anybody get Internal Shaking/Tremors

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Hello Ladies, I am on here from time to time...I was wondering if any of you ladies experience internal shaking and slight tremors ever..been to all kinds of specialists and drs. and had some many blood tests run over 10 months now.......

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes. Had this a great deal last year. It has not been much of an issue this year... more weakness at times than shaky for me this year. The shaky feeling is a terrible feeling.

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      yes it is terrible....I definitely feel for both of us😊

  • Posted

    YES! In the same boat now. Just saw a 2nd neurologist for 2nd opinion.They are looking at my thyroid and also thinking its migraines causing the tremors possibly. The dr doesn't think its any kind of serious neuro disease after examining me. Running tests and also having an MRI soon. What kind of tests are they actually doing for you?

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      nettie,. yes been to Neurologists as well about also having Visual Disturbances as well and they have no clue...They did an MRI and ran tons of blood tests....and found some vitamins that were low...

  • Posted

    Hi ,

    Yes i had exactly this. I was very un nerved by it as it never seems too be mentioned on standard sites. It was if I had been plugged into a socket and felt like I was trembling internally. It wasn't visible to anyone else but was with me 24/7. i saw a menopause specialist in the end who assured me that he had seen many women with the same symptoms. I don't know if it was the reassurance or the HRT I was put on, or a combination of both, but the symptoms subsided. I hope they do for you too

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      Yes its hard going through all of these horrible symptoms and I am having visual Disturbances as well...not understanding why and what happened....I am looking into natural remedies with a Naturopathic Dr....Thank You

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      thank you sue!! that gives me hope and reassurance ❤❤

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    Hi Shana when you feel like this is it like having the chills? Are you cold as well?

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      Hi Susan....I get the shaking and chills alot.....I usually have the chills all the time...

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      hi susan im glad you mention the chills because i was thinking there was something odd about me as im always cold but when i get a day of chills im freezing to the bone which makes me feel trembly and my lips even quiver , i cant get warm again until after iv been in a warm bath and defrosted. im post menopause by 4yrs and was in peri for 4yrs . hope we all warm up soon.

      love & hugs to all x

    • Posted

      Hi yes its awful its like having the flu that never clears up and your expected to function and go about your day. I cant take it anymore and im ashamed to say the anger that i feel inside when i see ppl enjoying their lives is so consuming. I pray everyday and I know everybody has a cross to carry but damn if this is just hormones I cant imagine what a diagnosed disease is like. Its just not right. These Drs look at you with a smile on their face telling you your fine the thousand fking test results that youre now in debt over came back fine and while you should be happy for that you really want to grab them by the neck bcuz you feel like youre dying. Feel like im in the frigin twilight zone like nothing feels familiar to me in my life like i remember it. Does that make sense to anyone? Like when im at home it doesnt feel like my home when im with my family it doesnt feel like what i remember. Its such a scary feeling everyday to feel so lost so not normal like i see everyone else around me functioning. ❤❤ xoxoxo

    • Posted

      PREACH!!!! and ditto to EVERYTHING you said!!!! im totally with you, friend!!!!!

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      I hear you loud and clear.....I am having horrible Visual Disturbances and I was a high functioning person last year at this time and now I can't even work....all tests come back normal...I have bad headaches, feeling off balance, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, dry mouth, ringing in my ears, visual snow, internal shaking, tremors, etc....the list goes on....some drs. say no way are my Symptoms related to peri/meno and other drs. say yes......but I am also going through Post Concussion Syndrome and doing Detox for Lead, and Mercury....and the Naturopathic Dr. ran a salivia test for my its frustrating trying to figure out where and what is causing these awful symptoms!!!!!! I never thought life would be this miserable!!!!! If most of these symptoms are peri/meno....then I can't wait till its over

    • Posted

      mam can i ask u how old r u ?

      I have almost same symtoms as u.

      upto last year my life was in tract but not fully changed..home bound because of dizziness and off balance issues .left my job..


    • Posted

      susan i can relate to every single word you have said, i feel exactly the same and been through what feels like millions of test . Yesterday was such a dark day for me yet again i just wonder how long i can carry on feeling like this. I just feel so sad at loosing myself and so want me back.

      i too look at other women all the time thinking i just want a normal day like them.

      so far my 50's have been horrendous and i should be enjoying life.

      Do you find that your family and friends have stopped asking how you are, i think this is because im never any better but they don't understand as they lead a normal life like going on holiday, going shopping , going out for a meal.

      sorry im going on but i totally get what you say and how you feel your not alone but get we are alone in our own little bubble of trying to get through each day.

      hope we all feel better so xx

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      I am 44 years old........its been a nightmare the last year for me... especially last 6 months....

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      Hi Shana i know it is so frustrating. You said youre doing a detox and ive had thus theory because i have researched anything and everything related to what im feeling. Everything ive read on gut health and candida and all of the detox symptoms sound exactly like what we are feeling. I know there us a connection between candida and estrogen. Call me crazy, I feel like I am anyway so I wouldnt take offense to it haha but maybe it has to do with not being able to detox all this s**t out good like the hormones the toxins bacterial and environmental and all that crap just recirculates in the body. Idk- is that a stretch?

    • Posted

      Hi yes they have stopped asking me, I know they are here for me if i need them but they are at a loss. Actually i have some ocd and in a stressful marraige and they think its that:( Especially with the drs telling me im fine. I believe in God and I pray all the time and I know its wrong but simetimes i feel like im being punished like being punished for judging ppl. XOXO

      I have 2 teenage daughters they have to be like wtf. Its 3:00 in the afternoon and im still in my pajamas laying on the bed. Not the example I want to be setting which makes me more angry which make me physically feel worse. I feel too dry to even cry haha does that happen to you??

    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      No not at all...I feel the exact same way!!!! i have done so much research!!! Metal Toxins and Candida go hand and hand......I just got tested for candida and it came back that in the past I had a parasite....which I knew of.......

    • Posted

      Yes its a Candida Albican Blood Test....and I went to a Naturopathic Dr. and they gave me a Chelation Treatment to stir up the Metal in my body...and Then did a urine sample before and after......

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