Anxiety suicidal
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If been to the doctors with all my symptoms hot flushes missed 2 periods headaches nausea dizzy anxiety bloating I feel suicidal I feel pregnant iv done a test which was negative and goin for bloods next Friday I'm so so scared I'm pregnant and it's not peri menopause I 'm 43 and dint want any more children ibfrel like I'm goin mad someone plz help me
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Indifferent yasmin49092
I am so sorry you are dealing with this! Find yourself some Bachs Rescue Remedy and some Bach's Cherry Plum. You can find it at bachflower dot org (can't post link so 'dot' is the period.
Those two will stop the anxiety and the suicidal thoughts in thier tracks. I always have these two in my purse. Take a few drops every day. It is the only thing i found that helps with this. There is a write-up on both at that site.
Big Hugs...I know how terrifying that is!! It WILL pass. Try the remedies
Guest yasmin49092
don’t give up!!!!!! This to shall pass.... please call suicide help lines... or go to hospital..... don’t do anything tragic because these feeling will pass... menopause has MANY faces.... educating yourself and talking to others about menopause, I find, can also help. You are a good person... you are loved....
Guest yasmin49092
teri76755 yasmin49092
Shana_rifka yasmin49092
Eliaimee1970 yasmin49092
I’m in the same boat but tried to relax . I feel pregnant all the time and my stomach is big on the top. And I just take a deep breath. Tried to find something to ease your mind . We are all here for you and ourself for confort .
Shana_rifka Eliaimee1970
Eliaimee1970 Shana_rifka
I get tested every year . I have a hiatal hernia and I think I Ággavated doing the lawn and I have an appointment tomorrow w my GYN.
DearDoe Shana_rifka
mauiblue DearDoe
Eliaimee1970 DearDoe
I freak out so much and I know I got tested for several years I had a endocospy in 2016 and colonoscopy 2 months ago. And numeros test all normal.
Guest Eliaimee1970
Also, my friend doesn’t eat gluten because she says that causes her to bloat. And whacked hormones can cause it, I never know where I’m at in my cycle and bloated all the time. Plus my food baby is back since I put the 30 pounds back on.
If you’ve had a colonoscopy and see your gyn, no need to panic about cancer!