anybody have any help

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Hi am new here I saw this and thought I'd see if there's anybody that's had a full hystorcomy and can give me some advice. I had the op because of a lump was found and it all went wrong after they took a byopsy it all went horribly wrong and three months later I faced havin an emergency full hystorcomy I was 42 and not quite ready for it but with no choice still that's all over now but I'm still suffering with hot flushes it's no so ragging as it was for the 1st year but the sweet that can just drip from my face, neck then the whole of my body just like a taps just been turned on its horrible can get me at any time I can't stand to be too hot can't stand my hair even touching my neck as that will set me off I can be just sitting down relaxing as I am now and it rages up my face head then all over does anybody have any idea when this might stop or have any suggestions on how to stop it or to at least charm it down iv tried hrt which to be honest I was much worse on and haven't been on them now for over a year please if anyone could give me some advice I would be so grateful

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Good grief, what an awful time youre having. My friend had a hysterectomy recently and said everything went as planned with a steady recovery. You do have to take things easy for a few weeks. There is a whole range of HRT and perhaps its worth trying another one. The ladies on this site will doubtless advise. When I had the horrible sweats, menoforce sage tablets helped me for a while. Take care.
  • Posted

    Hello debbs a big hello to you My goodness you did and are going through hell. Sorry I'm not going through Anythg like you are so I'm ill equipped to comment. But I wish u well X
  • Posted

    Hi Debs I too had a full hysterectomy and got the raging sweats and flushes. It's a bit trial and error really trying to find something that works. Sage is good and worth a try anything herbal can't really harm you. Sadly for some ladies not a lot works it's very hard but you have to try and remain calm and think cold until it goes. It does get better and you get less of the mega hot ones which make you unbearably hot like a furnace. I use a cold spray from boots and spray when I get warm it does help. Any cooking spray in a can will help you cool down quicker. Holding your wrists under cold tap water also helps. I still get them but they are getting fewer. Hope some of this helps.
    • Posted

      Not cooking spray cooling spray.
  • Posted

    Hi I had same at 40. Last year. and it's not the same as normal menopause age. Your body needs the hormones for health. I had bad experiences with tibolone but the estrogel works great and doesn't go through liver like tablets so better for longer term use. I get the odd hot flush at night and I've put a bit of weight on but that is it. Fingers crossed that is it as I hear stories of it being hellish . It takes 3 months for your body to get used to it so it's perseverance I'm afraid. I wish you all the best
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      Ps cold water on skin at night and let it evaporate from you also keeps you cool
  • Posted

    Thank you all for your advice will take it all on as I'm at my wits end with it all iv really had no support though any of this my doctors were new to me and wernt at all helpful iv found myself withdrawing from any medical help as the pills that they were just sticking me on made it so much worse and I hated to keep going back to a doctor that really wasn't listening to me I find myself just thinking it will all go away and just going though it all without any support has been really hard the op was bad enough but the aftermath just seems to be too much at the moment I haven't put that much weight on as I suffer with anxiety which has ent helped as half the time I don't know if it's that the op or both I'm not so tearful anymore as I think iv just switched off I don't want to sit and moan about it too much but I have found that once you have had this op done and the medical checks had been done that's it off you go and get on with it im grateful for all your advice I have heard of sage and it can help I'm going to give that a try all the other thing part from the pills I'm doing from lose layered cloths no heating on cool baths can't even enjoy a nice soak as it's unbareable I used to straighten my hair can't even get the hair dryer near me as my head then sets on fire I feel like I'm winging now sorry I do feel like this will go on forever and with no one to ask or take to about it all has been so hard iv spent two years just getting on with it alone so it's nice to have some input for some of you that actually know what I'm going though big thank yous xx
  • Posted

    Hi Debs, at your age you really need estrogen and ERT on its own without Progesterone, esp.taken as patches rather than orally is almost risk free, you don't need progesterone as you have no womb.  I would go back to your gynaecologist and talk it over with them pronto.  
    • Posted

      Thank you Helen I had never even thought or heard about that sounds silly but after the doctor had been less than helpful I haven't been back since as I felt that I was just being fobbed off and I was just making a nuisance when I explained to the doctor my symptoms his face had said it all and I couldn't face going back after the 3rd lot of hrt hadn't helped me hopefully this may be a step forward I will make an appointment and see how things go
    • Posted

      Ask to see a different Gp and ask them to explain it first. Good luck 😊

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