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My anxiety seems to be getting worse. The last 3 days have been really bad. I can be feeling fairly good, and then out of no where the anxiety will hit me. I feel like I can't really catch my breath. It feels like my heart is beating really fast. It makes me start worrying that I have something wrong with my heart. Then I get more anxious!
Does anyone else have the anxiety that seems to just come on fast.? If so, please describe how it makes you feel?
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Toddpodd kim27003
susan44502 kim27003
You seem to be getting caught up in a fear cycle, this has happened because the feelings of anxiety are so strong and unpleasant that you are now worrying about it happening again and also lserching for reasons to why it's happening.
All of the symptoms associated with anxiety are triggered by our mindful state, fear cannot take place in a calm and relaxed mind and body.
I can assure you your heart is well and you are being tricked by your nervous system.
Look up on the internet Dr Claire Weeks she was a master in this area. Practice mindfulness to help bring calm to your mind and body, the Headspace app on your smart phone is brilliant. And lastly the next time you feel anxious just let it sweep over you, breathe deeply and don't pay it any attention.
Take care Kim you will get through this xxx
jayneejay kim27003
try some Mega B complex vitamins with 100mg B6 in that helps alot ...
Jay xx
Tracky kim27003
Bouncyville kim27003
Tazchurch Bouncyville
Someone else had said that they find it helpful to match their breathing to their dogs, who seems to realise what is happening and changes how they pant/breathe accordingly.
jayneejay Bouncyville
laughing at what you said ... but like you say it works so why not ...
think i will have to visit asda on my next uk trip see all this staff hugging going on ... 😃😃😃😃
take care bouncy
jay xx
jayneejay Tazchurch
a paper bag is good too, breath in and out...
a friend of mine used a paper bag... noisey but very good..
jay jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Thank you soooo much for all your responses, and kind words. Anxiety seems a bit better today. I have read all your responses, and will certainly give the suggestions a try.
Susan, I intend to look up the information you suggested. I will admit that once the anxiety starts, all the "what if" thinking starts. I get myself really worked up to a point I feel I am going mad. Start thinking stuff like "what will happen to my family if I die". "Do I have everything in order so they do not have to worry about thnigs". It starts to consume my every thought. Which makes me focus that much more on all my body symptoms. Vicious cycle.
Again, thank you all so much. You are all truly kind and supportive.
Hugs to all...
jayneejay kim27003
anxiety is not nice .. i had all these doom thoughts and thought awful were waiting to happen etc... it does pass hun
B6 sorts this... take a good Mega B 100mg Complex time realease capsule, lashings of B Vits ( make sure it is the better one, containing 100mg of B6) and all the other B' s in it..
B12 excellent for energy boost... choose the higher Jattows 5000mcg B12 red label
B6 lifted all my anxiety, never had a problem with the anxiety after taking it daily for 5 months now and ongoing.. been amazing
jay x
jayneejay kim27003
should read Jarrows ... ( not jattows) Dohhhhhhh
maybe theres a supplement to help me not cock my spelling up on ipads 😀
take care Jay xx
Toddpodd kim27003