Anyone else
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anyone else having bowel issues? seems my bowels start acting up around cycle time and ovulation. like they sluggish lots of bloating and feel like im not emptying all the way. i had a colonoscopy not even a year ago all was fine biopsies was normal. im just fed up with all this how can these hormonal changes cause so much horrible symptoms on a daily basis.
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Nettie261962 pamela2016
I go from being constipated one day to having extremely loose stool the next. I never know what each day is going to bring. I too had a normal colonoscopy a year and a half ago and all was good. Has to be the hormone flucuation in menopause. I'm 57 and am hoping for some relief in site. I started peri menopause at 48. The worst part of it all started 5 years ago (dizzy spells, mood swings, insomnia, irritability and more.) Need a break!
pamela2016 Nettie261962
i get so bloated at times i start gagging its horrible,the past three years has been none stop symptoms im due today no sign of it as of yet. the dizziness has been my worst symptom as it never leaves the intensity of it is up and down all the time. i just dont get why its so hard for us women to just lose our periods its pure hell. thanks fir replying
Nettie261962 pamela2016
I agree. The dizziness is my worst symptom too. Now I've been getting a new symptom whereby I get this tingling down my legs. Usually in the mornings upon waking. Sometimes I get it down my back too. So strange. Everyday is a struggle. This forum is a blessing. Helps to know we are not alone.
pamela2016 Nettie261962
ive had that tingling your describing many times cones and goes i haven't had it in awhile but im sure it will come back again
Nettie261962 pamela2016
have you ever asked your dr about it? I am wondering what it is. Thanks, Pam.
pamela2016 Nettie261962
all my dr ever says is anxiety i just got to where i get tired of saying anything but i know the things im experiencing isnt anxiety
Troldepus71 Nettie261962
dear Nettie
You just described my toilet habits since entering peri... Never know what to expect 😃
Nettie261962 Troldepus71
Not fun... sorry you are going through this as well...