Anyone else get bursts of energy leading up to a bleed?
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Think I've mentioned before that for some strange reason, even though I feel my age most days, in the week leading up to a bleed, aside from getting a dose of the 'Red Mist' descend over me, I also get a burst of energy!
Well this month is no exception. Its been almost like I have been 'nesting' - preparing the home for an impending birth!!
Which, when you think of it, isn't far off the truth. In our younger years I think our bodies are always expecting us to have conceived each month - that's evolution for you. Someone just forgot to tell the ol' birds that they needn't bother!
Still, not all bad: the house has been cleaned from top to bottom; the gardens have been tended (and no backache, thanks I believe to my NBBF Menopace Original!) so I'm going to sit and wait to see what Thursday (Day 28!) holds for me!!
Truth is, although I generally always have a very disrupted sleep (tossing and turning, up & down to the loo etc), I'm very rarely tired during the day. Until next week that is, when I'm sure I'll feel like I've been kicked all around the show for a day or so!!
Do you think I should count my blessings, shut my gob, and make the most of it? Just wondering if anyone else feels like that once in a while.
I'm hoping a load of you come firing back at me with replies like:
"Yeah, you get like that when you finally stop bleeding"
"Yeah, that when you know you're over the worse of ALL the horrible Peri symptoms....and its plain sailing from now on in"
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carole56994 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 carole56994
Dya know what, I should not type on this bloody Tablet - I always get things wrong!!
That should have read 'NBFF' - new best friend forever!! That'll teach me to start acting my age, and NOT attempt Text Chat!!! If i was thinking on my feet, i'd blag it by telling you it was a new saying - NBBF = my new best buddy forever!!
I'm just a silly ol' cow trying to be clever:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) !
MENOPACE ORIGINAL = just a run-of-the-mill, nothing fancy multi vitamin/min supplement available in the UK. Got some Vit B6, B12, Vit D, etc etc. Just seems to have worked for me.
I'm sure if you're not based in the UK, there'll be loads of similar products for you like this available.
Its cheap (I get it 'buy 2for3'!), its only one tablet a day and haven't had any side effects. Good, as I hate taking meds, and have been fortunate enough not to have ever had to to date.
Been taking it since January and the aches etc feel 1mil times better. Even done the gardening twice this month, and went on a 5mile walk in the woods yesterday and still feel great.
Let's hope these aren't some of my many 'famous last words'....!:-)
Gunna do a massive pile of ironing now.....I'm on a roll!!:-)
elle127 shaznay96184
I think you should definitely count your blessings and get your butt round my house and start spring cleaning lol
Seriously what are you on? Before I'm due on a period I usually get really tired and sluggish. Energy.....what's that? Perhaps I should try the menopace??
Carry on 'nesting' girl.....and enjoy the 'energy' bursts while you can :-)
E. x
shaznay96184 elle127
Seriously enjoying having a bit of energy as last month I felt awful: knackered, lethargic, cramping.
I've been 'waiting' to come on proper since last Thursday: think today may be that day.
Silly moo, its no-show got me all excited, like I might even miss my first Period! Huhhh! I suppose a disrupted cycle will come before full-blown stoppage - right?
I have done my 30min, 2mile Leslie Sansone Power Walk vid today, thanks to good ol' YouTube. Felt bloody knackered as I haven't done it for a good while.
Have to say I hate exercise, but this is something that I can say I do enjoy. Its nothing fancy, but believe for the 30mins of my life that I dedicate to it, I'll feel so much better for it.
And best of all: I can sweat and puff in the privacy of my front room, curtains closed, and wearing a bra over the top of my PJs!! I can chuck them in the wash, me in the shower, and get on with the rest of the day!!
But no matter how much of an imagination you may have, you can't imagine the sight I look: it ain't pretty
!! Sadly, I've put on 14lb in 2yrs, and I ain't happy about that!
Apparently, exercise is good for us. It gets the endorphines going, and this low-level cardio is good for my level of fitness(!) - poor.
To be honest Elaine, I did this most days through last Summer/ Autumn, and felt good for it, but really ached after and throughout the rest of the day. But I think the Menopace has certainly done the ol' joints good as I don't get the aches at all after long walks/this vid.
I know I go on about that stuff, but at £4 a pack, its about the price of a dodgy bottle of wine - but I don't get heartburn and a hangover, feel sick and say 'never again' over and over and, besides, these things last for a month!!
Get yourself on YouTube, give Leslie Sansone a lookie-see, and see if you don't find her easy manner a bit enticing: its good stuff
My ol' man must be feeling his age. He's just sat and stated that he's getting "hair on my hands.......on the palms of my hands".
I'll tell him to not worry about his grey hair and bald patches, and his squinting to watch the TV.
But I daren't remind him that his ears/nose will keep growing, as will the hair sprouting out of them!
What a lovely pair we make
buddah_girl shaznay96184
shaznay96184 buddah_girl
Last month I felt really rough: aching like I did 6mths ago, lethargic, 'argumentative' (apparently!!). Plus my last Period was crampy and uncomfortable.
I also bleat on about that I can't wait to stop bleeding, but half of me thinks its that that is keeping me sane!!
I'm just taking what's coming, enjoying the energy bursts while I can, and no doubt I'll put up with the other rubbish if it comes.
wouldn't it be good if we were alloted a timespan to know when this would start-stop. At least we'd know what it was; why we felt the way we do sometimes; and know by a certain age it'd be a 'thing of the past'? (I live in a bloody dream world, clearly!!!).
Hope your day's a good 'un!
BellaRubia shaznay96184
I know very well what you are talking about... Just before my period I feel all energetic, just ready to do anything, including cleaning and rearanging. Nothing hurts, everything is fine. So, whenever I feel like that, I just wait for my "visit", except that my visit is a little far apart those days and I have noiced that even thogh it is apart, I still have those hapy days leading to
"nothing", what I blame to my hormonal variation due to peri. Yep, I do not
feel tired, and that is a blessing, for what I have read, but some days I sleep like I was dead, while most of the time I am not a heavy sleeper.
shaznay96184 BellaRubia
I read your post with interest as my "visit" is now 4 days later than usual. I fear its knocking on the door as we speak, but although I'd kidded myself that this might have been the start of finally missing my Periods, I'm having to console myself that I might have to go through the disrupted/longer gaps in my cycle first.
I have been as regular as clockwork up until this month, so I'm keeping everything logged - and crossed! - that this is finally the start of 'something'.
Half of me is a bit of the mind that actually bleeding is better for me than not?? At least when I have a cr*ppy build up, I feel a bit better once I've started bleeding. Am I stupid to think that 'it's greener on the other side of the fence'??
Well for now, I'll keep enjoying the housework, hanging out the washing (even going off to find more to do!) and moutains of ironing (I don't do it daily, although I suppose I should).
My definition of bliss: listening to the ol' man doing the vacuuming upstairs: I hate doing that tho' as the hoover's too heavy