Anxiety at an all time high
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Hello Lovelies,
First I hope everyone is healthy and avoiding this virus!!
This is more of a venting post to distract my anxiety. As if menopause isn't bad enough, I just got a call from my hubby's nursing home, they've been hit by the virus... I'm beyond terrified. My hubby has massive brain damage from an accident 16 yrs ago. He's a total care patient, meaning he can do absolutely nothing for himself, he breathes on his own but he can't talk or communicate in any way, hes given his meds and liquid food thru 2 different feeding tubes, he can't move, he wears adult diapers. He's had pneumonia over 50 times in the last 16 years and has congestive heart failure from having 2 back to back cardiac arrests after the accident, so to say he's high risk is an understatement. The home won't tell me if the employees that are sick handled him. He is awake and alert but trapped in his head, he smiles, cries, and responds to me and tries to talk, to no avail. I haven't been able to see him in a month bc of the virus and I'm beyond terrified!! My anxiety is taking over right now, I can't decide if the hot flashes are meno related or anxiety related. Since the call my bladder has decided to go crazy, I'm nauseated, the dizziness has hit a peak. My symptoms seem mild compared to a lot of you but right now I feel the world closing in on me. I've never felt my emotions going over the edge this bad, even when he had his accident like they are now. I've taken my nerve pill and it's doing nothing. None of my distraction methods are working. I was actually having a decent day until that call.
Sorry for the long post, I don't have anyone to vent to since my mom passed 11 months ago and I don't want to worry my dad, hes not in good health. I'm putting my faith in the good Lord above, and could use some good vibes that my hubby doesn't get exposed. Thanks for listening! Please stay safe!
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This is Dennis..
Sgt.lindalee Gigi368
Thank you for sharing the photo of your sweet hubby, hopefully you can find a way to see him soon!!💞♾
jaynie08827 Gigi368
im sorry to hear ...its very hard not being near ur loved ones especially when like u they are ill stinks cuz u cant get there..i have children in ny and im scared for them. i keep praying that god keeps them in his care as i will include u and ur husband. ur not alone in all this. god bless u and be safe...
Gigi368 jaynie08827
Thank you!!
Kadija1966 Gigi368
Hi Gigi
First of all sorry you are going thru so much on your own. Big hugs to you.
I had a near similar situation last week with my mother. She's 89 and was taken to hospital because of a fall at home and she wasn't breathing properly, the ward were they put her had so many Covid19 patients, I was so worried about her, being a high risk patient with high BP, diabetes, and need extra care. On two occasions the hospital suspected she may have Covid19 and did test on her, both negative, my anxiety was sky high plus the awful perimenopause symptoms made it worse, plus I'm so far away in Africa and mum lives in London, and we are all on lock down, luckily I have my daughter in London. who was helping me with bits of news she could get, plus her husband also contracted the virus and fell very ill and taken to ICU, luckily my daughter and her small children didnt get it. Thanks God.
However her husband got better and he's home, my mum also was discharged from hospital and back home with my dad. Finally today I'm able to relax abit after 3weeks of anxiety and no sleep. My only comfort during those difficult times was praying for deliverance from this situation.
I completely understand how you are feeling right now regarding your husband, I will keep you in my prayers.
Gigi368 Kadija1966
oh my! At least I'm close to him.. I cant imagine being far away. Prayers for you and your family that they stay healthy from here on out!
abijah23843 Gigi368
Dear Gigi
This is surely a trying time. But i know the trying times will soon be over. I am glad to know that you are putting your faith in GOD.
Em! its only GOD not the doctors, nurses, care givers. no one but GOD. Please please please no matter how you feel hold unto GOD. Continuously declare HIS word over your husband and yourself. Please dont be moved by what you see or hear, just focus on GOD's word.
With GOD nothing shall be impossible.
Gigi your husband will come out healed. I dont know how GOD will do it but i just believe. GOD must be glorified.
HIS word says it all:
Luke 1:37 For with God nothing will be impossible
Luke 18:27 But He said The things which are impossible with men are possible with God
GOD is the master healer.
Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressionsHe was bruised for our iniquitiesThe chastisement for our peace was upon HimAnd by His stripes we are healed
Confess it loud and clear:
By the stripes of JESUS my husband (mention your husbands name) is healed.
Remember GOD is the:
Way maker
Miracle worker
Promise keeper
Light in the darkness
That is who HE is
Bless you dear. Am waiting to hear your testimony.
charlotte57631 abijah23843
Amen..abijah23844..God is in control..I know sometimes all this can be overwhelming..I too deal with anxiety and with all this virus stuff does not make it any better..but just have to keep praying and keep the faith..this too shall pass..prayers for all you ladies and your families🙏🙏
Gigi368 abijah23843
Thank you! My father in law is a Deacon and we pray together when I call to check on them and give them updates on him. God is the only reason he's still with us! The doctors sure don't do much for him. They said he'd never make it thru the night, no brain activity and in a coma and wanted me to donate his organs right then. I refused to do anything until the whole family could say goodbye, I dont know how many hours I spent in the hospital Chapel. After about 6 hours he started responding to pain and his pupils started reacting to light, which meant he wasn't brain dead. So of course that gave a false sense of hope that he'd be ok. 3 days later they turned off the life support bc he was over breathing it. 7 days later he opened his eyes and that's when we knew how bad the brain damage was.. he was without oxygen for about 3 min and the whole top half of his brain is gone, so recovery even with Devine intervention isn't possible since the brain won't grow back. But he's here for a reason, I believe that with all my heart and soul. Hes fought so hard and I'm terrified for him bc nursing homes are terrible places and don't do right by their patients. It's in Gods hands.
abijah23843 Gigi368
Hello Gigi
Em! i have seen your response to my chat and to the chats of other lovely ladies.
Gigi surrender EVERYTHING to GOD. Just let go and let GOD do what HE wants to do. I am holding on to GOD's promises of healing and I believe your husband will receive his healing. How GOD will do it i still don't know but surely GOD will do it. HE the LORD will be glorified.
You have alot on your hands. You have no solution neither does anyone of us but only JESUS has the solution.
The word of GOD in Zechariah 4:6 says:
So he answered and said to meThis is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit Says the Lord of hosts
This is the word of the LORD to Gigi Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit Says the Lord of hosts
Can i make a request from you Gigi and that is just stop your medications you take for anxiety for just 2 days. Apart from studying the word of God, listen to beautiful christian music, dance to the rhythm. Praise praise praise GOD. Go to ytube and download beautiful gospel music eg unchangeable by joe praize, excess love by mercy chinwo
Philippians 4:6 says:
Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God
Please I will continue to encourage you, pray for you and your husband.
It is well with you. You will surely testify of GOD's goodness.
jennifer97171 Gigi368
im so sorry your going through all this, especially at a time like this. We have had the same sorrowing expierences as far as our husbands. mine also, exactly same injury. i promise you things will eventually take its course as Gods willingness wants it to be. its got to be very difficult not being anle to see him. i used to call and have the nurses put the phone up to his ear every morning and every night. they were aggravated at first but then they were sympathtic. i would say try to be positive around your dad. try not to let him see the worry and anxiety, stress lowers our immune system,. Give it all to God my dear. rite now, its all u can really do beside have faith. im here to talk if you would like. hugs
Gigi368 jennifer97171
Thank you! He has an anoxic brain injury, he was without oxygen for about 3 min. it was a hit and run motorcycle accident and he took the brunt of it to the face. Hes had 3 surgeries to put his face back together and is blind in his left eye due to a blown retina and the eye socket being broke. Our story is a very long one and complicated but I'm not ready to let him go. I see him daily except when I'm sick bc he is so compromised. This feeling of helplessness is overwhelming.
staci88515 Gigi368
Oh gosh, Gigi. No wonder you have anxiety. I don't have any words of wisdom or advice. I just want you to know that I read your post and I am so sorry for all that you're going through. I'm sorry you lost your mom. I'm sorry your husband had an accident many years ago. And, I am sorry that this virus is affecting your family. I am thinking really good thoughts for you and a healthy outcome for all. Thank you for sharing a pic of Dennis. He looks comfortable and content. Hang in there. xo
Gigi368 staci88515
Thank you!
juanita93228 Gigi368
it's hard, but please keep praying. I just said a prayer for you and your family. I pray that this virus will not touch your husband. I'm sorry for the loss of your mom and your husband's terrible accident. I don't claim to know what you're going thru, but just hold on, it's going to get better.
Gigi368 juanita93228
Thank you so much!