Posted , 9 users are following.
"no amount of anxiety is going to make any difference to anything that is going to happen"alan for thought being an anxiety sufferer myself post sort of clicked xxx
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Posted , 9 users are following.
"no amount of anxiety is going to make any difference to anything that is going to happen"alan for thought being an anxiety sufferer myself post sort of clicked xxx
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Takingtime christine66659
So true! I have always battled anxiety on and off since my teens, but I was always able to push through. I find now in my forties the anxiety becomes more intense and on occasion debilitating. I do miss the days where a simple appointment or a simple outing or visit was not a HUGE deal like it seems to be now. For the most part I keep on pressing through because I don't want it to overtake my life, but when the physical symptoms surface that is when it gets more difficult.
christine66659 Takingtime
hi i know that one to well .had horfic health anxiety last year..wouldnt go out on my own stay on my own.sleep on my own..developed into chronic insomnia.which the last 3 mths has gone. still get days when i feel anxious but always get up and go out.dont rush around for anyone no more..or put pressure on myself π
heather29740 christine66659
Never let anybody tell you anxiety is not debilitating it ruins relationships, lives and its the hardest thing to explain to others who think they know what your going through. They know sweet FA they aren't you.
I have health anxiety and no amount of ignorant friends, family and know all's can make me feel better when I'm at my worse.
I am sick of apologizing for being anxious, it's an illness and no amount of worrying will change it as you said, but try telling your head that when you when you are at your worst.
christine66659 heather29740
you sound really not dismissing anxiety..i know to well the devestating effects myself and for my daughter who has autism and tourettes..its so sad we have to suffer as we do..much love to you π
maxinecarla christine66659
Hi Christine, I am 54 and was suffering really bad with anxiety due to the menopause. I am now on 200mg of Sertraline per day and am anxiety free.
christine66659 maxinecarla
sertraline made me to hyper πcant take it or hrt..put me in hospital πxxx
ImagineOneDay christine66659
How many mg were you on? I was given 50mg a day but haven't started taking it yet in case it makes me worse. So it is adding anxiety on top of my current anxiety. Sending hugs
christine66659 ImagineOneDay
50 mgs made me more anxious..really hyper and took it for 3 days..had cbt instead for helped a lot but couldnt help with declining hormones..i just pushed through and anxiety faded for about six yrs until last year...did have a lot going on in personal life which didnt
lori93950 ImagineOneDay
i think its designed more for depression so the hyper feeling is probably to get you out of bed and moving
christine66659 lori93950
i wasnt depressed just anxious..therapist said you can have anxiety without depression but to much anxiety can make you low..when i did feel down it wasnt like low mood i had before from ptsd..i know true depression when two of my boys died..there was no pill for that either..ive never took meds..tried.they are not for me ..i think meno is constant stress on the body which feels similiar to depression but isnt...its a natural change..just like puberty and pregnancy..if we think about women have been through it all our lifes and been fine π
ImagineOneDay christine66659
So SORRY to hear about your boys. So SAD...
maxinecarla christine66659
Oh no! How long was you on Setraline?
lori93950 christine66659
yes i have terrible anxiety its not worth the trauma trying to get to places ... i was doing a bit better but then got ebv on top of meno .. so made it worse.
have sertraline pills but not tried them yet.... i dont want to be hyper !! i only lasted on lexapro 3 days heart beating out of my chest ... maybe these drugs are all the same .
christine66659 lori93950
citalopram made my heart race in thank you xx im ten yrs poat meno now x anxiety only symptom that really lingered for me x
ps one day at at time..accept your going to feel different everyday..its a massive change for the body...if you dont want to do things dont do them..thats how i live..i dont do toxic people or stress..i even stopped cooking for a while coz my kids were older they started making their own dinners and really helping pressure..i became selfish because i had look after myself.i needed that time to recover even gave my job thing i ever much is expected of women in general..time to say no and live well xx