Anxiety so bad!!
Posted , 11 users are following.
I can't handle this anxiety anymore. I would some feed back on what helped you. HRT? Supplements? Etc?
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Posted , 11 users are following.
I can't handle this anxiety anymore. I would some feed back on what helped you. HRT? Supplements? Etc?
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gailannie Wildfire123
While I may not be able to recommend something, I might be able to tell you WHY this is happening. Hopefully someone will come along with some good ideas.
Remember that all our hormones are interconnected. Our adrenal glands help push off small amounts of estrogen/testo/progesterone. Once we lose our sex steroids, our body is definitely feeling some stress. And our adrenal glands are what help with stress. So they go into high gear, trying to help us. But this is why so many women feel anxiety in menopause. Those flight or fight hormones create that stressful feeling.
Hope this helps. You aren't going nuts or losing your mind, it's all part of the changing hormone landscape.
Wildfire123 gailannie
I'm only 37 but I've been dealing with sorts of symptoms from anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, depression to itchy skin, insomnia, weird aches and pains, concentration problems, nausea, mood swings, crying spells, fatigue. Just to name a few. And they've been getting worse and worse. It started with the panic attacks but years ago I remember having almost like these adrenalin rushes or like an electrical shock feeling while trying to go to sleep. I still have it and it has gotten worse.
Gypsy014 Wildfire123
Hi wildfire, I have all of these bad symptoms also. And what's scaring me the most is the agoraphobia and the doom feelings, if I try and go somewhere I turn around and come back home to my safe zone...I've cried all day today and yesterday also, and I laid on my bed and feel like my life has been sucked out of me! Really sorry I'm not much help today, but do want you to know that it's also happening to someone else, ME.. 😢😢😢
kelle34850 Wildfire123
I have to find some relief but I hate to get on meds. I thought about trying birth control pill to see if they help.
denise999 Wildfire123
My anxiety, panic, paranoia has hit its most high, horrible thoughts, body shaking, totally convinced my husband and in laws are out to get me. Constantly beating myself up for past mistakes, feeling totally unworthy of everything, can't eat properly, wide awake now 4.50am! Again, flushing all the time. Not trusting anyone, pushed me to the point of , can't do this anymore, been to docs and got some tabs, I had them before and felt better , so stopped taking them,big mistake! So hopefully these will kick in very quickly 🙏🏻 They are supposed to help with menopause symptoms.
lana07071 Wildfire123
paula20385 Wildfire123
I use HRT they are called femseven cont patches they have help me with my anxiety I all so went to see a councillor she help me a lot at the beginning as I could not work for 4 months with anxiety
Take care
Guest Wildfire123
elaine62759 Wildfire123
I've found guided meditations and yoga really good for reducing anxiety. Also avoid too much caffeine and alcohol which can make you feel worse. Magnesium supplements can be helpful too.
Gypsy014 I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes it's hard to just walk to the mailbox and back. I feel impending doom immediately.
Kelle34850 I had no idea what these "surges" were. I just kinda brushed them off in the beginning. But now they are almost every night. They are so annoying. I now know what it's like to put my finger in an electrical socket without actually doing it. I too get the tremors first thing in the morning. I find if I eat a banana they go away a little bit.
Denise999 I too always think that my boyfriend is cheating on me when in fact he's not. He's not that kind of man. Plus his mother would murder him if he did cheat on me. What kind of tabs did you get?
Lana07071 I see a wonderful therapist and she has supported me through all of this. I've learned a lot of coping skills like CBT and DBT and mindfullness. But they don't always work for me.
Paula20385 I had to quit my job because of the crippling anxiety. I may look into the HRT if my gyno will give it to me. She's kindof a butthead though. She took blood to test my hormones one time and said "Oh your levels are normal. There's nothing wrong with you". If there's nothing wrong with me then why am I having all these symptoms? !
Michele60550 I'm on a multivitamin that has B complex and D3 in it.
Elaine62759 I cUT out caffeine a long time ago and I don't drink at all. A friend of mine uses a magnesium spray and she says it helps her a lot. I might order some off Amazon.
denise999 Wildfire123
I'm on antidepressants citrolapram 20mg 🙏🏻 They work xxx
lana07071 Wildfire123
Wildfire123 lana07071
Lana You said your appetite is better? I keep loosing my appetite and have lost so much weight and can't seem to gain it back. It's really scaring me too. Did you loose weight?
lana07071 Wildfire123
Wildfire123 lana07071
I'm on an antidepressant but it doesn't work
lana07071 Wildfire123
Wildfire123 lana07071
I'm tired of being on meds. I just want my life back.