Any suggestions on this??
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Last year in March I started having severe perimenopause symptoms. It started with my digestion, bloating, constipation, unable to eat, etc.
I had an colonoscopy done later that month, 3/31 to be exact. My dr. said that i had gastritis, gerd, and hiatal hernia and my colon was a bit twisted which made the procedure longer than normal. She had to untwist it. Though my stomach felt as if it was really heavy on my right side. It was very uncomfortable to sleep on this side. Any loo, the very next day when i woke up all my symptoms were gone, and i got my period also. Dont know if symptoms left because of period or because of the procedure that was done.
It was ok briefly and symptoms returned after period. Later in June had a cat scan done and was told that my intestine was impacted and leaning to the side.
Now, lately ive been having lots of bloating, stomach is full of gas ( doctor said this week) , bowels move not too great. But, im wondering if my digestion issues are contributing to these ongoing symptoms or could this just be perimenopause or both??
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Guest mary27278
mary27278 Guest
Suzanne my last visit to Gi was in Dec. and he only felt my stomach and said i was constipated but i told him i am using it everyday. He said you can still be constipated but it could be high up in there. He gave me a prescription for constipation but i saw no improvement only a side effect of weigh loss. So i stopped taking it. I go regularly daily but it seems like i still want to use it sometimes afterward. My gi dr. said it was IBS, my hormone doctor this week said it may be SIBO and he thinks it all has to do with my adrenals.🤔
Correction, looking at my ct scan report it says large amount of feces seen throughout colon. Dont know if its the same as impactated?
Clare1971 mary27278
Hi Mary
I still have my periods, Perimenopausal and I can guarantee when I get my periods those 5 days are the best I feel , no stomach upset, dizziness, detached feeling or vision disturbance and the worst anxiety .
Yes think it’s all related
mary27278 Clare1971
Clare1971 mary27278
I did have upset tummy ,burning , empty feeling in tummy , have been taking golden paste which is a tumeric mix you can google it , this helps inflammation and fingers crossed seems to be working
Clare 💕
CarolKelso Clare1971
Hi Clare... I've so the same with the burning empty tummy... A very strange sensation... It comes and goes but brings with it wind too... Like you on the tuneric and other vitamins that has helped.. Thx for sharing.. Who'd of known we'd feel this way eh? No one prepares you for it.. .. CK😏
CarolKelso mary27278
Hi. Mary.. I developed ibs throught the change.. Awful wind with d stomach a scope down my tummy and all was fine but I suffer with some constipation at times..alot is hormonal and I'd say its not helping you right now... But mine has settled.. I take a pro biotic which helps.. I Drink plenty of water and get good exercise.. Stress does not help but thank god im much better.. Maybe your body is readjusting from surgery as well as trying to balance the hormones... And what I noticed was the more I focused on my bowel or worried about it... I got awful anxiousabout it so just tried to focus on one day at a time... Hope this helps.. CK
mar75090 mary27278