Anxiety sucks!
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Its Monday morning and I feel so yuck!
I have felt terribly anxious all weekend, silly little things have sent my crazy.
Whilst watching TV last night I sensed I was agitated so I checked my blood pressure which was probably a bad move as it was high 175/83….. This reading obviously made me extra anxious and when I went to bed it felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. I was also feeling dizzy whilst lying down. I got up and re checked it again and it was 188/80
I was getting myself in such a panic I actually thought about going to the hospital I was convinced I was going to have a heart attack or stroke. I contemplated writing my daughter a letter giving her all my bank passwords and telling her what she needed to do if the worst happened. How darn crazy is that?
I returned to bed and tried to convince myself it was the anxiety that was causing the high BP so 30 minutes later I rechecked it and thankfully it had dropped to 154/75 still high but least it was dropping.
I managed 4 hours of sleep. The lack of sleep is stressing me out as I was a 9 hour a night girl until these last few months. I even purchased a ladycare magnet on Saturday, i am willing to try anything
I checked my BP again this morning and it was 122/70 which obviously is great.
I have booked into see the Dr tomorrow this BP thing worries me.
Just wanted to get it all off my chest & share how i feel, I am sure there are plenty of you going through the same.
Hope everyone else has had a fab weekend
Mrs D xx
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Snatchpiece mrsd64
I hope that you are feeling brighter this morning and good to get things off your chest isnt it. Great move to go and see your GP as much as to try and put your mind at rest that all is ok.
I have found that using the Magnesium Night time spray (Holland & Barret) helps loads with my restless nights. Use it about 30 mins (10 sprays) before you normally go to bed and it can be sprayed anywhere on your body. It may tingle to start with but this soons goes away. Since using this I have found my nights sleep going back to what used to be normal. It is a good relaxer and I use this in the morning aswell to help me during the day. (the same one can be used for both) - I also use Menopol plus which you can purchase off simply supplements or Amazon. I take one in the morning and one at night and again this has helped.
Good luck at the doctors and massive hugs coming your way my lovely.
mrsd64 Snatchpiece
Thank you so much for your kind words
I have the H&B spray but this weekend it has not helped. Maybe i need to spray a little more. Do you massage it in?
I will see what the Dr has to say tomorrow and might look into the Menopol.
I am so happy that you sound to be doing very well and pray that it continues that way.
Take care
Mrs D xx
Snatchpiece mrsd64
I spray it around my tummy and around my back (must be 10 sprays though) twice a day to get your recommended allowance. I much prefer this to taking tablets.
In the morning I take the following:
1 x Menopol plus
1 x Busy B (which includes Vit C, and min of 100mg of all the B's ie B6 etc)
1 x Omega 3
1 x spray of Vit D in the mouth
4 x sprays of B12 in the mouth
10 x sprays of Magnesium oil (around tummy and back)
Before Bed
1 x Menopol plus
1 x Omega 3
10 x sprays of Night time Magnesium.
My anxiety was really bad last year when it would effect me for two weeks at a time before I was getting a period after I had missed a few. I could not go into the office, see anyone other than my family, felt sick, loss of appetite, would think that I had a terminal illness. It took me a long while to realise this was all hormonal and not an illness. When I was having regular periods all was fine and no anxiety. It really does suck though doesnt it?
This year I did however start using HRT tablets and didnt do too well on those but have since started using the patches which (fingers cross) so far are helping!!
When you are going through a low period then your logic goes out of the window doesnt it? When I am in a good place then I know that I do not have a terminal illness and know its just my silly hormones playing up and with this in mind was my only reason that I went onto the HRT. I know there is a lot of bad press but whilst you are in early 50's then the risk are less. Life is one big risk and sometimes you just have to think that it is also too short to continueously feel lousy so if it helps get you back to feeling near to normal then I was prepared to take this chance just to start feel great again!!
Massive hugs to you Mrs D and I do hope that you soon start to feel more like your old self!!
Take Care,
Snatchpiece mrsd64
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mrsd64 Snatchpiece
I have the joint spray and the day spray! i have just been home for lunch and given myself a good spray haha! i also take my magensium tablets. to be honest i dont think it matters what you take when you have an anxiety attack, 95% of the time im fine and can control it.
i have not had a period since the begin of January and hopefully i will pass the year mark last year i went 11 month period free.
The Dr offered me HRT but i declined she gave me some citalopram i got them but have never used them.
Sending big hugs back to you Joy
Mrs D xx
robin80460 mrsd64
I am on HRT and have a day like yours about every 4 days. Working on modifying the HRT dose and have added E B and magnesium. Waiting for the magnesium to arrive - this is supposed to work for calming. Will keep everyone posted. When I can't stand it anymore I take 1/2 an ambien for sleep. Ambien is a miracle but worried to take it more than twice a week. Hope your week gets better.
mrsd64 robin80460
I am sure you will see a benefit with the magnesium i did, unfortunately i am just having a weekend blip (fingers crossed)
It make me feel better knowing i am not alone and also being able to communicate with others suffering the same as me!!