Any solutions for all of these?

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A while ago,  when I was searching on internet on my numeriuos symptoms I have been experiencing,  I found a book called" Passage to Power" by Leslie Kenton. She explained in the book about why these issues happen with women, factors contribute in the process and suggested many alternative, non threatening, herbal treatment options including food. I wonder does anyone have seen this or applied these recommendations? Thank you 

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7 Replies

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    Morning Altaa

    I havnt seen this but to me it makes sence and i totaly agree that food plays an important part in controling our many symptoms. like ive been eating the box of the Lindor chocolates my son bought me for mothers day, enjoyed every mouthfull but oh boy do i feel unwell, we all know sugar is one of the culprits. id much rather control my symptoms with food and safe herbal treatments. Anyway only one chocolate left and then ill get back on tract again!


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    If I do a juice detox my symptoms are reduced. I definitely feel worse if I have a lot of sugar or white carbs xx
  • Posted

    ...and if you can add in some regular exercise too this wil help you immensely. Most ex athletes symptoms are reduced if they continue to train....

    ALOT to be said about the western diet.....lots of books out there.....but reading that Japanese women and women on a Mediterranean diet don'tt get nearly the amount of symptoms we all do is interesting ! 😄 xx

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      Thank you. I started yoga recently, which to be helpful. Thank u for the tip😃
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    I agree what we eat makes a difference. I have a tendency to eat a lot of carbs and sugar and I feel crappy when I do. If I cut back and watch what I eat then I feel better. I'm my own worst enemy most of the time!
    • Posted

      Nancy tell me about it, Mothers day gift of a box on Lindols chocolates, my favourites and my weakness, eat the lot, feel really ill and crappy too. must make this my last one, i dont normaly buy for myself but if someone buys me them then i have to eat them! should know better, sugar is bad bad bad, probably brought on another attack of candida as well. when will i ever have whats called will power!

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