Anyone else?
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i am currently in the midst of taking a month long saliva hormone test, so i dont know if i am in perimenopause or not. i am still having periods although they are a little more off than they used to be. just trying to figure out whats going on with my body. i am just curious as to if others have these strange symptoms - light headedness, dizziness, muscle weakness, teitching, etc. and still having periods??? thanks!
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notsure47790 nakai25859
I have all of those on and off, plus a bunch of others. Also I still have a period. I am getting very tired of the symptoms and not knowing what is going on. It is great that you are looking for answers. I am looking for them as well, but it is a painfully slow process. I truly hope it is just peri.
nakai25859 notsure47790
thank you! yes i know!!!! i have had myself 6 ft under multiple times with all that goes through my head that it could be. so tired of worrying but so glad we all have each other!
sunaina1983 nakai25859
Helloo mam
Yes me too having all symtoms u mention above from last year.
Head pressure
Body pain
Off balance
and vibrations too
its all peri symtomsðŸ˜ðŸ˜ and
I am having periods along with these symtoms
Ur not alone
its Perimenopause.
Big hummpy road .
nakai25859 sunaina1983
so good to know im not alone!! thank you for responding and easing my mind!!
christina81747 nakai25859
why is your testing a month long never heard of that and saliva? when i took my saliva test over 24 hours. anyway yes i get dizziness light headed off balance not the itchiness though. i am 49 def peri still get periods but off wack i am eatrogen dominant and it make s me crazy lol anxiety and such and my symptoms bother me more the week if period i hare that i cant figure out what is what makes you feel out if control lol!
sakura26 christina81747
I am same! Have you also noticed since your progesterone has dropped and your are estrogen dominant that your boobs have grown? And also my middle. 😦
mary27278 christina81747
Most likely she's doing the dutch test. it's a month long test.
nakai25859 christina81747
yeah i have to collect throughout an entire month. its supposed to be the most accurate hormone test available! who knew?!? lol!!
thanks for responding! glad to know im not alone!
christina81747 sakura26
OMG yes and i cant stand it when i put my bra on in morning they stw fine and few hours later they are like boulders!! UGHH!!!! sometimea i wish i coukd just scream and cry from all the ips and downs its a crazy maker! im on day 7 of cycle which is supposed to be relaxed from rising estrogen and i feel like im coming out of my skin with anxiety every little thing bothers me! text me if u need to nice to hear i have partnet in crime lol
sakura26 nakai25859
Yes I've had those symptoms and am in perimenopause. I had the saliva test and it essentially said I had very low progesterone and average estrogen "for my age". Progesterone drops first when you are in peri. And peri can last years, even up to 10 years one doctor told me. See what your test says, but it's likely you are in perimenopause.
mamamia03 nakai25859
Yes, I'm still getting periods, only lasting between 12/24 hours these days. But having all the symptoms, anxiety, itchy skin , dizziness, brain fog, the worst for me is Anxiety. Trust yourself, you know your own body. Try looking up 34 menopause symptoms, this is basically me, see what you think.
sakura26 mamamia03
I hear you on the symptoms! And my mom didn't go through menopause until like 55!!! So I'm like what is wrong with me at 47 😠I guess no kids ..
unico31026 nakai25859
I do. I started peri at age 35 and im now 43
notsure47790 unico31026
I think I started about 35 too, if not a bit earlier even- but I had 1 ovary removed at 27- not sure if that makes a difference.
sunaina1983 unico31026
hi mam
me having peri at 38.
now as u said ur 43 R u in menopause?? ..ur periods stop how ur feeling now ..all peri symtoms gone ?
sorry i ask soo many q .
want to know how long peri last and at end of peri all symtoms stop or not ?