anxiety again!!!
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Hi again ladies , i know many of us suffer with anxiety at this awful time in our lives, but it is hard to be rational when i feel so anxious. I was in the bath and happened to notice my upper abdomen moving/pulsing . I have been having aches under both ribs recently and decided to google( stupid of me ) freaking out!!!!. I now think my abdominal aortic valve is bulging causing the pulsing i can see. Can any of you lovely ladies also see their abdomen pulsing when you lay down just below the diaphragm, it is really worrying me. I am also having bowel problems ie bloating and going more often but, i am eating a lot more fruit than i used to. Thanks in advance.
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Guest amanda59745
Hi Amanda, NO I haven't noticed that and I'm NOT going to look! lol!
I think your pulsing probably has more to do with your bowel issues and maybe you have some rolling gas in there. If you are worried, call the doctor, but I really think you are OK. I try to complete ignore every new thing that pops up right now because I know my hormones are totally wonky. And I don't want to go down the anxiety rabbit hole again. I think that just made everything so much worse for me. Don't do it Amanda!
I'm glad you are eating fruit, that's so good for you. Since I don't have a gall bladder (casualty due to my anxiety) some fruit can go right through me, maybe that's what's going on with you? Try and eat it after a meal.
lana07071 amanda59745
amanda59745 lana07071
annie-mae amanda59745
Hi Amanda,
Yes, I know exactly what you mean, and I can see exactly the same thing. I'm lying on my bed right now and I can see the pulsing just below my diaphragm... I honestly think it's always there, it's just when you get hyper-sensitive and SEE it, you can't un-see it and the anxiety goes into overdrive. I get this thing where my body seems to go into slow motion and 'freeze' for a split second (I can't describe it) and that freaks me out, too, and makes me assume all kinds of things - but 2.5 years on, I'm still here to grumble, so I try to tell myself its all hormones!! Big hugs!! Annie
amanda59745 annie-mae
ImagineOneDay amanda59745
Hi Amanda YES, YES YES. ; It feels as if my heart is in my abdomen. Last year my GP was very concerned that I may have abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)! They referred me to and MRI scan. One night before the appointment it was so bad along with other symptoms I ended up in A&E thinking it was a bout to burst and had an MRI scan. They even prepared all my veins for a possible operation in case I came out of MRI with a confirmation. But thank goodness it was all normal. Before meno I never ever had anything like that. When I lie down I feel my abdomen going up and down very fast. So scary. Especially if you push it down with your hand you feel the force. It is still the same. Time to time it still freaks me out despite being given all clear. Hope yours is the same and nothing to worry. But I think it might be best to get it checked. All the best
amanda59745 ImagineOneDay
Kersh66 amanda59745
Hi Amanda I understand your fears totally because last year I convinced myself of all sorts of dire diseases I googled every symptom and what a state I got myself into!!!! Just DON'T google I'm all for gaining knowledge about our bodies but it really takes you down a path to feelings of impending gloom and doom if you are not in the right place in your head at that moment of reading whatever potentially life threatening illness it might be ...those weird and wonderful powerful hormones distort so much in our heads well they did me and still try to do now but I literally let it wash over me it's sooooh hard at times I know but I refuse to feel scared all the time it's such a massive drain on our precious energy!! Maybe you are pushing out so much adrenaline with anxiety your strong resilient heart is having to pump a bit more than usual which then makes you feel more anxious which sends out more surging of more adrenaline it's just a cycle and you can break it !!! Everything from the neck down on my body looks weird these days it's all gone North ,South East and West I've had strange rashes on my legs funny looking skin things I do not recognise myself anymore but hey it's all ok we will all get through this and come out the other end !!! If you are really worried seek some advice but honestly I'm sure you are absolutely fine !!!
Anyway take care sister I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow do time to take my cellulite ridden backside to bed!
Nighty nite all the best !! X
amanda59745 Kersh66
Kersh66 amanda59745
PS The bloating and acid reflux are typical at this time too!! Having to deal with awful acid reflux which just hit out of the blue !!! At least we are all out here to support eachother and that's so lovely !
jc__16362 amanda59745
I’m currently going through an overhaul - to check everything is okay. Ultrasound found nothing to worry about - but then I’m thinking about all the things that can go wrong with your body that aren’t going to be detected by blood tests, ultrasound, colonoscopy and gastroscopy, stool sample. And even if these tests covered everything that could be wrong, six months down the line I’m going to be worrying that something could be growing since then!
Why am I so worried??? Each sad story I hear really saddens me. Every tragedy I read about in the news makes me think ‘i’m next’. I would really like to switch off and just enjoy this life while I can. I’m 54 now and healthy and fit (ish). I accept that things are slowly going to get worse from here - aches and pains. I suppose this is a new chapter and we’ve all got to get used to it.
amanda59745 jc__16362
pinkcatfairy amanda59745
If your worried just get it checked out, health anxiety was horrible for me in peri, where I lost weight due to gastitis I got fixated on bones in my feet which I seemed to notice and muscles in my arm which stuck out more due to weight loss, I got things checked out which helped with the anxiety xx
lana07071 amanda59745
Although it would s always wise to get things checked out instead of ignoring, it can cause more anxiety because often more screenings are done and if something is found, which is probably nothing but needs to be checked just to make sure it leads to more tests. I'm in this whirlwind and anxiety is uncontrollable because I'm constantly being sent for more checks. I've had a lump biopsy in breast after mammo and US, all was fine. I had biopsy of uterine lining due to post menopause bleeding, all was fine. I bled again, had a hysteroscopy and biopsy, all was fine. Then I got dizziness for a year now. I had an MRI and they found no reason for dizziness but found a benign tumor that either will be just monitored or will be removed, don't know yet, and certain bone changes. So I need a CT head and bone scan....I'm trying hard to keep my routine but actually inside I'm a huge mess of panic. I'm thankful that so far everything has been fine, and lucky so far. But it leaves me traumatized. Still, countt blessings. Some have it much worse. Meditation helps even when it seems impossible that anything can help.
amanda59745 lana07071