Anxiety attack tonight haven't had one in 5 years:(

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Has anyone had anxiety attacks shaky sweaty scared to death for no reason in middle of night and please let me know what you have done to overcome these? I'm 50 and definitely peri menapaus 😜but I have other issues like upper stomach pain and hunger I think I might have an ulcer. I'm the care giver in my house and one of my sons has type one diabetes and I have let the worry get to me physically. Any advice for panic attacks and stomach upset ? Thanks and blessings

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Theresa .

    im 39 and peri (lucky me huh) but yes I get anxiety attacks. Can't brat he, start crying etc.. Can't say there's any cure other than knowing its "fleeting" and caused by hormones, that's assurance in itself. 

    And don't get me started on gastro problems... 

    Having the stress of caregiving or any stress at all compounds things.

    i hope you feel better soon. 

    All I can add is try to get on top of your hormone Balance, preferably by natural approaches. I fear hrt meds

    • Posted

      Thank you appreciate your time and response as it's very very scary. Fleeting is a good word as I try to remind myself this won't last all night. Again , thank you yes I have to try harder on the balancing of my hormones and try to get my worries to be less

      Blessings thanks! Hang in there as well😍

  • Posted

    Yes, it's odd but does happen now and then. Less now that I'm post menopausal. You say it's for no reason in the middle of the night when it happens. You are underestimating how the bouncing, declining hormone levels can create issues for us along with our normal every day worries. Sounds like being the main caregiver and with a son who is diabetic is plenty to create anxiety in anyone. Now it's being compounded by the unpredictable hormone levels that are happening to you.

    I got some excellent relaxation tapes from a Scottish man who is pretty well known for his calming and very reassuring voice. LOVE HIM and popping the earbuds into my ears and hitting the play button on the iPod some nights was all it took for me to start settlling down. I have incorporated Yoga (Gentle) Yoga Nidra, walking, deep breathing(that came from Yoga classes) and talking when a trusted friend when I was really over the top. Most times talking is that last thing I want. Also, there is some sort of blanket on the market now, that has some type of weight to it to specifically reduce anxiety. Google it. I have found if one of my cats or dog lay on my lap that actually would relax me (without having an active anxiety attack happening at the time) enough to put me to sleep in my chair for a little bit. So I guess that theory of the weighted blanket may work too.

    Most of all, don't be hard on yourself. While this is a real unpredictable time, honestly, speaking from (newly) the other side of gets better and life becomes a lot sweeter. This is temporary. Try different things and see what works for you.

    Sending you big hugs and hoping you feel better quick.


    • Posted

      Thank you ! Great advice. I will try some things right now can't think straight and just trying to get through this one😜I do appreciate a kind response and understanding and will work through this. Thanks so very much blessings!!
    • Posted

      What a breath of fresh air hearing you say it gets better. Im in eighth year of perimenopause and no period for three months. Who knows if I will get another one or not.

      It has surely been the worst time of my life

      Just hearing it gets better gives me hope.

      Thanky you xx

  • Posted

    Dear Teresa

    Yes i have had the attacks at night, i have woken up feeling like i cant breath. Yes the stomach issues are very common, i had the hunger feeling, i did have gastitis which was bought on by reflux etc, if symtoms continue perhaps ask for an endoscophy, this confirmed my gastitis, it might not be that, just the general stomach issues associated with peri/meno x

    • Posted

      Thank you😃 yea I'm not only in anxiety mode right now but also nauseous and sweaty palms racing heart and hungry strangely but have had that raw knawing feeling in upper stomach now for a few days. Hopefully can get into dr tomorrow for that

      Thanks for listening and understanding blessings!

  • Posted

    I've started drinking Menotee from Holland & Barret and its helped with a number of Meno symptoms.  It is red clover which is good for anxiety and digestion.

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