Any tips for dealing with the nausea at work?
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Hi Ladies - love to you all, I've had a pretty horrid month, nausea seems to now be one of my main symptoms, along with anxiety and no appetite at all! I don't think I've ever experienced this so acutely - I usually love my food, but at the moment I can't face eating at all, its very much like early pregnancy. I'm so worried something might be wrong as its hard to think that this is all down to hormones, I work part time, and its getting awkward to keep on turning down food and 'feeling sick' without really knowing why, I've been having these symptoms for 3 years now (I'm 41), blood tests are all clear - FSH is going up though, but as we know these mean nothing where peri is concerned, any tips from anyone else trying to stay working through all this - would be much appreciated xxxxx
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Annie831 karen60759
I too feel exactly the same as you I have peppermint tea to ease the sickness. I have also in the last month started taking vitamin D spray and magnesium and calcium together with a Menopace Original tablet. I must say I feel so much better it’s unbelievable also been doing lots more exercise and eating lots of greens.
I do hope you are feeling better soon.❤️❤️
Guest karen60759
Hi Karen, I have no tips, but I was going to post this exact question. I too am 41, in peri hell. Thumping migraine all last night horrible nausea the last couple days. Horrible anxiety. Post period symptoms this time. Period ended 4 days ago. Sorry you feel bad too😕
karen60759 Guest
Thanks Lou for replying - it means so much to me to know I'm not alone with all this
have you lost your appetite as well? it's so weird, to not feel like eating at all - and this has lasted most of the past 4 weeks - I had a few days where my appetite came back which was just before my period, and I felt good - and then for the past 2 weeks gone again?! it's also post period symptoms that tend to be worst for me now - hoping we both feel better in a few days x
Guest karen60759
Oh definitely, I just had to force some crackers and water. Last couple days appetite is down. I was going to blame the AD I take, but I don’t think it is 🤔My periods have been every 21 days, lighter, and lasting only 2-3 days the past few months. However, my after period symptoms have been horrible. Especially this last one. Ended on Friday and I feel worse! Someone told me symptoms can get really bad and periods lighter when you are close to the end. At 41, (going through since 38, but really bad last year)) I won’t take that to the bank quite yet 😊
Guest karen60759
This may boost your is awesome you are still working! I had to stop a few months ago (I was self employed). I am a tough cookie too...but this peri knocked me down! 🤗
karen60759 Guest
Wow! I'm EXACTLY the same, periods lighter and shorter, symptoms since I was 38 but really bad the past year, worse symptoms after my period, I could hug you! I was getting so worried I had something life threatening! I had night sweats all over the winter too - which funnily enough seem to have gone now - even though its so much hotter! I'm going to get the mirena coil inserted tomorrow in the hope it will balance things out, have you tired that? when you say close to the end - do you mean of Peri or of full menopause? xx
karen60759 Guest
Guest karen60759
Omg, we are twinsies ( is that a word)! I have 2 kids too 🤗. I only heard that sometimes things get worse before peri is over abd your ovaries fail altogether. Meaning last period. But, of course meno means 12 months without a period. So, even if ours stops now, we still would have a year! Then, we get to deal with post meno 💃
karen60759 Guest
right yes - I've heard things calm down for a while and then rev up again when you're in menopause - maybe we'll get away with an easier menopause because the peri phase has been so bad?! here's hoping - have you tried the mirena coil or any hrt?
auntiebeanie karen60759
Hi Karen, Never had the Nausea but had the hot flashes and mood swings, for some years whilst in the Peri stage, it took a long time i'm sorry to say, Then boom levels shot up suddenly and I was put on HRT, first one didn't help that much but another GP said she would change me onto a synthetic one instead and its been great! My friend bought this little device that you put in your knickers, and she said it has helped her. Sorry I don't know what it is called.
Clare1971 auntiebeanie
Hi think that’s the lady care magnet . Yes it does help for the flushes 💕
Guest karen60759
When I was pregnant I used to do ginger ale and saltine crackers. This peri nausea is sooo much worse though. 😩
CarolKelso karen60759
Hi Karen..i struggle alot with this...and im the same. Love my food but the neasea is horrendous at times and it can be due to trapped wind etc. Are you in the uk? If so i get the box of wind relief tabs from boots. They are their own brand and they help help big time with the neasea. Ive tried everything but these have made a difference. You get 36 in a box...big white tablets...
Its part of the course and i can get awful migrane too with it...hang tight. You are not alone. CK
karen60759 CarolKelso
yep in the UK too - I'll try those - thx
CarolKelso karen60759