Any Ideas !!!!
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I would like to know if anyone can help.
I started post menopausal bleeding six or seven weeks ago was sent for smear that came back normal then I was sent for vaginal ultrasound which said there was a polyp and they took a biopsy of the lining of the womb that came back normal cells. They then told me I couldn't get the polyp removed under local anaesthetic so the doctor got her junior doctor to take a biopsy which was horrendous as the young man couldn't get a large cut of the polyp ( oh God did he try to the point he was hurting me) so that biopsy couldn't get cells off it to small a sample.
I shall now get to my main point I have been told I can't get the polyp removed by General anaesthetic as my b.m.I. is to high in otherwards I am too fat and they can't take it out by local anaesthetic so what I want to know does anyone have any ideas ( the lovely Kerry whom I speak to on the forum suggested spinal block) what else I can get .
Your help with this query would be much obliged........ Heather
P.S. Can you live with polyp in there or is it best it's removed if only to stop the bleeding.
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Guest heather29740
Your polyp should reduce itself and mostly likely just disappear on its own, how long you been in meno? My daughter has them and she had a Ct Scan and I think an MRI and they said just leave them! Those scans can let them know, Plus isn't there a diet or some food that helps reduce their size now not sure on this one. I tell you after they started all those biopsies on me with hit and miss and then the other doctor gutting me like a gutted pig Thank God everything was okay, HOWEVER I never had diverticulitis until a month or so after all that punching internal whole through my uterus and who knows what I ended up with the worst diverticulitis infection and was on so many antibiotics and medicine and now I deal with diverticulitis on an ongoing base's and I am convinced its from all those long pole swords to take a huge bite out of my uterus not one time but on several different appointments ! My cervix wasn't even opened but trust me time they got thru I had an open window to it!
heather29740 Guest
What about the bleeding though. Yesterday I had what's can only describe as a period, you know the pain in the stomach legs sore at the top and pelvic pain with heavier bleeding today I have had next to no bleeding ( mustn't talk too soon you never know about tomorrow) at all.
This has been six weeks with only just over a week without bleeding in that time. By the way true about the way we are treated the young doctor was like a toddler trying to get a square block into a round hole (please excuse me for being so graphic) and failing over and over.
Thanks for replying ......Heather
Guest heather29740
Heather, how old are you? I stopped bleeding for almost two years and thought I was meno when I actually wasn't even though it had been two years with no bleeding thats why I had to have all the test and blood work which showed I wasn't in meno like I thought after almost two years of NO periods, I ended up in ER thinking I was bleeding to death! I would go to ER or your doctor and have a ultra sound or ct scan just to check and see that all is okay except the pylop. Now I dont know why they blame your weight for not putting you under I mean I weighed about 260 pounds and they was going to put me under but I refused because I was scared of been put to sleep as my fear and panic condition stopped me. BUT I'm FAT and they didn't say anything about weight been a issue to do it in hospital and put me to sleep . Maybe see a different doictor.
I am 56 and have been post menopausal for four years .
I don't know where you are but it is nearly five in the morning
and I cannot sleep. I want all this stuff worked out so I can finally
relax and enjoy life without worrying all the time ......Heather x