Any body know?

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Hi to you all, I have just a question to anyone who is taking SERTRALINE, this is coming up for my 2nd week and I'm still feeling quite tired. I have read it's a common side effect but it doesn't say how long this will continue for? Has anyone been on this drug? If so have you any idea how long this is likely to stop?. Anyone please.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle... What dose are you on ? I am on Sertraline 50 mg for nearly 2 years now & it's been a life saver for me for anxiety. No HRT through choice. Still have many many menopause symptoms, sudden adrenaline lasts seconds sometimes longer more so in shops, imbalance which I have I have come to accept now as part of my daily life, just been offered another job that I would love but can't take as I struggle with such horrible unseen feelings it's so unfair. I did have tiredness at the start on these tablets but not for long but occasionally I do get crashing fatigue but did not relate it Sertraline! xx
    • Posted

      Hi Trevis just read your post I certainly think these are all anxiety related when you mean you get In balance in shops I too experience a feeling of imbalance and light headed I do have atrial fribullation but I'm sure this is not the cause because I'm ok and suddenly this feeling comes over me which in turn makes me anxious especially if I'm on my own I just have to think positive and try not to panick sometimes I go really hot which I'm sure most all be menopause related  just need to tell my brain that lol


    • Posted

      Hi .. Thank you for your comment, sounds just like me. I was at Tesco tonight just for a Birthday card & some new mugs, went late on so it would be quiet, with my husband. Was totally at ease never gave it a thought that I was actually in a shop, shopping!! Got what I needed and a lovely throw which I was delighted with and just heading down to the checkout & suddenly felt out of nowhere like someone had shoved me slightly, a wee adrenalin for all if five seconds, hot sensation for again s few seconds ' that was it my confidence left me & panic set in. Y husband gave me car keys do I could go outside to car, but then I thought, your not gonna beat me and I stayed through checkout & stayed with my husband who kept telling me just ignore it!... Nothing comes of it! I did do & gomg outside & felt fine & that wee incident totally threw me and made me really sad as I had a good day otherwise. Why? Wtf? & where does it come from it really spoils everything .... All I want to go us return to work & get my life back! It's 5 years now 😔. x
    • Posted

      Yip that's what's happens to me it seems to be getting worse I can be with my husband sitting having dinner in a restaurant then suddenly I feel a strange feeling comes over me I flush up don't go red in the face then light headed and nervousness its really frightening I just try to tell myself don't  panick. I'm ok when I'm with someone but then I think of the event before hand like omg what if I'm on my own and this happens you don't feel like you want to go anywhere. We need to be more positive and just think we're not alone and things will get better.
    • Posted

      Aww it's good to talk to you... Thank you so much for your comments they are greatly appreciated knowing Im not alone on these symptoms .... Thank you so much x😊👍🏻
    • Posted

      Hi trevis, I take 50 mg of Settraline daily the doctor told me the first four days to half the tablet then continue with 50 mg each day. It's seems to knock me out in the afternoon. I take Propanolol in the morning for migranes so th doctor advised to take Sertraline about 9am. I'm just wondering at how tired I am to take in the evening instead ?. I'm  to suffering a lot of pre measure symptoms too acid reflux aching body to name a few. And becausevim peri my migranes are becoming worse so again put on Propanolol I also take Sumertription. Acid reflux tab every day. Oh the joys!!.
    • Posted

      Yes Michelle acid reflux is a nightmare 😕.... I changed my tablet to evening time on the advice of another lady on here and it didn't make any difference for me but worth a try as we are all different. My whole body aches too, more so my knees & ankles & lower back pain is just awful, doc gave me naproxen for back but I only take one when I really really have to as they are not good to be on long term. I can't even get an X-ray from my doc unless I throw myself to the ground or have an accident that would qualify me!!!! I'm reading everyone having scans, mri's and all sorts, are they private or USA?? I can't get anything! I just try to keep busy and if I get a sudden burst of energy I may go on my treadmill that I've bought but that's been very rare at the moment!!! I have always been active, black sky in kickboxing, going to the gym.... But not anymore it's a total nightmare, I had to give up work 5 years ago. I manage ok but would love to return to work but with these sudden onset of symptoms that keep spooking me My confidence comes and goes, it's so not me.....😔. No one understands as they can't see anything so no point in trying to justify anything... I'm s changed person & I don't like it at all.
    • Posted

      Ignore the predictive txt!!! It's got a sense of humour!!! 😜xx
  • Posted

    Hi. I take 100mg for anxiety, insomnia and a whole bunch of peri symtoms. I felt terrible for a few weeks after initially taking it and doc advised to half it to 50mg for 2 weeks then increase dose. I remember feeling a bit disorientsted and sick, but it did pass. Would rather be taking hrt but cant because of high bp. I wish you well. X


  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, You maybe need to give it a bit longer. It had good effect for me very quickly when I started on it with no increase in fatigue. I came off it for a few months then started again 100mg because I was feeling quite depressed again. This time I dont notice such an improvement in mood, but I dont think I feel more tired with it. It sounds like your tiredness come on since you started it - is that right?
    • Posted

      Hi Anne I'll give it more time Thankyou. I'm suffering with the peri symptoms since nov2014 and I came to the point I had to seek medical help my mood swings were unbearable, nothing made me happy just felt so low and really miserable all the time!!. So I was put on Settraline, and I do actually feel better just flipping tired!!!.  I'm hoping very soon this will pass though. Xx
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle 

    i have been on it now since Dec. 2011. Was on 50 mg then 100 per day now on 50 - 50 - 100 -50 - 50   - 100 and so on.

    i too can't have HRT due to blood pressure , I still get menopause symptoms but slowly improving. I had quite bad side effects for sever weeks on starting sertraline but they have helped . Hang in there x 

  • Posted

    HI Michelle!

    I was on Sertaline for a brief period (less than 6 months) a year or so ago. Yes, in the beginning I felt a bit of fatigue.....then it tapered off. Let 1 month or so pass and see if it doesn't improve. I felt tired first few weeks and it was also a subtle change in my overall mood that made me continue on and the fatigue lessened.

    I believe it's mentioned as a side effect that initally happens and most likely will lessen for you as time progresses.

    Annie xx

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle 

    I am the same way but i have been taking Neurontin Zoloft hurt my stomach and the Celexa caused me a rash so i am on 100mg of Neurontin three times a day just feel weak tired and sick 

    Feel crummy all over 

  • Posted

    Forgot to note I take propanalol 40 mg a day as well , calms everything down e.g palpitations , shakes .

    reading these posts reminds me that these symptoms are menopause and not me !!

    thanks everyone for reminding me of that 

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