Anxiety through the ROOF...
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ok so this happened I'm trimming some weeds outside and step right on a rusty nail. and yes I have not had a tetanus booster in 20 years now ive been cut bitten by a dog and nothing never happened but not a rusty nail.. so my problem is I'm gluten free medication free allergic to everything penicillin latex , so I'm very scared of a reaction and very scared if I don't go.. I just talked with a nurse who was very calming obviously feels I should go,, but omg anxiety through the roof anyone out there care to share some advice maybe similar situations..thank you. I'm really freaking out just happened 30 min ago.. oh and that nurse I talked to says her tetanus triggered her lymes disease to flare up.. I have migraines rheumatoid arthritis hashimo tos I just don't know what to do here
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maddysmom2015 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy,
Obviously, ask your primary doctor. S/he will get a package insert with the vaccine that has all the active and inactive ingredients. There is time to wait until tomorrow.
I can tell you I am allergic to everything as well--gluten, onions, latex, fruits with a pit. I am also allergic to eggs which are in a number of vaccines. At least in the American vaccine for tetanus those do not have any cross over. I also have an autoimmune condition. I have had 2 tetanus boosters in the last 5 years. (Rusty nail and cut myself with a knife.) With the knife cut I waited 3 days at least from cut to booster. Everything was fine.
I did have a little pain in my arm where they put the injection in for about 36 hours afterwards. Everything is just fine.
Gypsy014 maddysmom2015
thank you , you sound like me with all the allergies and autoimmune diseases.. one of my biggest fears is my body attacks any foreign invaders because of my ra and obviously my would attack itself if the tetanus booster was injected in there... I recall once getting attacked by a swarm of yelliw jackets the stings from the venom caused and wrecked havoc in my body following that is when I went and got tested for ra because the joint pain that started shortly after was unbearable.. I think my body was treating the stings as a foreign invader and attacking my joints.. well I guess I don't want to experience any of that again and that fear has left me with ptsd pretty bad.. I did read that the who is trying to pass that we need the tetanus boosters every 30 years and not 10 that should be paased soon , and I am just looking for excuses.. well I will sleep in it and try and calm down to make my decision.. thank you so much for sharing ..
Ella23ps Gypsy014
Giving a flu vaccine under the skin subcutaneous is safer for people like us. It has very little side effects compared to giving them intermuscular. I just wonder if you can give a tetanus vaccine subcutaneous like you can flu shots. It would be well worth it to look into this. If fact old doctors long long ago use to always give flu vaccines subcutaneous. My doctor says under the skin is only way he will even give a flu vaccine today. You could also look into homeopathic nosodes for tetanus.
Ella23ps Gypsy014
When I said people like us I was referring to people with sensitivities.