Anxiety.. Anyone else had similar symptoms??
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Hello, I wrote the other day about my Mum passing and now my Grandad. Up until that happening, I had a happy, normal life. Yeah I was a quiet kid but I wasn't anxious or depressed. I mentioned that when I was half asleep I'd hear someone talking making no sense, just random words.. Even tho there was nobody there. I was sat in my Nan's house and I heard someone muttering.. Any littke noise I've heard I've needed reassurance that other people have heard it too.. I rang my doctors and they said it's anxiety and stress, because I kept asking him is it skitzofrenia lol.. I worry a lot about my health and if I'm going crazy.. Just to put my mind at rest has anyone else experienced similar symptoms through anxiety and stress? Thank you.
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laurie93043 abbie10647
abbie10647 laurie93043
sabrina1971 abbie10647
kristi63 abbie10647
abbie10647 kristi63
It is good to know that I'm not going crazy lol, anxiety has such a massive impact on the brain, it's unbelievable how much it actually does.
Anxiety and stress are horrible, I would not wish this on anyone. It's good to speak to people who understand you and what your going through. I am on 40mg Propranalol and 10mg Citalopram.. I just wish life would get better. Hope your ok and keep intouch x
shaznay96184 abbie10647
Sorry to hear of your loses. Been there, done all that, would not wish that feeling of loss on anyone.
I suspect you are a lot younger than me - I'm 54+. Had lost both parents & both in-laws by age of 44. We both felt like orphaned kids - a bit lost.
But I suspect a lot of my early Peri symptoms began and i associated them as purely grieving/bereavement.
Have to say, unlike you, I have always been an OTT hothead - come from a family of them in fact! So anxiety and stress was nothing new to me.
I did go to the Doc just after my father-in-law passed, and went into one, ranting about heavy periods, needing HRT - then burst into tears, blubbing on about my loss. What happened next changed my whole coping mechanism. The Doc quietly said what I was actually experiencing was bereavement, and it was a necessary part acknowledging the loss of a loved one.
She offered to refer me to a bereavement counseller but dya know what, I felt instantly relieved just to have off-loaded to her, a stranger to a degree, as it was just me, my husband and our poor teenage son dealing with this sh*t by ourselves.
She didn't offer any meds which I was grateful for, and I declined the counselling, but just talking to someone about my loss who wasn't related to us was great.
Have you the opportunity to speak to someone outside the family? Believe me, talking and blubbing are great therapy and put things into perspective somewhat.
I'm anti-Meds generally, so would not have been something for me personally. My husband took his loss terribly, in fact 10yrs on he misses his dad so much still. He said the other day that he thinks he's sorta out of grieving....sorta. I beg to differ: he will NEVER get over his loss (father's only child), but I understand that.
We talk, talk, talk about our parents daily - they were great parents.
Maybe go see your GP, tell them of your losses and how you are feeling/ your experiences. Its likely they will offer you meds: who knows, they may be exactly what you need......for now.
I feel very anxious at the mo (sold Business/family home/Business premises so MASSIVE life-changing episode for us in our 50s!!!), so even though I've bled for most of July, I have bigger fish to fry - my Peri has taken a backseat. When we find a new home (relocating 140m away from our son/few family), we'll both settle down......and I'll address this bloody Red Devil once and for all and may actually decide to go see a new GP to talk about my ever-so-long Perimenopause (still bleeding regularly by and large).
Stay on this site. You'll get fantastic advice (not necessarily from me!) but more importantly you'll feel supported. Its great for that.
Chin up Kiddo, how you're feeling will pass. Just a shame we lose people we love at a really emotional time for us to try to cope with.
S xx
PS - I'd say our saving grace through everything we've had to cope with has definitely been our sense of humour. So try to keep laughing and loving :-)
abbie10647 shaznay96184
Yes I am only 19, and I worry an awful lot. I lost my Mum at 16 and lost my Grandad a week ago today, I just feel numb about everything but my anxiety has taken over. My Nan says if I could have a big cry instead of bottling things up I'd feel a lot better. I am on 40mg Propranalol and 10mg Citalopram. It sounds like your very anxious too and suffer from thus horrible illness. I am new to all this so I'm still figuring out how posts and replies work lol. Keep intouch and good luck to you and your family xx
shaznay96184 abbie10647
My first lose, almost like you, was my Dad when I was 20. I was the last of 5 living at home: had to grow up well fast! It was me and my mum living in a 4-bed house. I sorta took over the running of the place (my mum wasn't in much of a fit state, love her heart). My dad did everything: paid the bills, DIY....everything. I even had to teach my mum how to write cheques, pay the bills etc.
Not a great time, no. But do you know what: its probably defined me as a person more than I want to admit. I became my own 'person' very young, made and stood by my own decision, whether right or wrong. But definitely made me confident and assertive.
Me and my ol' man had our first mortgage at the ages of 20&21(!), and we just got on with life. Both had good jobs, great social lives, mates and family nearby.
My family, in my opinion, are very much 'salt-of-the-earth'-type of people: nothing much bothers them, tell it as it is, and laugh our way through things.
Citalopram is something I am indirectly very aware of: my eldest sister (72) has L/T mental health issues. Such is life. But all us sisters talk about our mum and dad with love and a smile on our faces because, as they say, 'Time is a Great Healer' and I'd vouch for that.
I'm with your Nan on having a good ol' blub, get all the sh*t out of your system and always remember tomorrow is another day.
Just one question: How come you came to 'The Wrinkly Old Birds Moaning about their Peri/Menopause Symptoms' Forum'? I for one would love to be 19 all over again. We want some of your Elixir of Life Kid!!
Given my time i would do some things differently (like keep up the netball that I loved; stick to that diet I started in 1982; persevere with contact lenses and probably would have had more kids, had I not had a Business that kept me too busy to scratch my ar*e!!), but I'm still with my best pal, the man I married 32yrs ago, and in our heads we are 18 anyway.
Chin up - and listen to your Nan. She's your best pal, I suspect, and the one who wants the best for you.
susan21149 abbie10647
Can't you do something to get your mind off yourself. Volunteer your time help someone in need
Read a book, do some writing, go for a walk talk to someone. Do not stay in the house all day get out and move around
Go out and meet a friend because i can not be in the house all day long or my anxieties will be bad and i will be worring about this or that and yes i do have a tendency of doing that and its not fun
You are not going crazy you are probably depressed since you lost your mom and your anxieties are getting the best of you
Like i say do something to keep busy
abbie10647 susan21149