Anxiety still bad
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Why is my anxiety still bad even though I am at the end of my period . All my symptoms are still here as well and it seems the more I think about them the worse they get . I seem to be constantly obsessing about them . Then all the dark thoughts come back as I worry that I am never going to feel like my old self again. Does this make sense to anyone ? I will be 49 in August and my periods are still regular , although usually go three and a half weeks between . I really think that I am going mad at the moment . Is it still peri even when still having regular periods ? Thank you everyone and I would appreciate input . Jane X
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maria101 jane63977
michele10981 jane63977
jamie50513 jane63977
michelle46271 jane63977
It makes total sense. I've got to the stage I obsess about all the symptoms. By doing this for 6 months my life has been hell. I have just started trying to carry on and put them at the back of my mind. For months I have been going out and my head is full of 'what if I faint ' This brings on the panic even more. It is so hard,the hardest anxiety I've had in my life. I'm sure I must have brought on some symptoms more by thinking about them. I hope you have a caring partner. Take care xx
DearDoe michelle46271
michelle46271 DearDoe
DearDoe michelle46271
jane63977 DearDoe
I'm having a really bad time at the moment and I don't know what to do with myself most of the time . It seems like one long nightmare . I guess this all stems from peri . I am nearly 49 and still have regular periods . All my problems started last summer when I lost my mum and then all the anxiety started . I understand that trauma can sometimes bring the onset of peri symptoms , so maybe this is my problem as I have had a bad time since my mum died . It will be a year next week .
I just can't seem to snap myself out of all the symptoms that I experience . Here's what I get
Nausea ( a lot of the time ).Migraines and general headaches.
General aches and pains
Doom and gloom feelings. Permanently feeling under the weather.Lack of appetite Always an effort to do anything Tightness in chest like I can't breath Aches in my abdomen. I sound like a right hypochondriac , but all of this is really getting me down . Does anyone else get these problems ? Please I just want to know if there's a light at the end of the tunnel , as this has been the worst year of my life and I'm at my wits end . Thank you X
michelle46271 jane63977
Jane I've suffered all the things you have. It's horrible. You actually feel like you have a disease don't you?
louise44105 jane63977
Trishann jane63977
pinkcatfairy jane63977
Anxiety in peri/meno can come and go, I had my ovaries out a year ago (was peri anyway) but i have bad anxiety with no periods now, i know it is easier said than done but try to clear your head when thoae dark thoughts enter, easier said than done, i have been there waking up to a doom and gloom feeling, health anxiety, thinking you have everything under the sun, loss of appetite with nausea and weight loss due to gastitis brought on by reflux which is common in peri x