinate all is fine ..
Only mention incase your taking any magnesium
B6 for anxiety is brill
Big hugs
Jay x
sharcerv52408 susan47122
Later that afternoon I kept feeling weird like my blood sugar level was off. That night I got the worst panic attack with heart palpitations; two them in a row. It left me feeling so drained.
When my period started I kept having digestive issues. I kept getting this tingling sensation in my upper chest that extended to my left arm. On Christmas Eve I couldn't take it anymore and I went to the ER. They did two EKG's, a chest xray, and ran blood tests. All of them We're negative. Thank God but I was still feeling the effects of all of this. Last night, I was so afraid to go to sleep because I didn't want to have another panic attack.
Today, I feel like it is trying to simmer down. But these symptoms are CRAZY and SCARY!
jayneejay sharcerv52408
yes, i relate to that in my peri, blood sugars drop and so did i three times..
hooe your feel better now
jay x
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
Yes I'm feeling tons better today. I think whatever was going on is trying to settle down. Thanks for asking. Hope all is well with you these days too.
nancy0925 sharcerv52408
I've had days like the one you just described. In fact I feel like my sugar drops and I get hot and shaky and have to eat immediately. My gyno recommended keeping some peanut butter crackers on me, the peanut butter helps alot. I have bad digestive issues as well. I also think the amount of sugar I consume is making that worse. I have a fibroid and a cyst on my ovary and it feels like they enlarge and make things worse. I also notice that my periods are becoming more unpleasant, I used to feel relief once it came on but not I feel crappy the week before, during and my periods linger longer. I'm 52 and I keep hoping this period will be the last. It's frustrating. I won't travel anywhere because my flow is so heavy that I have actually bled through my clothes at work. I'm taking all the recommended supplements but do feel that my diet is taking a toll. I have gained a lot of weight and eat too much sugar, especially through the holidays. I'm paying price now with stomach issues.
sharcerv52408 nancy0925
Ruthie49 susan47122
The cinema experience you describe and the bowel symptoms are definitely anxiety. I know it's hard to take and recover from. It's jsut one day at a time. I've had anxiety issues in the past but this peri anxiety feels different. I think the main difference is you cannot predict the panic attacks at all because there is this hormonal rollercoaster setting off adrenalin here there and everywhere. Then on top of that there are all these awful physical symptoms leaving us depleted and more anxious.
I am on the brink of panic right now after another day of feeling spacey and detached with intractable digestion probs and stomach ache. I haven't felt my 'normal' self for two months - every time I go out (or stay in!) I am struggling with how I feel, mentally and/or physically. I just want to be able to forget how I feel, to just live each day UNAWARE of how I feel.
I think Marlene is right - sometimes the best thing to do when you're right in the eye of the panic storm is to just keep telling yourself it's hormones, over and over again. When I'm able to I just try to keep everything as familiar as possible and just keep busy with anything I'm up to doing, even when I feel like I'm just going through the motions of doing it. It's one step and one day at a time but we have to believe this phase WILL pass. Peri, anxiety, depression... none of it can stay the same forever, it WILL shift at some point and we will be in a better place. I keep hoping for this and trying to visualise it too. I also consciously try to remember all the good times I've had and who I was before this hormone storm struck. Keep reminding yourself of the woman you were/are - she is STILL there and waiting to emerge from this suffering. Let's hope 2015 will be the year for it.
jayneejay Ruthie49
agree if you can just accept its peri and the peri hormonal rollacoaster then its easier, i accepted it as it began, i was age 40-41, keep busy and get your mind off it, dwelling is the worst and looking and wating for these attacks, is the worst thing.
for me i shared it, and made all those close to me and around me know i was in menopause, explained how i felt, or that i needed a sit down for a little moment when out, and now 10 years later, ( age 50) i am alot better, still get a blip day, but just tell myself, oh well its menopause reminding me to take it easy today..
it gets better, but being positive helps alot
jay x
marlene21102 Ruthie49
When in meno. It's a bit like cravings when pregnant ,Hormones fluctuating .Worth looking into yeast intake .
Certain times of any month ,my anxiety goes up really high more than the day to day type of anxiety .keep a note if you've seen this pattern ,put it up on a calendar .also if IBS seems far greater at that time .Stress .
sharcerv52408 Ruthie49
debbie12340 Ruthie49
so so sorry your feeling this way 😢 you mentioned before about going to get your hair done, I was wondering if you haven found a way to deal with this ? I'm the same as I said before it's like a vicious cycle for me ! Very time my hair appointment comes round I start to get the feelings of dread like I'm not going to be able to get it done. . . . I used to have my hair coloured and cut every month, now I'm putting it off for longer each time just so I don't have to feel awful 😢😢 it's no fun is it ? I can't help but wonder if this will go once Menopause is reached ? I hope and prey that it will because I don't fancy a life time of this ? If anyone knows if the anxiety goes/ gets better please let me know 🙏😊 x
jayneejay debbie12340
😃 hope you had a nice xmas..
ummmm being 16 months post meno, i will say for me, it gets better, but i dont feel like i did before peri, i just get on with it, or you will end up in a lonely place, i still get blip times post meno, but feel more settled running on low hormones, No HRT for me, dont want it, too high risk, plus want my meno done and ovef natural way. ( personal choice)
but over all i feel quite good, age factor too i am 50 do dont expect to feel 25 anymore.. It gets better, but you have to be positive about it.
boost up on the vital vits and supplements and protect the heart and bones too.
jay x
Ruthie49 debbie12340
How are you feeling at the moment? I've been having a rough time with the anxiety and depression - these spaced out on edge feelings are driving me to tears. Every morning I wake up with palps and feeling shivery and cannot seem to get a moment of peace from ruminating over 'the state I'm in'! Do you get like that? The anxiety seems to have got such a hold on me I can't seem to think of anything else, even when I force myself to do the daily chores and routines I feel this emptiness and constant preoccupation about my symptoms. I also have health anxieties I'm too scared to even mention about why my head feels so fatigued and full of cotton wool. I'm only on day 14 of my cycle and my breasts are so tender again, this reassures me in a way that hormones are playing a huge part. Part of me feels sure, from everything I've read, that all these symptoms must be part of peri but there's this niggling doubt the whole time that something more catastrophic must be happening in my brain or nervous system for me to feel like this because I feel so strange and not myself. I so want to just snap out of this mood/anxiety cycle and be back to my old self but it's as though my body won't let me.
Sorry if I sound negative. I'm holding on to hope for the future but at teh moment this is just going on day after day.
marlene21102 debbie12340
jayneejay marlene21102
this anxiety can take over, i have been there, but if you push yourself, once your at the hairdresser you will enjoy it, feel refreshed and be really pleased you did after ..
this is what i found, i would put things off, then i had a word with myself, then after i actually did these things i felt so pleased, enjoyed it and wondered why i had not just done it anyway
mind over matter sometimes, dont get in the deep rut..
jay x
marlene21102 jayneejay
debbie12340 Ruthie49
I'm so sorry to hear you've not been good ! I know that spaced out feeling you mention I have that to . . . Got a really bad headache today, seem to get one day a month when I have it all day and it just won't go 😢 I do get palps quite often but I try and ignore it . . . I'm sure your symtoms are just peri, but if worrying you that much maybe you should get checked ? maybe it would give you peace of mind ? If only dealing with Anxiety was as some suggest mind over matter . . . Unfortunately the symtoms make me feel very unwell !
If I didn't have the anxiety I would be so happy ! I don't like the other symtoms but they don't get me down.
You don't sound negative sweetheart ! It's hard to be upbeat when you feel like crap day in and day out . . . Sending you a big hug xx
Ruthie49 debbie12340
I know what you mean about getting checked, I think it's importatnt to rule out other causes, as much for our peace of mind as anything. The trouble is I've had so many tests in the last three months and all have come back clear so my gp is convinved everything is anxiety/depression/peri. I've been having some dizzy spells for a couple of years which the gp diagnosed as benign positional vertigo, other symptoms she's related to peri.
But this recent bad episode of anxiety all started two months ago when I seemed ot have some kind of stomach bug and ended up in hospital for three nights having all kinds of endoscopies and blood tests. It was very stressful but all came back clear (though I still have upper stomach pain and digestive probs). My gp virtually said 'I told you so' because she thought it was all anxiety to start with. I know a lot of it is anxiety/peri but I can't help the health anxieties too. Last time I saw her I mentioned my concerns about brain diseases etc (as I was having a lot of nausea then too) but she just points out that I have this typical anxiety habit of ruling out one cause only to start worrying about another. I can see that pattern too but I can't help it. My stomach was the main thing worrying me a month or two ago but now it's my head as I have this spacey/detached feeling every day which I also know can happen with chronic anxiety.
Like you, I feel I could deal with the physical stuff if the anxiety would lift and I could just be free of worry - it's become constant lately.
Big hugs to you too. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS! xxx
debbie12340 Ruthie49
let me reassure you I have the dizzy/vertigo too ! Infact that's exactly how mine all started about 8 years ago ! Had an MRI scan because thought something was serious must be wrong !! Thank goodness it wasn't, now I realise so many ladies on here have the same thing, so we can't all be wrong ? At the time I had know idea it could be a peri symptom . . . . Oh yes how I long for the day when I can say ' I feel like me again' . . . Hugs again Debbie xx
debbie12340 marlene21102
What at a releif to read I'm not the only one with the hair appointment problem !! It's so reassuring to finds u out your not nuts and it affects other ladies as well !!
hugs Debbie x
marlene21102 debbie12340
jayneejay debbie12340
i use to get a thumping head near the end of peri, every time a period was due, lasted for 4 days and nights solid.
thats how i knew after skipping months of periods one was coming, felt very sickly too..
marlene21102 debbie12340
What I do and have had for past 9 years ,is what I call a Hollow feeling .just below your boobs ,in between .Get that quite a lot .comes on out of nowhere ,even if I've eaten .Never worked that one out .
So Debbie were not nuts ,crazy etc .makes you sure feel it though .
The list Jay found is good to the symptoms .Now just want her to get us the cure ,and bottle it . hugs to you to Debbie xxx
debbie12340 marlene21102
its ts a relief isnt it when you read that some one else has the same thing as you ! I'm torn really I know it would be easier to just not bother getting it done, but then I would start to feel a mess ? Maybe I should try colouring it myself, I'd probably make a mess of it though !! I find it very frustrating because up until 5 months ago it wasn't a problem for me at all, so I don't understand it ?? Maybe it will just go who knows . . . . Debbie x
debbie12340 jayneejay
Maybe it's a sign that I'm coming towards the end ? Fingers crossed . . . Oh the joys of being a woman.
Deb x
sharcerv52408 Ruthie49
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
jayneejay sharcerv52408
also chelated magnesium .. I take solgar chelated
google chelated magnesium and heart health and heart palpitations
jay xx
Because magnesium is active in so many different processes in your body, magnesium deficiency symptoms are varied and can include:
Insomnia, Anxiety, hyperactivity, restlessness, Constipation, Muscle spasms, twitches, soreness, Difficulty swallowing, Back aches, Headaches, Chest tightness and difficulty breathing, Heart palpitations, High blood pressure, Extreme fatigue, Osteoporosis..
also craving of chocolate can be a sign
jay xx
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
nancy0925 jayneejay
sharcerv52408 nancy0925
nancy0925 sharcerv52408
jayneejay nancy0925
i dont take zinc so cant really say..
i only take magnesium thats Chelated too
and Calcium and Vit D in one ( Natecal)
so we take different types
jay x