Anxiety high. Can't work. Pretty much in the house for the last 8 months. Waiting for this to end.
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Anyone else going through Perimenopause unable to work or function normally due to trouble concentrating and focusing? I'm dealing with this since last March. I'm getting better each day but, not to the point where I feel like I can function. Still struggling with some anxiety and now like depression because this is taking so long to pass. Anyone been in this position longer? I know everyone is different but, on line I heard this could run 6 months, a year, a year and a half. I can't take HRT or antidepressants. I'm feeling guilty because I can't fix this. I have a very supportive family but, I feel really bad right now because I'm stuck in this. I'm doing everything I should be. Eating right, exercising, resting. I still can't think straight. I've started a vitamin regimen. I'm just on it for 7 days. I really have to wait another week or so for them to kick in but, this is horrible. Worst time in my life. I've always taken care of myself and have been really strong. Feel broken. You would think by now in 2019 they would have something by now that could sort all this out for us women! Does it get a little better once you actually hit menopause. I read peri was usually worse? Guess that's different for everyone though. I can't wait until this ends. I will never be so happy to leave the house! ❤️ Hugs to all.
3 likes, 16 replies
anxiousface NothinforNothin
so sorry its happening to you too. i went through the same in peri in 2011 and a lot more which lasted for 2yrs solid then thingsb started to improve. Since menopause in 2015 i appear to have gone down hill again and other symptoms have appeared as well as some i had in peri, BUT it is different for each one of us so dont go on what i am going through.
just wanted you to know i know how your feeling and i found it and still do hard to concentrate/ focus and even remember anything at work, The anxiety has never left me but im trying to ignore it ( hilarious ) .
i've not been very far on my own in 8yrs as iv lost my confidence.
love and hope to you x
NothinforNothin anxiousface
Thanks anxiousface for replying. Yes, trying to ignore the anxiety is hilarious. My boyfriend says I have to mess with it. I'm like I already can't think straight and now I'm going to mess with my anxiety. 😮) He tries to make me smile. I have to try hard to do that most days since dealing with this. I've been saying for months. I just need a couple weeks. Month goes by. I just need a couple weeks....ha I've stopped saying that. I eventually realized that when I first said that and then the second time. I just needed to stop saying that. Taking each day as it comes now with the hope it will soon pass. Tough ladies who can work through this mess when it's severe. My heart really goes out to them. Love and hope to you too! ❤️
Guest NothinforNothin
YES! I have been SO homebound for over several years or so! I just about do EVERYTHING online from groceries to online doctor! It's so sad but TRUE! Since my husband passed in 2015 I been in a horrible hot mess and with meno pause on top of everything else! I have no friends , my birth kids rarely see me and I have two special needs kids still home one is 23 she has two permanent colostomies and fistula and them my adopted son Jacob 15 with autism talk about a challenge with autism and your imbalance low life hormones! I have cried enough to fill an ocean so it seems! It's rough and a very hard road. I pray God send me a friend from him! I fight EVERYDAY just to get threw it and do the things I must do. Sometimes my path I follow is drips of tears I do it through the physical pain the emotional pain and through whatever this uncontrolled monster that is released after our hormones get so low, trying to function properly fells like an anchor is around the neck and you just drag it with you all day and then you crawl in bed with the invisible huge heavy anchor that you just can't get free from! Like your insides are been poked, pinched. stretched, tighten, spasms, convulsing , and jumping all over inside like a rolling cannon ball! Okay , i'll shut up because I do have server panic and anxiety (thus the reason i'm homebound) before I through myself in a horrible panic attack! If all of us women who suffer got together in a horror house for Halloween trust me the people who enter would be begging for their life to get out! We would be their cure!
staci88515 Guest
Your post made me incredibly sad. I am so sorry you are suffering so much. Thinking good thoughts for you. xo
NothinforNothin Guest
I really feel for you crosado8. You seem to have a lot more on your plate caring for so many others along with yourself. I have a 16 year old but, he's very understanding along with my boyfriend. They know it's just a rough time right now. They both can pretty much take care of themselves. I couldn't imagine taking care of little one's during a time like this. Let alone children with special needs that require lots of attention and care. I know that has to be extremely hard. I keep telling my son and boyfriend. I'll be back normal soon! I'm like you do remember when I was normal for all the years before this right! 😮) You described my anchor to a T. Got that right after I collapsed in my house and then the anxiety and panic set in. I think all my hormones hit the floor that night! It was very scary. Although I have more of a chain right now. Some symptoms have let up since on a Meno Vitapak for the past 7 days. I get so upset that I have this - this bad. My mom had it really bad though. She was on HRT but, passed away from cancer at 52. I really don't know if the HRT caused it but, she's the only one in my family that died of cancer and who was on that. So, I can't entertain that route at all and won't. I said the other night. Maybe I should try doing something such as work from home since this is so bad. I may have to do something like that for awhile. I was not at all prepared for this! Yeah, I could see a whole bunch of hormonal menopausal women selling tickets to a haunted house. ha ha that would probably relieve some stress for us all!! 😮) I will light a candle for you tonight!
staci88515 NothinforNothin
I was out of work for months following my first migraine aura which kicked off this perimenopause nightmare. I am the sole earner in the house and take care of my mom. I don't have the luxury of not working. I went back to work this month. My symptoms have amped up and every day is a struggle. I completely understand how you feel. My entire life is different than it was just last year. You are not alone. xo
NothinforNothin staci88515
It has to be so hard. I really don't have the luxury to not work either but, I have reeeaaal trouble concentrating and focusing and that's all my job required. There was no way I could continue working. Your really strong to be pushing through it and brave to have returned to work still experiencing symptoms. My life too not the same as last year. Changed literally over night. Hope you have an understanding employer if you do need to take time off. Take care of yourself as best you can along with working and taking care of your mom at this time. I don't feel alone after posting. Thanks for caring! ❤️
christine-Perim NothinforNothin
you poor thing. i feel exactly the same. i am apologizing all the time. i am so hard on myself. i over analyze every thing i say. i will be 50 in february. i have had every perimenopause symptom. i am lucky to still have my husband. i feel absolutely crazy. i only feel normal one week out of the month. its nice to come here and realize i am not alone.
hugs to all!!
NothinforNothin christine-Perim
I don't feel so alone when I come on here and see so many posts of women suffering but, I do feel so much pain for all that are. Earlier on about 8 months ago I was really suffering. I'm lucky to have a supportive family. My boyfriend has been a saint through my anxiety, panic attacks, tears, aches and pains. The panic attacks have finally just let up somewhat this past week. I felt just like you when this hit me though. Crazy, confused and scared. No, you are not alone. xo
Gypsy014 NothinforNothin
Ladies sadly lifes path can become incredibly lonely at times I've come to find out, until we all reach our crossroad whatever that may be.. Stay strong life is always changing we may not like it but it changes and maybe just maybe there are better days ahead.. Crasado I feel your pain my dad before he passed 2 years ago had the bags on his sides from colon cancer it was very hard for him and everone taking care of him.. he couldnt walk anymore and lived in a hospital bed in the middle of the living room at their house, with daytime care in and out but a lot of the responsibility fell on me and this was 1 1/2 years into my major symptoms, its now been 3 1/2 years and I'm still struggling but life has changed , different worries and so forth.. I too am waiting for the day I can finally relax and enjoy the last half of my to be strong we will make it through..
NothinforNothin Gypsy014
I pray for us all there are better days ahead. I always say once through this nothing will ever shake me! I have to be thankful that taking care of both my parents who passed away from cancer happened before this hit. To all care taking for loved one's during this time. My heart really, really goes out to you. Stay strong......<3
sunaina1983 NothinforNothin
Ur not alone dear
Me suffering from 18 months.
Soo many symptoms everyday.
Peri hardest part of life.
most scary symptom for me is head pressure , dizziness , jelly legs and off balance issues.
Because of off balance issues i left my job and now home bound
My life totally change.
Hoping for better days
Hang is there
NothinforNothin sunaina1983
Thanks very much sunaina1983. Yes, hardest part of life. So hard. I was hit the head pressure and dizziness too. I feel that caused my severe anxiety. I could never park my car in a parking lot. Go into a store and then find it when I came out! Hilarious but, not hilarious. Scared me a lot. Really shakes your confidence doing everything. I know though since finally realizing it was hormones and peri which I had never heard of. I'm more mindful of my movements. I think that's helping a bit and trying not to fight with it each day. I figure it will run it's course now and eventually I will see the light. Hoping for better days also. You hang in there too! xo
Indifferent NothinforNothin
oh gosh! I went through this from 2011 to was awful and I became hopeless. a friend of mine advised me to try Bachs flower remedies.
I wasnt so sure they would help, but they gave me my life back without having to take antidepressants or HRT.
within 6 months of taking them I was enjoying life again and no longer needed them. I went from being home bound and not even being able to go to the grocery store travelling the world with my husband!
They are so worth a try! not expensive, and one tiny dropper bottle goes a long way.
Hope you feel better soon!
NothinforNothin Indifferent
Thank you so much for that tip. I just ordered some. Joy for stress relief. I will try anything at this point! I think I've been going through this for a while but, didn't realize it until the last 8 months when it finally took me down. I have no idea what stage I'm in but, I pray I'm on the tail end of this. I'm so very happy to hear you are feeling better! I can only hope for that day too! I want to be traveling around town again and join the living! Again, many thanks! xo
Indifferent NothinforNothin
I actually took six different ones. you can mix them and change them as you go along. I still keep a bottle of rescue remedy in my purse for certain days but very rarely have to use it. They are a true Godsend!
hopefully you will be feeling better soon!!!