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I feel alot of anxiety some of the time... once a week...but it gets out of control... my husband is gone most of the time...long distance truck driver, and I think the worst when he is gone... It seems to control me...he reassures me often, but at times I go crazy with anxiety. Not sure how to cope... 


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19 Replies

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    My husband does the same quiet talk and rubs my back reassures me that I’m ok .  Have your tried talking to your doctor?  If your not on a SSRI this might help.  I have had anxiety for several years now since perimenopause now two years without and have symptoms randomly.  
    • Posted

      Thank you for your suggestions... I will be seeing my dr... but not for another 2 weeks.....  I’m just scared this will never end!!!
  • Posted

    Hi malaine, Sorry to hear that is happening to you, it use to happen to me because i live alone with my teenage son and i do feel that way in the middle of the night.but what i does is find some gosple songs on line and sing and pray. and maybe you could fine a friend you can call and chat with whenever it happen. Check your health food store and look for Estroven . if you are in the US it is at waltmart. hang in there my sister it will get better.lots of hug.

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    You are not alone. My husband also travel w the Navy and my ansiety is worse when he is gone and I do get health ansiety when he is gone and he will be leaving in Nov for 7 months and I’m not looking foward to it.  I’m here in this forum and I get comfort with you guys . 

    • Posted

      Thank you for you response.... it’s nice  knowing im not alone .... I see my husband 6 days a month.... and I work 2 if them.... 
    • Posted

      It is hard when the husband is not around. My husband is been gone now since April 10 and is coming tomorrow and leave again in June for a month and come back and on until he leave! And November is the big one and I’m just scare!! Ansiety is no joke.  We are not alone and you can PM me . I’m station in VA and I don’t have that many ppl I can express what I’m feeling and not everybody understands. 
    • Posted

      Thank you for responding so quickly.... I seem to get in a bad way more often now... I hope we can communicate together and share our fears and doubts.... and whatever the situation...hopefully good moments as well.
    • Posted

      Indeed! A lot of women deal with it alone and no family near or friends. I found this forum and it has been a blessing I though i was going crazy with this symptoms and doctor not recognizing perimenopause and when I found this forum and I was like oh ok I’m not the only one feeling a certain way. 

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      I run my own business and for some years now, if a tiny problem comes along, say a light isn’t working and I need to call out an electrician, I get so anxious about it.  I put it off, which makes it worse, rather than dealing with it straight away.  I realise my anxiety is irrational - my husband has the world on his shoulders and deals with it in a much more methodical manner.

      i think THE most important thing is having someone to talk to about it - someone who experiences the same thing and can really understand what you’re going through.  I have lovely friends who listen to me and try to understand but if they’re not experiencing the same thing I can see a blank look on their faces and that’s no good.

      This forum is a source of comfort to me - I’m so glad I found it

  • Posted

    Can definitely relate. When my husband is abroad it is much more difficult and lonely. Not easy. Whoever has a husband gone for half a year,but cannot imagine how you deal with that.
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      Trust me.... I’m not doing very well
    • Posted

      It is very hard. It takes 2 to comunícate and a very understanding spouse.  My husband is in the Navy and it is hard and  Our families that is far away. My health anxiety is worse at the time he is gone for 7 months. And when he is home they do work ups that goes from weeks to months and I try not to bombard him with my perimenopause issues.  And this forum keeps me good and I know I’m not going cucú and get some comfort from you guys

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