Anxiety recovery & new symptomns

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Just as thought all OK after heart tests clear, left me so tired but feeling dizzy and my cough oif 5 weeks still hanging on. Been breathless too which I related to anxiety etc. Just need reassurance like we all l do that surely echo, blood pressure checks would have picked up any hypertension, sorry was reading more worrying things again. Hope all OK, thanks all

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17 Replies

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    I know how anxiety can run things right out of control for you. It sounds like you have all the necessary tests to rule out hypertension. Easy enough to do by taking blood pressures and you say you have had those done.  Great that you have had an echo and blood work done as well.  Sometimes when we still feel odd symptoms our mind won't relax enough to let the symptoms dissapate on their own.

    Best sounds like you would be better off not reading so much about what else those symptoms could be and try and find some techniques that will help you overcome the actual anxiety. I speak from experience, you have no idea how I used to scare the heck of out myself reading Dr. Google. Leave it to the experts for now.

    Hoping you feel better soon.


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      Thanks you are right, I have been looking at Dr Google etc for weeks now . regards debi
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    Hi debi,

    I felt worried like you do that there must really be something wrong maybe they had/were missing something.

    When you feel so yuk you find it hard to believe that all is well, but I'm sure it is.

    Hugs and hope you feel better soon.

  • Posted

    Hi Deb, sorry your feeling dizzy I guess it's normal with meno, as long as you had your checks are they ok you can calm your Mind down, I keep telling myself I'm fine my doctor told me what ever I'm feeling it's hormones related I be ok, but you just can't help worrying, we need something to just calm us down, then deal with the rest.
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    I agree with Annie, don't keep googling. I did that and it really sent my anxiety over the top as I was scaring the heck out of myself. Like you, I've had many test to rule out any serious illness. Like Annie said, try to focus on breathing techniques and things to keep you busy. The less focused on the symptoms the better they are to handle. It always sounds easier said than done but googling that stuff will frighten you.
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    Bless you hun-it must have been such a worry and its such a frustrating, exhausting time too!

    I wish I could help more but you aren't alone; we are all there with you love.

    If you can i definitely think you should avoid "Dr Google" as you said. if you have concerns always see a real doctor as the internet contains such contradicting (and sometimes superscary) details!

    I hope you can get some comfort from the fab replies you get in this forum and can relax and enjoy your weekend now. Take care xxxx

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    Once you have totally accepted that this is the menopause, your symptoms wont seem as bad, then you can get on with trying to help you body to feel even better to help you.  good luck with it debs.
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    Debs would love to tally accept it is menopause maybe I can nail creepy thoughts tell me something different 
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    Hi Debbie just wanted to try and put your busy mind at ease a bit. I have dizziness and a feeling of imbalance when I'm walking since last March, I've had lots of tests done and the only two things the specialists have came up with are menopause and vistibular migraine

    Like you I focus on the symptom until my anxiety makes me feel crazy then I get depressed, I seem to go round in circles with it all

    I also have a history of ME so I'm trying to convince myself that I'm just more sensitive than others to the changes in my body and I'm making it worse by worrying about every little symptom

    Hope this helps in some way



    • Posted

      Brenda.............I have CFS, and since menopause it has got worse, its settled more since ive been post, i also have had the off balance dizzy spell, i was given a scan and they confirmed migraines after ruling other things out after scan, but my migraines have changed somewhat, pain is different somehow, and  i get more neurological symptoms than i use too, pretty sure thats because the fatigued got worse during peri, as since ive been post its all settled.


    • Posted

      Hi Elaine I'm so glad you replied to my thread today, I've just noticed it and at least I know that there are others who have had or are still having the neurological symptoms

      This imbalance has been driving me crazy, it has caused so much anxiety to me which has affected my whole immediate family I.e my husband and three sons who are in their 20s and still live at home

      I've had to give my job up as a result of the symptoms, I lost my mum to cancer in January this year and just feel totally overwhelmed with life at the moment

      I've been keeping my head rigid for fear of making the dizziness worse and am now left with a stiff neck

      I've got my hairdresser coming over in the morning to cut my hair and dread that now because I struggle with washing my hair and don't like my head being moved about too much

      I'm so pleased your symptoms have eased, I'm on a low dose estrogen patch - estradot 25 and take a natural progesterone tablet 1x daily since December, but I don't feel it's helping, feel more imbalanced and it has brought all the bleeding back

      Hope other ladies can relate to these symptoms it would be good if you could join in if you know of anything that can help

      Hope it all passes soon

      Take care

      Brenda X

    • Posted

      Brendabay.............I could be wrong brenda, but progesterone is more affective when taken through the skin in some way, either in the form of a patch or, a cream, dont think they provide it in tablet form from drs as taking it in orally doesnt have any where near as much effect as it doesnt absorb well into the blood stream taken this way, I am assuming your on oestrogen, because this is the one they have identified your low on, so the meds will bring it up, so, really you dont need to take progesterone, its the progesterone that causes the period changes, so if, the progesterone has been working then that could be why your now bleeding, and taking the extra hormone however natural could  then have caused the imbalance, the oestrogen was to balance out your hormones, you didnt need progesterone,  surely your drs would have given you progesterone if he thought you needed it. what do you think??

      When you get the dizziness and off balance feeling brenda, when you move your eyes does it make your head feel strange?? thats been happening to me for the past 3 days, and i know its because im tired and fatigued, your ME will settle to what it use to be once your post im sure.

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      If you still have a uterus you MUST take progesterone if you are taking estrogen. This is to prevent the lining of the uterus thickening. It will often result in a bleed even if you are post meno.

      If you are prescribed estrogen by a doctor you would normally take a progesterone pill or have a mirena coil fitted. You could also be prescribed patches or pills containing both.

      There are progesterones that are absorbed through the skin but these are used alone without estrogen. There is also one, Utrogestan that can be used vaginally but it is not normally recommended to do that in the UK. They use it that way in France, the same pill as I am taking orally.

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      Hi Elaine, in reply to your question, yes my eyes do feel funny when I move my head, it's as if they can't keep up and go all weird 😳

      I've had the off balance/dizzy sensation since March last year had lots of tests done, at first my doc was telling me it was anxiety because I'd became really stressed, anxious, agitated and couldn't stop crying before I knew my estrogen was very low

      Doctor and gyno tried me on prempak which caused heavy bleeding, stopped that after a few weeks. Tried femoston combi, felt sick and more dizzy on that so gave that up. As a last resort my GP prescribed me livial, I can't remember exactly how I felt on that, still some imbalance but don't think I was as bad with the imbalance as I am now

      Livial-tibolone is a synthetic drug that mimics HRT, was on that from July last year until December 2015 when my gyno changed me to estradot 25 low dose patch plus the utrogestan 100 tablet 1xdaily. I noticed it says on the info leaflet that the 2 top side effects are tiredness & dizziness, I mentioned to my doc but he wouldn't listen

      I just feel so depressed, I used to have such a great life now I feel disabled with this and losing my mum has just made everything much worse to deal with as you can imagine

      I've got an appointment with my gyno on Fruday 4th Match, I was actually thinking of telling her I was coming off the HRT I'm that fed up

      ENT think I have vistibular migraine which affects your balance but it's just an educated guess

      My therapist who helped me get over ME thinks ME is over activity of the HPA axis- hypothalamus,piturity and adrenal gland. She thinks when I stop focussing on the symptom and start listening to my body mind I will heal

      Thanks for all your information, interesting what you say about the progesterone, I'll speak to the gyno and see what she thinks

      Keep in touch, nice talking to you

      Brenda xx

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      Brendababy..................go off what zingangie has said about progesterone as she has been on it, unbeknown to me, if you are given oestrogen you then have to go on progesterone to stop the uterus lining thickening, not the same thing as being low on progesterone due to menopause, but yes definately check with your specialists to be sure, dont want to give you duff information.

      interesting what you have said about your ME, i have been diagnosed with CFS I was born with it, never gone, got worse during peri, eased now in post, however you may know that CFS/ME comes with dysautonomia, and its this i was actually born with and that is whats causing my CFS, so mine will never go, the nerve that is damaged is called the vagus nerve, and i was given a tilt table test to proove it, have you had one of those by any chance?? this nerve is in the upper arms, chest, back of the neck and in the brain where its known as  nerve X and this nerve X controls, our blood pressure, heart, diaphram, our sugars, our bladder, bowels, digestion, blood volume, along with adrenal glands, which is what is affected during menopause as this nerve also controls our periods  and sends messages to the Hypothalmus and the Pituitry gland, there is no cure for a damaged nerve, and they can only treat the symptoms, so mine is done mainly by lifestyle changes, may be going on low blood pressure tabs, just come off my anti depressants, they were helping  my migraines and pressure feelings in my head, but dont feel i need them now im post where the depression is concerned, whether this condition will shorten my life not sure, but given it affects diaphram and breathing, and heart probably will as from time to time my breathing stops and my heart goes very slow, by any chance brenda does this happen to you?? have to wait and see how well i can keep myself.

      CFS/ME is foul isnt it, have you got rid of it completely during menopause as well, thats brilliant, but yes she is right, thats how i control things, listen to my body, deal with each set of symptoms, and then you find when you have a handle on it, then things settle, until something else in the body hits and knocks it out yet again!!

      Speak again Brenda


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      Hi Elaine sorry to hear about how severe your condition is. I don't have any problems with my breathing except when I breath too quickly due to anxiety and don't have any problems with my heart

      I was free from ME symptoms for years, worked full time and led a pretty normal life, it's only since I went into meno that all of these symptoms have reared their ugly head

      Take care, hope you feel better soon

      Brenda x

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