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So I went to the doctors again with this yesterday and he said that it sounded like anxiety with the breathing and tight chest. Had it again this morning now sending me for ecg just to check it out. He then sayis that if I get it again phone 999 as they will then be able to see what is happening at the time of having it. Not sure I am confident about that at the moment with the way that things are with our nhs. They have been great to me amd my family but. ...
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Indifferent joanne29680
Does it feel like you can't get a deep enough breath in?
joanne29680 Indifferent
linda61015 joanne29680
I think anxiety is such a huge part of of what we are going through and the medical profession are not really able to deal with it.
I am anxious all the time and don't have any medical reasons behind it but you can't dismiss the affects that hormones have on your body. I have felt like I'm dying so many times and think that I have a life threatening disease but in fact it's just anxiety.
I hope you feel better soon and I understand.
Linda xxxx
I think we all want answers to our problems but sometimes there are not answers availibleĀ
Sorry just my experience to peri-menopause, its just our hormones playing horrible games with us.
I totally understand what you are all going through
Love to you all xxxx
maria101 joanne29680
Hi Joanne,I'm like you Asthmatic back in August I had to call Ambulance out because I couldn't breath and they said it was Anxiety attack so me you together
Since going through the menopause I think it has make my breathing at times bit worst nothing major but can be frighten when you suffer with Asthma....I make sure I have my inhalers
I recently had a cold and when it goes kn my chest and turn of phelm that too ain't good,went to the doctor but did nothing although they know you can get infections now that scares me too.
But by the grace of god I put my hands in his and ask him for help we will over come Anxiety one day.
pinkcatfairy joanne29680
Dear Joanne
Anxiety can make your chest feel tight and you feel like you're breathing shallow but even when I haven't felt anxious in peri, I have had the breathlessness that can be another symptom, at times I felt breathless even when I was talking! Thankfully it did pass x
liz67338 joanne29680
Hi Joanne
I also experience this triggered mainly whenever im in hot poorly ventilated places but also buses and cars. Its so scary because it totally feels like somethimg extremely bad is going to happen or im going to collapse or faint. I ended up with a full blown panic attack at work becauae of it (have had loads of tests all norma
l) i was more worried as hadn't heard from anyone going through menopause that had the sant thing.
i only seem to get temporary relief from spending a couple of hours in the sauna whenever I can, nothing else seems to work. Hope we get better soon been dealing with this for 3 years now. Take care x