Any one willing to confess .... are you hitting the bottle to help with all the misery?
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I am guilty .... Its like I seek oblivion .... no more questioning why I'm as I am .... no more seraches for answers just nothing and often a good nights sleep too
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jayneejay Poppy1960
no hun, i dont drink at all ..
Chin up hun
jay x
liz1234 Poppy1960
I can understand why you hit the booze. Iv not cause I hate the hangover and I wouldn't chance driving (Scotland laws are strict on drink driving) as I need to escape sometimes.
It's pure hell I'm sitting in my livingroom hubby and son in, no worries but my stomach is churning!!
You take care xx
Poppy1960 liz1234
amy37797 Poppy1960
Don't feel bad- this is tough stuff to deal with daily-
timmy12 Poppy1960
I'm guilty, it helped me sleep it was great to just hit my pillow and conk
out. I stopped drinking when all this started(only drank at weekends).
I was having a few with friends one night and had the best sleep ever,
Started having a few each night but felt awful through the day,this
lasted a few weeks but I decided it wasn't the answer,so I gave it up
again. Still going through it, got more blood tests took just to double check everything, doctor got results back today so he asked to see me
Hopefully get some proper help cos I think he thought it was all in my
Keep your chin up poppy we'll get through this together
Bubbins Poppy1960
lol64 Poppy1960
annieschaefer Poppy1960
Sorry you are having a rough time, just remember, this is temporary even though at the moment it feels like forever.
Annie xx
mel64317 Poppy1960
Find a good Doctor....and go and have a talk to them Poppy and take care of yourself. Xx
Pops_grandma Poppy1960
meno sucks big time be kind to yourself xxx
michellejessie Poppy1960
Sending hugs .
Michelle. Xxx
Moniee Poppy1960
shaznay96184 Poppy1960
Seriously, I've never been able to 'take' my drink: family trait, we all get really p*ssed, really quick and end up hurling. Classy bunch!!:-)
My ol' man, in stark contrast, has the drinking capacity of an empty beer keg! Or did have. Silly ol' sod can't take it these days, and has joined the gang by getting up 3 times in the night for the loo - previously unheard of!
Thankfully he don't miss the booze and he gave up smoking 5yrs ago and has spent the past 15yrs in the gym - he's a big boy, and looks lovely/fit for 52. Oh, if only I had any libido left....I would :-) :-) !!
I don't sleep well, and haven't for donkeys years. But booze makes me tired after drinking it, but not to keep me asleep, if that makes any sense?!
I hear the 'Sleep Sheep' from Dunhelm are doing the rounds: I might make an appointment with them:-) !!
Seriously, booze is OK for some but ain't great in the long-run. Think of all them hangovers and how rough we look in the ,morning.....or is that just me?!!!!:-)
jayneejay shaznay96184
same for me, alcohol = puke and headaches.. Yak
plus its the last thing you want in peri and post meno, as can make everything worse ie.. Flushes etc
and the liver - umm to me you gotta look after yourself big time in this phase of your life ..
have a good day hun
jay x
shaznay96184 jayneejay
My 'ill' sister has regular blood tests for liver function because of the number and nature of her meds. As does the sister taking HRT.
jayneejay shaznay96184
i have reg Liver Function Tests annually as i had amoebic dysentry for 9 months, years ago when i lived in middle east for a few years..
then when i had the 3 bulging back disks and shingles a few weeks ago i had a CT scan and my liver was also visable on the scan..
and they noticed two lesions on my liver 😳 and i dont even drink..
( maybe scarring from the amoebic dystentry) as thats numerous parasites and it was the worst pain I have ever experienced and i had my children natural no pain killers etc or gas and air .
The liver blood tests dont show the state of the liver, mine were found by sheer fluke .. Have to be monitored even more now ..
As if there isnt enough to whittle about
jay x