Anyone else?
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Hello lovelies!
Bear with me on this bc I have no idea what's going on..
Back in Sept I was on antibiotics, about a week after my last dose I got a raging yeast infection which took 2 rounds of treatment to clear up, thanks AV! It took a while for my Estrace cream to start working again. About the same time I noticed some changes in taste and thick saliva (I know gross). I ignored it bc I had no other symptoms so just chalked it up to another silly symptom that would pass. Well it hasn't and it's gotten worse. I have a white coating on my tongue, not thick but noticeable, it burns and sometimes tingles and in the last couple days my tongue is getting fissures in it and the roof of my mouth is sore. I've been rinsing with warm salt water to no avail. I'm wondering if I have thrush from the antibiotics? Or some kind of mouth cancer, I know that's most likely my crazy meno brain talking but scares me none the less. Its driving me insane! I hate yogurt but bought some plain no sugar kind and coated my tongue with it, seems to burn more now. Anyone else have or had this problem? I have my well woman check and my regular physical next month so I was trying to hold out but I'm not sure I'm gonna make it. I may have to make a trip to Urgent Care. Any suggestions are more than welcome!
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unico31026 Gigi368
i would go to urgent care just to be safe. If there is something wrong you dont want to wait a month.
2chr2015 Gigi368
sounds like it could be thrush. i had a sinus infection, antibx and yeast inf afterwards also. my doctor prescribes something called magic mouthwash and it cleared up. second time this happened to me. wont hurt to try it.
Gigi368 2chr2015
I went to urgent care.. they didnt do any tests but he said he was positive its thrush, he prescribed Mycelex 10mg lozenges, melt one 5x a day for 10 days. I hope this helps.. this is miserable, no wonder babies get crabby lol
2chr2015 Gigi368
I am sorry this happened to you. I've actually had it happen 3 times. The first 2 times I didnt have the antibx but i had a sore throat and was eating honey. That may have been part of what caused mine too. who knows! I feel like my body has betrayed me with all this peri stuff.
Gigi368 2chr2015
I have a slight ear infection on top of it but he told me to take an antihistamine bc going back on antibiotics at this point would only make it worse. When do we get over all this crap. Every one I know that's going thru meno basically complains about hot flashes, that's it. I dont understand how it's easy for some and pure hell for others. I never in my life I'd get thrush! I honestly thought only little ones got it. According to the doc at urgent care he said it's very common. Guess I shouldn't have waited so long, i honestly thought when it started it was just another meno symptom...
2chr2015 Gigi368
same here. i never thought i would get it either. actually the first time it was a little spot in the middle of my tongue and showed it to my dentist. boy was that a mistake. he biopsied it and those next days were some of the worst of my life. they still didn't say it was yeast. but when it happened again, thats when i started realizing the honey connection and asked my gp if we could try the thrush medicine before i went to the dentist with it again. and it cleared up. and then of course the last time was antibx and honey. so i guess no more honey for me..ever i used to be able to take epsom salt baths. i can't do that anymore either. i get a yeast infection every time.
Beverlys1 Gigi368
HI Gigi,, I have had candida for years it has been horrible,, that is most likely yeast... It flares for me at different times in my life...Try a candida diet and remember you can get yeast anywhere on or in your body. your scalp, mouth, toe nails, vagina.. Probiotics and I Mean lots of them,, non sweetened yogart,, no carb or low carb,, apple cidar vinigar can help. When I got candida doctors didn't believe it existed and I had to figure out the illness on my own, they told me I was crazy my tongue was covered In white and it would not go away,, I Could hardly think straight and was so tired I could not work and lost my job, it is important to treat it because it can spread, at the same time I was diagnosed with HASHIMOTOS autoimmune and because of this I started getting siezures.. If you need more info Gigi you can always message me hopefully the anti-fungel the doc gave you will get rid of it... If not go get another because there are different ones... I think u are on the right track,, Hugs to you I'm sorry this is happening to you...xxxx
Gigi368 Beverlys1
The first round of meds didnt work. I went to my regular doc yesterday and hes got me on Nystatin 4x a day for 14 days. Its swish and swallow but I get severely nauseous when I do, so I'm swishing and holding it in my mouth for 10-20 min then spitting it out.. not sure if it'll work if I spit it put though. I'm sure the antibiotics caused it, I really don't eat a lot of sugary or yeasty foods, no bread, cakes, candy, very little milk and cheese.. my downfall is my soda, I don't drink coffee, and I need my caffeine lol. I'll cut back on it though. My stomach is very sensitive, I've tried probiotics and all I did was hug a trashcan, I absolutely hate yogurt, I bought some unsweetened/unflavored and painted my tongue with it but I cant bear to eat it. I'm at my whits end with this, I'm down almost 10 lbs, food doesn't taste good and my mouth hurts, I feel horrid! I'm only going on day 3 so I hope the meds start working soon..
Have you used the Nystatin?
Beverlys1 Gigi368
Hi gigi,, stick with the nystatin for sure and see if it resolves it..sometimes in the past It helped me and sometimes it made it worse,, will cross my fingers sweetie.. also you have to find a probiotic you can stomach you may have to try several.. there is natures bounty in the drug stores make sure you get the small pelet they dissolve right when they hit your tummy and don't just sit there, that is why it is bothering you,, It was alot of trial and error with me and no one treated it 18 years ago when I first got candida I still have bouts,, Im having one right now again!!there are stronger anti-yeast drugs if that one does not work but they change the bacteria in your intestines and would not use until last resort,, there is a pro biotic called bio k in the refrigerated esle at your more natural food stores.. it tastes horrible it is in a shot size cup but alot of times it will put mine in its place after about 3 of them in about 1 to 2 weeks don't take this everyday it may upset
your tummy... it is full of strong probiotics u can google bio k and see what it looks like so you know... Has it got alittle better gigi?? if not you may have to give up your soda for a short time because it just keeps feeding it,, I go through phases were I cannot drink my wine or anything with sweetners so in those times I drink green tea.. just hope yours subsides so you don't have to do all of this all the time because mine is pretty much chronic... HUGS TO YOU SWEETIE!! let me know if you wsnt some more advice,, try to swallow as much as you can!!
Also the bio k comes in dairy, soy and rice.. I do rice because it is the easiest on my stomach..❤