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Hi ladies. I am feeling so alone. i just had a panic attack over something that happen 6 years ago. i think i am supposed to start my period tomorrow but i have been so all over the place with my periods. i am so paranoid, sad angry bloated . i am out of my mind! i want to run out of the house but its almost midnight!
i agonize over every bad thing i have said . i remember all of my mistakes and beat myself up.
any encouragement will help
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pauljoy1964 christine-Perim
hi Christine, i can relate to going over the past. i have also had a sister who had severe panic attacks and didn't want to leave her house at one point.... anyway it possibly is to do with hormones and stress levels hiking. do you think doing something relaxing like listening to relaxing music, long soak in bath, prayer.... or is there something positive you can get engrossed in like a positive book or tv programme (not depressing stuff). re: stuff youve said - not sure if you're are a christian. But pray to God asking HIm to help you. or praying with someone else might help.
christine-Perim pauljoy1964
thank you for reaching out. ive been praying, but i think I am going to have to go through this instead of being relieved of it. the anxiety hit me hard last night, i seriously was ready to run down the street at 2am!!LOL I am much better tofay.
thanks again
pauljoy1964 christine-Perim
hi - thank you. it's good to know that we can all support each other.
mary27278 christine-Perim
I can certainly understand about what you mean about getting angry from something from the past. During one period of my peri I was experiencing this and it was torturing me daily. But it was toward my husband , and I was wondering why am I bringing up stuff in the past daily. Someone suggested to me to read the book Wisdom of Menopause. I purchased the book and the author explained so much of what I was experiencing . This is a time of our lives that we're transitioning to another person but in order to transition over we must heal from things from the past. Perimenopause tends to resurface old feelings, things that we suppressed, unsolved problems... This book was a eye opener for me. She said many of her patients symptoms went away including herself when they faced things and resolved them. I really believe this to be true in my own experience...I have been praying for wholeness . If you haven't read this book, get it .. it will help explain alot what's going on.
christine-Perim mary27278
wow. thank you for your response. i will get that book today. I love this forum. thank you again.
hopeforever christine-Perim
Hi Christine . I too notice that around my period especially a week before i am angry thinking about my past and what others did to me. Its like i become a monster wanting to tear their heads off and that's not being funny. A week after my period is over i feel normal like a sane person. I don not know what happens in our bodies that do this. . I have to put a lot of work into myself during these time. Prayer, hot baths, no news or bad movies, surround myself with good. Hang in there you are not alone. praying for you and all the women experiencing this hell. God help us
christine-Perim hopeforever
thank you for taking the time to reply. maybe some day the medical world will realize this should be a priority.
bev27429 christine-Perim
Oh, Christine, I feel for you, and I completely understand what you are going through, as this has happened to me, too. Try to remember that the "paranoid, sad, angry, bloated" person is NOT you! It is your hormones playing tricks with your mind.
For some unknown reason, the mind betrays us, at this time, and works against us, so we dredge things up from the past and bring them into the present. Sometimes, I have such vivid and painful dreams of loss over things that I haven't thought about for a very long time.
Always remind yourself that you are a beautiful, strong woman, who is managing to get through a terrible time in her life. Also, remind yourself that this is a phase, and, one day, you will be looking at all of this through the rear view mirror.
Big Hugs,
Bev xo
christine-Perim bev27429
thank you so much. i appreciate your kind reply. It is surprising other are going through the same thing.
thank you again