Anxiety gone mad! Help!
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Hi ladies,
Having the most horrible night, this horrible horrible health anxiety has me wiped out!. I had full bloods only a month ago and everything came back normal. I have had a lung infection with a cough over the Christmas and saw my Gp. She prescribed steroids, while they definitely help the stupid cough Is lingering, she did say I may need an antibiotic to. I'm starting this tomorrow, I just want my brain to stop taking over! My doctor is lovely and can't do enough to help, since Perimenopause started she knows my anxiety has gotten really bad and does my bloods every 3 months with full check up to reassure me. Between Perimenopause and anxiety i feel like ive lost myself.
3 likes, 17 replies
sara97862 mamamia03
Hi Mamamia,
I am glad you have a GP that helps keep you reassured!!
I think you captured how menopause impacts a lot of us ladies... like we've lost ourselves. It's painful in more ways than one.
I have seen more doctors in the last 90 days than I had in the previous 3 years combined... one thing after another, and has my anxiety through the roof too.
My niece just saw her Dr for a lung infection a few days ago... it sure has stuck around. But with the antibiotics for the past few days, she is coming along nicely at last.
I pray the same for you! Good luck, and take care!!
sara97862 mamamia03
PS to my last.
You are not alone in your health anxiety.... had a migraine today. Same timing as usual in my cycle, but a little more intense. I called off sick today and asked my hubs to do the same, because I was taking new meds first time and cldn't handle the thought of being alone with our daughter on her holiday, for fear of a bad reaction.
Thanks for the reply Sara. I just wanted this new year to start differently, feeling like this is so frustrating when you know the old happy sensible you is on there somewhere xx
Guest mamamia03
Hi mamamia, I too am"healthy" on paper. Only bloods that have ever come back is post meno FSH levels...3x in a row, and estrogen that is sometimes way below normal, normal or high. I have been a mess since July 2017. Migraines, off balanced/dizzies, and fatigue I like to call stop and drop! But not sleepy if that makes sense. I was up most of the night itching like flea bitten hound. People around me are telling me "Happy New Year"...I'm like OK if you say so...I will believe it when I feel it!
klm1213 Guest
oh my God, the itching! a flea-bitten Hound is a perfect way to describe it 🤣
Carolyn09280 mamamia03
I feel you all with the anxiety and numerous Dr. Appointments as well as migraines. I woke up the past few nights with bad anxiety and not sure why? Went to bed fine. Also have the itchiness at night from time to time. Dr. prescribed me anxiety meds months ago but I still have not taken them. Not sure I want to because it is not every night that this happens. Have you thought about anxiety meds? Worried about side effects and dependence. I already have to take enough meds each month for migraines.
Guest Carolyn09280
Hi Cher...I take nortriptyline which is an old tricyclic AD. However, not really used for that anymore as there are more powerful meds out there. However, it is used off label for migraines. I was taking multiple over the counter pain relievers which only lead to rebound migraines.
Depending on how many migraines you get, it may be worth asking about a preventative vs taking as they come. Even prescription migraine meds can have a rebound effect. I averaged 4-6...Had 10 in Nov (bad month because I tried going back on birth control) ...2 in Dec. I tried a couple of different ssri's could not tolerate...mirtazapine, lexapro...gave me awful head pressure and zombie like feelings...on top of my regular fatigue.
Carolyn09280 Guest
Thanks for the prompt reply. I have been getting about 10-15 a month for the last six months. So you think the anxiety med might help with headaches? I am not interested in taking a daily migraine med for the side effects. I cannot be zombie like as my job requires me to be a quick thinker. I am seeing a headache/pain doctor and he has suggested botox so I might try this. It will be some out of pocket but hopefully my insurance company will cover the rest. Still waiting on the approval.
Guest Carolyn09280
Hi Cher, well, it depends. Amitriptyline and nortriptyline are tricyclic ADs. If you google them and migraine, there is a ton of info out there. I am under the care if an neurotologist (aka otoneuro) a neurologist with vestibular training that specializes in how the ears, eyes, brain all work together. Those are his first go to drugs. But, depending on who you see...they may have a different suggestion.
My migraines cause me balance and cognitive issues, bright lights, weather, cycle, hormone fluctuations, etc being triggers. Chronic migraines cause us loads of problems.
I cannot comment on botox... I have seen comments on a vertigo site I follow, that people have had only temporary relief, and/or it caused dizziness...but that is not to say your experience will be the same! I am on a strict elimination diet, nortriptyline, magnesium and b2.
Good luck and try different things...everybody responds differently...but, they are not just going to go away on their own.
debra16694 Carolyn09280
hi Cheryl & everyone else who experiences "health anxiety". Have you gotten your cortisol tested? i believe you can send away for a saliva kit or go to a naturopath/functional medicine dr to get tested. Most Gp's dont believe in it. The test is a simple saliva test that you swab thruout the day/night - Generally everyones cortisol is higher in the morning hours, but mine was off the charts...hence the horrible anxiety in the 4:00 am on range. My naturopath prescribed at "cortisol manager" supplement to quell my cortisol rushes. it basically just is herb based & there are no "hangover" effects. obviously, you would have to check with your regular dr if the ingredients mixed with any other Rx's you were on. It does seem to alleviate my "anxiety episodes" a bit & sure does beat getting addicted to XANAX. i believe during menopause your cortisol gets ramped up because your other hormones are getting depleted. This is why women experience higher blood pressure during menopause, anxiety & irritability, insomnia & the list goes on - just a thought -
audra86673 mamamia03
I was kinda addicted to private blood labs in peri! And I have always (and still do to a degree) have a needle phobia!! I went for blood labs so many times to check and recheck levels! That paired with going to a multitude of Dr's every couple weeks was the only way to get through the health anxiety for me! Before peri started, I went to the dr's ONCE in 15 years! Felt great and never worried about my health. I finally forced myself to just stop going to Dr because it was driving me crazy. I decided after a year of constant dr visits that turned up nothing other than trivial issues, that I wasn't dying and just pretty much started ignoring the symptoms that prior had me convinced I was dying and the dr's had just missed it! I'm post meno now and feel like my old self. I still get some pains and aches and occasionally think.... hmmm, what could this mean? but then I just let it go and figure I'm not going to feel like I'm 20 anymore ( which I'm still p****d about! hah! ) Hang in there! The anxiety will calm down and you'll be back to your old self and you'll look back and be so proud and happy that you made it through this rough time! Big hugs to you.
Carolyn09280 audra86673
Peri blows. Thanks for the light at the end of the tunnel Audra. Yes, in the past I went to Dr once a year for pap and physical and now I am there like once a month. How long does Peri last. I am 44 and still get period...
debra16694 audra86673
audra - you sound just like me...i never went to the drs & never ever was sick, anxious, depressed or fatigued. i think this is why my world has turned upside down, because i was the person everyone depended on to get things done. i just added up my out of pocket medical & RX for 2018 & lets just say i could have taken a 3 month vacation on what i spent on top of already paying for insurance since i am self employed - this has just got to end soon! I Am so Over it!!!!
marieb81 mamamia03
I'm new on here and my health anxiety is what lead me to this forum. I'm 38 and entering my 2nd year of peri. This whole health anxiety is driving me crazy!!! I constantly worry about my health, I just want to feel like my old self again! After reading everyone's stories/responses makes me feel less alone!
sara97862 marieb81
Welcome, Marie!! We are in good company and among friends here. It is a blessing!
Guest marieb81
Hi marie...welcome! I am 41 (started around 38) ...really bad the last 1.5 years. This forum is a sanity saver 😃
mamamia03 marieb81
Hi Marie, welcome. Some days I think the ladies here are the only thing keeping me going! It's tough going from a strong woman to this anxiety filled wreck that looks back at me in the mirror everyday. Stay strong, it's gonna take time and a lot of mental will power to get to the other side of this hell.