anxiety help

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morning ladies i know a few on here have mentioned anxiety in peri menopausal but why does this happen more in the middle of the night i go to bed pretty chilled out then try and settle and my heart starts pounding and i get pains down my arm and sweaty hands and feet sometimes a full on hot flush then it settles then it will be on and off until i fall asleep then iam waking around 4 hrs later and it all starts again sick of goin to the GP as i dont think he really listens to me as all hes done is bloods apart from being peri meno all came back fine hes put me on the sick for a few weeks and asked if i wanted to go on antidepressants as i cant take HRT because of family breast cancer but i dont think i need them, i have been so close to ringing 999 but i think if i had a heart problem it would be more severe and i only had an ECG last year for high blood pressure and that was fine thats why iam convinced its anxiety any advice would be great xx

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    i think alot of it is anxiety , anxiety is the worst , i read symptoms of the worst case scenario then i get the symptoms as my brain is telling me i have all these , i get heart palpitations , feeling like i have a lump in throat , muscle twitching , disturbed sleep , and i get aching arms and legs ( think this is tension ) but if you look up anxiety it lists all

    these problems , i just meed to believe them !

  • Posted

    Bloody horrible thing anxity I get it bad only some I been going through PeriPeri menopause nothing worse Dr prescribed me the hrt patches seem to be ok so far but it's easy days yet but here all good thing Bout it so well see shame u couldn't take it hope things work out ok for u as there nothing worse take care x

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    morning claire ... ive got bad anxiety always had it from being bullied allthrough school but escalated whilr being peri now post and its worse than ever ... as if the symptoms of menopause arnt bad enough yourself i cant go onto HrT because my mum passed away 5 years ago with breast cancer ...ive been getting panic attacks too in the night which are so bad it feels like im gonna die ,then the anxieties take hold ,i cry most days for my parents that have both passed in the last 5 years i work full time but dont know how long i can keep going with everything , ive been to gp lots of times but he just dont understand my fears and usally just shruggs his shoulders as if he dont know what to fo with me .... i fear things that havent even happened but just cant get my life away from my anxieties my partner is really good but dont think he fully understands and when he says you have to pull yourself together in your mind if you want to beat it isnt really what id call helping .... my symptoms are dizzyness , migraines heart palpertations aches and pains social phobias moods anger and so many more ... how can it get better

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      Hi Jan. I just wanted to say your not alone in this. I am exactly like you. I'm 41 in peri still get a regular but heavy af that last at least 7 days btw it used to be light and 4 days😝. Just like you doctors say it's from hormones I have not discussed HRT because it was said I'm early in my journey. Some days I feel like I'm loosing my mind usually starts about 10 days prior to period beginning I feel the worst anxiety heart palps hot flushes insomnia and once I start af the symptoms seem to diminish. However this month they seem to be lingering. I've been staying up late because I can not sleep my shoulder arm are extremely achy and I've had that I'm on a boat dizzy feeling for a few days now. The worst part is I dont feel anxious but have these symptoms early morning seems worse for me I wake up with anxiety and it feels like my heart is racing however when I check it's nice and low. This is all so crazy.

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      Thank you Renee for taking the time to reply to me .... it does feel like im going crazy not really knowing who i am to be honest this journey is a journey i want to end ... some ladies tell us it does get better or is it slways going to be there but our body just gets used to it and like us ladies do just get on with it

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      I have those symptoms you mentioned and some more especially heart palpitations, waking up early morning with anxiety, nausea, daily headaches, dizzy like on a boat. All tests results are normal so yes it's hormones causing the havoc but when does it all stop??? I'm 39, it's been almost 1 year... regular periods now but missed 6 months last year so it's very unpredictable. I'm not taking any meds or suppliments anymore , tried but didn't help much. I only take multivitamin, vit d, and try to eat healthy. Let's hope it shall pass soon.

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      I also have hair loss and skin problems.

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    thanks for all your help i just hate feeling this way and like us women dont have to put up with enough then our bodies put us through this bull... big hugs to u all xx

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    Hi Claire, there's so many of us who know how your feeling. I take ASHWAGANDHA, it's herbal and really helps most of the time. On the nights I feel really horrible I just find the odd night on the sofa , propped up slightly really makes a difference. Hoping you feel better soon. x

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    New on here i suffered badly with sweats and anxiety and when i moved doctors he suggested venlafaxine 75mg this stopped hot sweats accompanied by panicky heart palpitations almost immediately . They did come back on and if but lots better than before

  • Posted

    Hi I am the same. It is hell for last 8 years. Now 59. Doc doesn't know what to do. Why anxiety worse at nite. So many many symptoms. Worse one is feeling faint when I get a surge of flush like. O

    I feel all the life force gone from my body. Hell

  • Posted

    Feel your pain i did faint once in the office so embarassing. Think its worse at night cos we have time to dwell and think of everything! I used to read every night and then i couldnt read now i am trying to get backk to reading and deep breaths in and out helps a bit. Please dont tel me this will still be goin on when im 59 im 52 and has been 2 yrs! Tablets definately help tho!

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      thanks for all your messages it helps so much i will try to carry on like we all do in this situation i have tried to stop coming downstairs when i wake as i think that wasnt helping sitting here alone so i have been getting back into bed and watching tv so far so good i have fell back to sleep within an hr or so but so sick of this and when i read your stories and some of you have been through it for years and your in your 50s and 60s iam thinking omg iam 46 i best get use to this but you ladies are amazing and a BIG thanks to you all not being alone in this is the biggest help ever xx

  • Posted

    Hi Claire, I have had night sweats for the past week or so. Surges from head to toe. Consecutive as well covers off and on. I rarely get them. Usually, from my neck up just gets beet red during the day. I do take an AD to control migraines...and sweating is a side effect. I also read that night sweats can come on during ovulation (which this is my week). periods are all over the place. Unless I am just progressing further towards meno.I am 41

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