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Who is being challenged with anxiety.... And what are your coping

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Keeping busy, exercise, talking with family and friends..  I take a few supplements and they may help some also-- not sure.   I have to take it day by day otherwise my mind goes crazy.
    • Posted

      Thankfully it only happens a couple times a month feeling really anxious and some what light headed. I do alot of deep breathing among other things to help me.. I try to do as much laughing as possible and staying away stressful situations
  • Posted

    Yes, for me anxiety is the worse symptom, it comes and goes but on the bad days I try and ensure I have things planned to distract myself, and I do a lot of walking - I walk everywhere! That helps, and I have a hot bath at night and read and try and stay away from the news or anything that could make it worse, I watch trash tv like the kardashians etc ! The worst is in the middle of the night when I wake up sweating with palpitations, that’s when I come on to this forum to reassure myself I can cope x
    • Posted

      I can feel light-headed along with the anxiety.. for instance I was at the gym this morning and ended my session early.. sometimes I don't know whether to get mad or cry or

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      Walking is a great help - I walk everywhere, too!
  • Posted

    Hi Christie,

    I've found menopause anxiety worse than regular anxiety, it's more intense and harder to rationalize away. When it gets real bad it helps to talk to someone who you trust, sometimes saying your fears out loud puts the crazy thouhgts into perspective. I've also gone to a naturalpathic dr. who gave me a herb called ashwagandha, it was a huge help!

    • Posted

      Thankfully in the midst of the challenging anxiety moments I do alot of deep breathing which I find helps some and I will definitely find out about herb you suggested...
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    Watching funny shows and movies, resting as much as possible, and avoiding other people's drama (family and coworkers, specifically) as much as I can... cutting back on sugar has also helped.

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      Amen to avoiding drama... lol thankfully in my personal life I don't have any drama but sometimes work is a different story but I'm also very blessed with work that I can get out of that situation if need be

  • Posted

    Hi Christie - I have found that when I start to feel anxious, I take Rescue Remedy & use lavender oil all over my temples and inside my wrists & I listen to an anxiety app on my favorite is Headspace, but there are a few like Mindsail, Inner Balance, MindShift & Panic Relief to name a few - hope that helps - 

    • Posted

      Rescue Remedy and lavender oil are both great; I use them sometimes.  Very interested in these apps and plan to try them!
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    The deep breathing helps and keeping busy. I have to get out of the house everyday and do anything. I have become afraid to go to sleep though, due to the palpitations. They are the worse for me.
    • Posted

      Your right keeping busy really does
  • Posted

    me too,but one thing that keep me moving is being positive no matter what
    • Posted

      I am determined to do that and I laugh😀😀😀😀

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