Posted , 12 users are following.
How many women have experienced Anxiety because of menopause? I am 49 and have bad Anxiety for a few years. Every tells me it's because of my changes. Anyone else???
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Posted , 12 users are following.
How many women have experienced Anxiety because of menopause? I am 49 and have bad Anxiety for a few years. Every tells me it's because of my changes. Anyone else???
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maria76995 Guest
Guest maria76995
It started when I started getting heart palpitations. I thought something was wrong with my heart. Had test done and all is ok with my heart. Now I seem to worry about every little thing. Not a care in the world in my 20's and 30's. I hit my 40's and BAM everything changes. I sometimes just feel on edge a uneasy feeling deep inside. If I dwell on hit an anxiety attack will occur. My throat gets tight which frightens me. I am afraid of the anxiety attacks basically. It's the worst feeling in the world.
maria76995 Guest
Hi Dorothy, same here,if I worry all my throat I can't swallow so I know what your talking about to well..yes it's the worst feeling you got it,are you now starting to go through this, I'm leaving perimeno behind shortly and scared of what else is in front of me, I only got to get the heart starts off I'm getting use to it but if I studying it as you said Anixety kicks in..I just hope for all our sakes I just go back where it came from.
juanita93228 Guest
That was me. Not a care in the world, all the way into my late 40's then BAM! Worried about everything! Prayer helps and I'm going to start exercising again because I really noticed a difference when I was exercising regularly. I take a mild antidepressant called Trazodone and have Valium for the really crazy days! 😂😂😂
paisleygirl Guest
Willow1992 paisleygirl
Thats how mine started too in my middle 30's about a year after my son was born. I was 100% ok before that. Not a care in the world and never a worrier or anxious person. I often wonder is it post natal anxiety. Does anyone know anything about this or is there such a thing??
maria76995 paisleygirl
Hi paisleygirl, you so lucky 10 years in post and better I which I was you girl,I'm shortly there so I pray I feel better even if its just few days at a I felt awful out because I'm aware of myself most days wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
paisleygirl maria76995
Hi Maria I still get the occasional palpitations its been happening this past week and its uncomfortable or my heart does flip flops everything was checked out and all fine if I let it though it will make the anxiety flare too so I just keep telling myself been here before and know it will pass and it settles eventually...there is light at the end of the tunnel though 😉
ImagineOneDay Willow1992
Dear Willow, I was wondering about exactly the same thing. I was in my late 30's when I had my daughter. Is becaming a parent makes one anxious? Or is it just you&me and some others? Or hormons or age? ??
maria76995 paisleygirl
ImagineOneDay Guest
amanda59745 Guest
Hi Dorothy i am 46 nearly 47, periods started to change 2 yeas ago none missed but some closer together some further apart. I started with anxiety then and have had good times with no anxiety but at the moment i am feeling terrible. I don't have palpatations but get a tight throat, feel nauseous and edgy, i seem to cry every day and have had 2 panic attacks in a the past few weeks. I have developed sever health anxiety and every twinge makes me think i have some awful disease. I am awaiting a Gynae appointment as now experiencing painful periods and pain when not having a period but have a fibroid which, my GP says is small. So i am thinking is it from the fibroid or some awful disease or cancer or???? I am now going to the loo daily to open my bowels which, is not normal for me is this anxiety of some disease. I hate feeling like this i never used to fret about things. Will an antidepressant help?
maria76995 amanda59745
Hi Amanda, I too get that funny throat business I can't get upset or cry because if I do I feel like a chocking, you mention you have a fibroid I had one 5 years ago and was small and I had out because it made me bleed so bad, I couldn't wait for the menopause to shrink that no way I would been here the way how it did me, had no iron, we all get that health aniexty thinking we all got something dreadful, if I get excited I get worst can't enjoy myself, you mustn't cry I understand I also had panic attacks in my sleep it always wait till I'm in bed to attack me..always remember we are going to come out of it with flying colours be strong it could only get better with time (((((((hugs)))))))xx
Guest amanda59745
Hi Amanda,
I am on antidepressants they don't help me. I still get Anxiety on them. Tried getting off them and it is very hard. Bad side effects which starts up my anxiety. I take Xanax when my anxiety gets out of control which helps calm me down. I get light headed at times which makes me nervous but all test come out normal. Hate feeling this way too. I feel.your pain!
amanda59745 maria76995
Struggling50 amanda59745
I take an antidepressant and it doesn't help my anxiety at all. I think antidepressants do not work on this type of anxiety because this type of anxiety is caused by estrogen and progesterone and testosterone fluctuations. Antidepressants work on serotonin and/ or norepinephrine.
juanita93228 Struggling50
You're correct. My doctor put me on an antidepressant because my serotonin levels were low. The benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Ativan etc.) are anti anxiety. Anxiety and depression are two different things and it annoys me when doctors give you an antidepressant and tell you it will also help with anxiety. For some people it works, but in most peri and menopausal antidepressants don't help the anxiety. I do take my antidepressant daily, but not the Valium. I put tumeric in my food, pray, and I am going to start exercising again.