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so im almost 48 still get my periods although the last one was about a.week late and just ended 2 days ago. does anyone else feel worse after your period instead of before and during? Ever since it ended im exhausted, head is foggy, eyes heavy and burning at times, just overall off feeling. i would think after my period i would start to feel more normal
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christina81747 kelly3120
i feel exactly same way wxactly im in day 5 of cycle and last few days tired head fela heavy eyes heavy and burning body feels heavy i feel fustrated and aggravated my neck and back if head has pressure and i want to rip someone apart and cry lol!!' i just think that are hormones are so up and down we cant predict it i say same thing somwrimes before im fine and after i feel like crap and rhis month about 3 days before it started i felt like crap and during it sucks plus my lower back hurts too ughhhh!!!!
jg45 kelly3120
Hi Kelly:
It has happened to me, I am almost 45 and sometimes I do not have any trouble during period, but after it ends I have felt worst, including ovulation, with too much pain and headaches included.
Before or after my periods, I always get a Migraine for 3 days. In order to solve that issue I am looking for natural remedies, which have helped me before in other hormone issues, so Migraines can be controlled.
I am about to test a new supplement that helps control hormones and migraine, but I have not started yet. I need a couple of months trial to see if it really works. and I could update this reply with the info.
In the meantime, I keep working out at the gym, doing circuits, which helps me a lot with periods symptoms, and drinking plenty water with lemon with no sugar added.
kelly55079 kelly3120
I'm 50 and STILL get them every 28 days.. Would love to start skipping months now.. Usually about 2 weeks before is when I eat like a horse, get emotional, sore boobs, very tired and then it eventually starts and I'm more tired.. UGHAfter this ordeal, I then start feeling better until it starts again.
sunaina1983 kelly3120
Yes i feel bad and have all symptoms after periods..After period 10 days r worst