Anxiety for upcoming colonoscopy
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hi ladies,
ive been posting lately about symptoms and anxiety in menopause, other odd symptoms have appeared. Saw Specialist who has said i have internal hemerhoids and i probably should have a colonoscopy as cancer runs in the family. I have read that menopause can bring on hemmies, or make them worse. Dr suggested banding them, i am really scared this procedure will make me feel worse that i already am. Procedure is usually done with sedation. Very anxious about this news and the test, can anyone give me good vibes please. Xox
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lana07071 carol62649
carol62649 lana07071
Thank you lana,
ive had many tests also, and this year gall bladder surgery but i wasnt anxious back in march. Im always thinking the worst scenarios lately cant think positive, its an awful way to be! Ive had colonoscopy before 28 years ago so i have some experience but the memory is dim lol
banding hemmorhoids sounds painful, maybe i shouldnt read reviews online mmm.
thanks for your healing vibes, feels good to know someone cares enough 💕
lana07071 carol62649
Sochima822 carol62649
Hi Carol, sorry to hear you're going through such an ordeal. My significant other had this procedure done a few years ago. Yes, you're right it was painful after having it done. However, his hemorrhoids were literally hanging out of his cavity an they were more than 1. Think he had 3 for which was the reason for this type of procedure. Otherwise, like my doctor use to say, stop eating hot spicy food. Best of luck.
carol62649 Sochima822
Hi Sochima,
thanks for your reply, its my mind thats making everything seem so huge and scary. Ive had a few procedures over the years, and this year more than i care to admit. The thought of banding isnt so bad its the pain and what if it lingers for a long time, or makes my problem worse, have to think positively. Im sure there are many good outcomes, more than whats written on the net. So im staying away from google now, i dont eat a lot of spicy foods and im not as bad as your dear man. Thankfully. I appreciate your feedback and kind wishes.
Sochima822 carol62649
As I recall, it took about 3-4 weeks for it to heal. After having it done, there were no more issues. I do recall he was told not to eat shrimp or prawns. That was the food that caused him to have hemorroids. For me eating dairy & grain products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt and any type of grain, causes my body to become bloated, and constipated which has caused hemorroids in the past. Nowadays, I stay away from a lot foods that cause my body to react.
If you can find the food that causes you have to a reaction maybe you can avoid such an operation. xoxo
maria101 carol62649
Hi Carol, you will be fine get your procedure done if they are going to sedate you all the better you wouldn't know to much what is going it will with the Anxiety...take 3 deep breaths and relax
Leading up to that day don't think about it just like if your going to the shops ok.
carol62649 maria101
Thanks Maria,
i will try to do as you suggest, i went out to post cards, picked up food. Treated myself to a decaf cappucino. I was reminded that even though we are suffering with menopause symptoms, we are still a lot luckier than some people. Those going through cancer treatments for example, my test is necessary and yes i will be sedated. Im just scared i will feel sicker than i am now afterwards. Im a wimp at the moment.
May you have a wonderful cheerful merry christmas,
lana07071 carol62649
carol62649 lana07071
Hi Lana,
i thought of you and your story while i was in recovery yesterday after colonoscopy, i was listening for farts lol. All was quiet, the man next to me was snoring! All in all it went smoothly after a long wait to finally get in to theatre. No polyps Dr said i have reflux though and gave me some tabs, i didnt know i had that no heartburn etc. I wonder if anxiety can cause reflux symptoms? Anyway i had a chuckle listening for fartywhops!
cheers 🌹
lana07071 carol62649