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so i had 3 weeks there where i was feeling pretty good and almost myself, was put on a blood pressure pill with a beta blocker and things were moving along nicely. 2 days before my period i was feeling pretty tired then bam the period comes and i have just been extremely exhausted, anxious, dizzy and pressure in my head and just over all washed out. ive taken an iron pill over the last 2 days hoping it would help but it hasnt really done much. anyone else ever feel lime this or have any suggestions. im so frustrated that i had 3 good weeks before all this. is this my hormone levels? usually once my period begins some of this stuff subsides
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pamela2016 kelly3120
everyday of my life I never get a break I have no answers as to what will help just wanted you to know your not alone and I'm on bp meds now too
mary27278 pamela2016
Pamela I feel the same. i just cant get a break. Tbh, this has taken a tolled on me mentally. It's like nothing I try helps me ..if it does its only temporarily. I am going into a depression state. 😢
Eliaimee1970 kelly3120
HI Kelly
same here but i read this wonderful post and i feel at ease and just breathe and breathe.
rebecca_68782 kelly3120
Hopefully it passes soon. Have been there too.
HopefulTrina kelly3120
I feel just like you, at this exact moment. I started my period last Thursday and ever since, it's been hell. ANXIETY through the roof, head pressure, wobbly legs, bloating, doom and dread feeling...
It was so bad I had a panic attack Saturday...
kelly55079 kelly3120
Yes.. This period thing is frustrating!! About a week before I get bad cravings and eat like there's no tomorrow. Anxiety, cramps, no patience, heavy period and exhaustion all comes with it. Ohh yes and the headache/head pressure too-- that's the worst for me!! Just be good to yourself drink a lot of water and nap if you need too. I do take iron a few times a week as well because I don't want my iron levels to get too low from these heavy periods.
reva31742 kelly3120
I was just thinking the same thing. I'm 52 and already on an anti-depressant, low dose birth control to help. But when it comes to that time of month, they still haven't stopped and I get so anxious, moody and just don't feel right at all. I hate it!! I wish there was something else I could do during this week. YUCK!!
mandygolf kelly3120
hi lovelies...
been a while since i have wrote, but i have been reading everday to try and pull me through. i had to have a big operation in october to remove infected , eroded mesh around my bladder, its been years of hell, but at the sane time i really am going through a terrible terrible time with the menopause! the hot flashes are beyond evil, i literally feel like i am going to blow up! i have swelling legs, ankles, fingers, i am breathless all the time, exhausted, put on weight which is awful as i am used to being quite slim, but honestly feel as though someone has inflated me!!! frightening pains and chest problems, feels like heart attack!! the migraines have come back so bad, throbbing, eyes feel full of pressure, blind spots, sometimes i sot there with the most strangest feelings, then think my god its a stroke! this is all so so devastating, i am not paranoid, i am not a person who thinks about illness .... but my god i do not know how to get through the day anymore, i am grey in colour, i have black bags under my eyes, i look unwell, oh god my lovely ladies... i feel so so unwell..... but please know you all help me everyday.... x x x x x
Nettie261962 kelly3120
Have had everything you all talk about and more . My worst is I have developed a tremor in my hands and feel a tremor in my chest and have jelly legs. Mood swings, hot flashes, head spells, dizzy, balance issues, extreme fatigue and so much more. Menopause sucks. Just want my old self back.
sunaina1983 kelly3120
Same here my dear..ur not Alone..Its Rocky Roller Coaster ride of Perimenopause.
Migranes , Head pressure ,weekness and shaky legs scare me most....some days r soo worst not able to go out
Have lot of water , veg and fruits.
Hope This phase will pass soon .
Nettie261962 kelly3120
Sunaina, hard to believe its all hormones. I've had so many many tests, scans etc and all come out normal and yet I feel soooo awful. Thanks for your response! Nettie
sunaina1983 Nettie261962
Soo True Nettie. Earlier we donot have any idea that harmones can doo sooo much in our life..until they start their show in Peri.
when ur life goes well..ur enjoying every bit of it and suddenly this phase come.....ur life stucks...u feel soo depress ......This phase is really very hard ..i wish it will over soon for all of us.
Thanks to this site..who gives us hope that ur not alone..we all together undergoing in same phase .I wish we all will be fine again
Nettie261962 sunaina1983
Sunaina, yes, this site is my only hope that this awful phase will pass eventually. I am so thankful for it ans all if you ladies.
karen65574 kelly3120
me to , jelly legs , blinding headaches and pressure , eye bags look 100 not 51 !!!! nausea the list goes on , so tired of it all , thinking of you all x
mel65197 kelly3120
With you 100%. There are days that I feel "sort of" like myself, then wham the next morning I feel really off, light-headed, heart racing, spacey, wobbly, chest pressure, nausea, and just plain weird. No matter how many times these symptoms knock me off my feet I feel surprised by them and anxiety kicks in. It never feels similar enough to not cause me stress and worry. My period is heavy and erratic. Sometimes it comes every two weeks. Which is exhausting and quite literally draining! I have started taking iron recently because my blood work says my red count is low. I have had so many damn tests, and the doctors just don't really know what to tell me other than "it's probably 'just' perimenopause". The issue I have is that it feels so atypical as to what most friends around my age are experiencing. They get hot flashes, have insomnia, and weight gain - all very common peri symptoms. But all the other crazy things I experience are not happening to them. I feel very comforted to be on this site and hear that others are having a similar experience to mine. Because honestly I feel a little crazy and despondent at times.
Nettie261962 mel65197
Mel, I totally sympathize with you. You said it all exactly how I would have. Some days want to just go back to bed because I feel so uncomfortable in my body. Let's hope we get our break soon and that it sticks for good. We deserve it living through this menopause hell. Hugs to you!