anxiety is there a difference between health anxiety and my intrusive thoughts
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Hi ladies it is me and my intrusive thoughts again. I just want to know if there is a difference between me who is scared to death that i don't love my husband any more and some one who is scared that they are going to die of canser. my question is can anxiety target your bigest fear?
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kerry91 NonnieDD
i think when you're in that anxiety spiral you can worry about just about ANYTHING! I came to realise that when I'm like that I actually look for things to worry about. I find keeping busy really helps, if you're starting to get into a state go and do that job you've been putting off, you'll find that you'll forget. BTW my mum hated my dad during the menopause, she told me she couldn't stand the sight of him. twenty years later they've just celebrated 54 years of marriage and they're devoted to each other. You might want to try hypnotism, no, I'm not joking! I tried it for the pain I was suffering last year and it worked. I'm not saying that I didn't feel the pain, just that I focused on it less.
Tazchurch kerry91
marlene21102 NonnieDD
I think your trying to isolate yourself from husband ,all down to how your thinking ,all normal.thing is finding a way to breaking those thoughts ,I'd say try hypnotist .
Do you go out much? Or do you stay close to home ? Where you feel safest.
Menopause makes you behave ,and think in ways you'd never though possible,this I think is what's happening to you. My husbands always giving me a hug out of nowhere,that helps .youll look back when this stops and think what a roller coaster I went through,and it sure is .take each day as it comes ,deal in the day .menopause anxiety is the pit,and depression from what I've heard from ones who suffer that .
Good job we got this site .were all be fine just fine Noonie.
jo92050 NonnieDD
Trevis NonnieDD
annieschaefer NonnieDD
I understand your worries as at times I look at my husband and think, what the heck am I doing with this man! Believe me, he is an incredible person and I love him dearly. I've learned to accept that my feelings about him and a few other things may become irrational for a bit, much like when I used to have PMS.
Don't let those thoughts consume you, try hypnosis as Kerry mentioned or even CBT, but really those feelings are most likely hormonal driven anxiety, and they will pass. You are not alone, I know quite a few women who could have written your post. Hugs to you!
marlene21102 NonnieDD
Hi to Travis this afternoon and Kerry
middlemuddle NonnieDD
For me anxiety is the biggest problem and I too go through periods of doubting my 22 year marriage and am terrified of cancer. Having lost my Dad, mother in law and father in law to the disease plus several local mums it seems so common. I did have therapy to help years ago but it seems to have reared its head again.
I think peri is for me like a spotlight being shined on every worry or ailment and magnifying it.
I take lots of vitamin sup but wonder if there is something else 'natural' for the axiety, I already take some B vits and magnesium.