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my cervical smear showed hpv, which i understand is very common. i understand the link but i am more worried about whether or not i tell my partner. Been with him 4 years. nurse advised i don't have to do anything, just have smear next year. my anxiety is high anyway with menopause but its through the roof now as its all i can think about. anyone else been through this? i am 51

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    hpv is common but there is so many strains and some cause cancer, my opinion he has a right to know as he can get it as well. is there a reason your scared to tell him?

    • Posted

      no Pamela. Just dont want to worry him as he is a worrier. Guess afraid of rejection at my age as even though common can have a stigma.

      Thanks so much for replying as its good to get new perspective.

  • Posted

    Hi Alison,,, I contracted hpv before many people even knew about it I was only 22 years old and at that time I was told I had pre cancer from it and had to get cryo surgery, I beleive that was what it was called as I am now 54 years old,, I know it can cause wart like lesions in men... So I would tell him probubly,, because it may effect him... by the way mine was contracted from a cheating ex-boyfriend... You may also try to find out how you contracted it,, maybe he gave it to you!! These doctors only understand so much about it even now,, I ask them if Hpv can effect me again with the pre cancer and they have no clue they never can answer my question...Hugs to you Alisonxxx

  • Posted

    YES I have. I'm 51 and found out June 2018 I have hpv. I never felt there was a reason not to tell my husband. It's so so so common. You could have easily acquired it from him. You're husband shouldn't be upset. mine wasn't at all. can I ask a more personal question....are you aware of the good and bad numbers of the hpv virus and did they tell you what number you have?

    like I said, it's nothing to be ashamed of. its one of the most common virus in the country. i myself have 3 friends that also have it. They have a vaccination for kids 12 years old to prevent but this vaccine wasn't available when we were kids. Keep me posted. xo

  • Posted

    Thank you so much Tracey. Ive been overthinking this. i don't know what number it was, just have to have another smear in a year. Nurse said i don't need to do anything else. Wish i hadnt gone for smear!

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