Anyone Develop Thyroid problem while going thru peri

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I have come to the conclusion that my thyroid is causing most of my peri symptons. I have been literally bed bound since going through this. (8 mths) i ve done thyroid test several times and the test.changes from hyper to hypo and sometimes normal. Because of the fluctuation , the dr. said she cant give me meds and besides its not too much out of range. But, its enough to cause symptons for me. My eyes are bulging, muscle weakness, jittery, stomach jittery, bowels urgency, hands tremors, back constantly hurts, cold feet, etc. It constantly switches . I know alot of the symptons mimic peri but in my case i really believe some could be thyroid issue because of my blood results.

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I developed Hashimoto's while going through peri. Not sure what cam pe first or when, but it makes it much harder juggling the thyroid and hormones, for sure.

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      Do you have severe symptons and what symptons you're experiencing?

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      I used to have severe symptoms before being diagnosed. Cold hands and feet, extreme fatigue, muscle aches, brain fog, depression, anxiety, mood swings, constipation. I never went hyper, but because of the symptoms I would also have a fast pulse and high BP. Because it is Hashimoto's based I was able to make lots of changes just by a shift in diet. Learning about the auto immune response helped me immensely. 

      I now have some goiter issues and waiting to find out what is going to happen to that! rolleyes

    • Posted

      Wow Sabrina that is what im experiencing. I dont have the cold hands too much like right now the feet are so cold. Theres nothing i can do to warm them. Then im.drinking ginger and stomach is jittery as soon as it hit stomach, hands shaking, bowel urgency. Yeap, all those you mention is what im experiencing. Its just not the typical peri stuff , i mean this is constantly daily. Ive lost much weight and so weak.

      I was diagnosed with gastritis but the stomach seem to act up only around the hyper symptons appear. How long before you found out?

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      I probably had symptoms for at least five years before being diagnosed. Maybe even longer.
  • Posted

    Hi, Mary,

    I am sorry to hear that you're going through this.  Are you seeing an endocrinologist or just a GP.  There are thyroid diseases that should be ruled out, so more needs to be done than blood tests, such as an ultrasound of your thyroid gland to make sure you don't have polyps.  You should be checked for thyroid cancer, too.  Your post didn't say whether that had been done.

    You could have Graves disease (which causes the thyroid symptoms you described). I was diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis, which is an autoimmune disorder.  In that, the body starts killing the thyroid cells, so first, the thyroid produces symptoms of graves disease.  I went to a gp for 2 years with symptoms like yours.  He never thought to check my thyroid levels--and diagnosed me with ibs-d.  In addition to what you have, my skin was dry and my hair fell out in clumps. I was exhausted all the time. Finally, my periods stopped. In previous centuries women with ht went mad and were committed to institutions.    

    Your thyroid is a "master gland." Its secretions ultimately affect how your entire body functions, including your female organs.. I'm sure I'm "preaching to the choir" here but your doctor is not doing you any favors by only running blood tests and sending you home.

    If you're not seeing an endocrinologist, insist on a referral to one.  If your present doctor is an endocrinologist, you need to find another one.  The doctor you're seeing is risking your health.

    Please let me know how you get on! xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Linda! I've seem an endocrinologist but unfortunately she doesnt me seriously. She has seem the changes in my thyroid being hyper on one test, then hypo and then normal. But she puts it off as saying that its not too much out of range and besides if she put me on meds it would mess up.the other one. That was it. No further testing just scooted me out the door. She kept stating you re going through menopause. Of course, I know that but these symptons are too extreme and its been daily for 8 long months. I stopped going to my gp, the last time i went in July, i wasnt taken serious. She only was concern about me taking my Ppi for my stomach, i kept telling her at.the time the stomach was not an issue. I wanted to know why i was so weak and off balance. I was eating but no weight gain or muscle strenght. My girlfriend has thyroid problems and shes an RN. Since starting perimenopause she has repeatedly me that it sounds like i have a thyroid issue. She did say it could be difficult to diagnose sometimes. The only doctor that seem interested was a naturopath but i could not afford him. Linda, the heart racing is literally terrifying. i have an appt to.see a dr. today to see if hes a good fit for me. Do you know if thyroid can cause coordination problems too? Im tired of walking and feeling off balance or being pull to left or right.

    • Posted

      Yes, it can cause coordination problems. Please let me know how you do with this new doctor!
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      A good doctor will ask you how you feel, not look at a thyroid level  on a chart that was promulgated probably at least 50 years ago for males--then if the number looks okay tell you that you should be feeling fine.  
    • Posted

      Hey Linda Im back from my new doctor. It was basically meet and greet with him to see if hes a good fit. Well i Liked him. Hes doing an exam on me tomorrow morning. He did say looking at me he can tell some things already. Is that a good sign? i know my eyes looks bulging and staring, and skin is really dry. So you re saying blood test can be normal range, but not really normal?

    • Posted

      Well, what's "normal" is based on a statistical range established by various medical studies, some of them done 50 or more years ago and most of them done on men, because of what was seen as women's "hormonal problems."  

      Statistics aren't 100% accurate.  The notes that accompany the study which patients don't get to see can say something line, "This test is based on a study done on 300 research subjects with normal physiology. and the resulting data was found to be accurate for 90% of the subjects who took part.  There may also be a slight additional margin of error considered inconsequential by the researcher." What? What happened to the other 10%?  Well, some of them could have dropped out of the study because they were unreliable or ill.   

      But, sometimes, the ones who stay in the study are also paid participants in other studies and consuming substances that might affect the results.  Students and others sometimes do this for funds to support themselves, and do it often.  And don't report that they're involved in multiple studies, though they're supposed to.

      Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain" said, "There are lies, there are damn lies, and then there are statistics." 

      That's why a good doctor considers it all, a patient's physiology, test results, lifestyle factors that could be contributing, etc.  As well as how the patient feels.  A good doctor treats the whole person. xx


  • Posted

    My GP thought I was peri menopausal based on my symptoms but when she did a full blood count test she said my hormones were ok but my thyroid was underactive , since taking levo I do feel better , less weepy , less aches etc... it is also worth asking to have your b12 levels check and vitimin D , both can cause all the things you describe . Hope you get answers , it's a very frustrating journey . X

    • Posted

      i've had both checked and it was fine.

      will have thyroid rechecked. thanks Cathy

  • Posted

    Hi Mary,

    I’m on synthroid and my thyroid has stayed pretty consistent and I’ve had most of those symptoms. So not sure. Maybe google how to regulate your thyroid by diet or supplements and see if that helps?

    Other than the bulging eyes (although I had eye flashes), I was sidelined with all those horrible symptoms last year. 

    Hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Suzanne I just came back from dr. and honestly i dont think he knows whats wrong. He basically.diagnosed me with Ptsd, anorexia, and depression. He said hes going to.draw more blood work in two.weeks. He s trying to figure out why im losing weight. ive lost 31 pds. since march. i know i have gastritis, gerd, and the anxiety has hit the root. He didnt do.bloodwork.on thyroid only using my previous dr bloodwork from last month. im at the point where i dont know what to do. He thinks the weakness is due to the weighloss. My period was due today but no show and its crazy. These symptons are getting to the point where it is unbearable. My legs and feet are really cold, hands trembling, etc. He have me prescription for depression, palpitation and told me to buy estroven over the counter.

    • Posted

      Hi Mary,

      So when you are going thru peri your immune system becomes low and this lets dormant things like viruses in your body surface. 

      I think your doc is just trying to give you bandaids because he can’t explain what’s wrong. I was soooo sick and the concierge doc I hired to find out what was wrong declared me (with a smile) perfectly healthy as I was sitting there with my hands trembling, frozen shoulder aching, feeling like I’m dying from some awful disease, huge breast cysts, ovarian cysts, on and on.. These doctors just don’t have a clue. I was declared NOT to be in peri by my endocrinologist, naturopath, gp, and concierge, even though I’m 52 and have screwed up periods. 

      Enough of my rant, you all know it anyway.

      So my guess for you is you might have something else going on that’s giving you these awful symptoms like reactivated EBV. Has anyone tested you for anything viral? I honestly don’t know what symptom was caused by what, but it was all combined to make me totally miserable. I’m still going thru it but so much better then I was last year at this time. 

      Found I needed B vitamins by a specialist in NYC, so taking a very strong B6 and a multivitamin and extra C. Also, just knowing what’s going on will strengthen your immune system. Being undiagnosed is the worse. 

      If you message me I will tell you the book that helped me. 


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