Anyone else hypothyroid? Along with peri madness?!😪
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So I've had hypothyroidism for the past 20+ yrs. and have had it under control with levoxyl which is a form levotyroxine… but it turns out that for the past yr or so my periods have been super irregular and on top of it I been feeling like crap have gained a lot of weight and well it's been pretty rough😫
So I went in to the dr. For something completely different but she decided to check my thyroid levels and my free T4 is slightly high. I am 46 yrs and thought that based on all my symptoms maybe I am approaching menopause … but now I'm confused 🤷??? is anyone in a similar predicament ?! Please share your experience I feel crazy about all of this😭😭
Any input will be greatly appreciated
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sue976 Goddess1
Hi Goddess
the test for peri in not conclusive, my doctor did mine and it came back normal, but she said after listening to my many symptoms and my periods are becoming more regular, then nothing, she said I was definitely in peri, I had just turned 47 at the time, she said when your in the first stages the test is not often right, like she said we know our own bodies, and we know what is and isn't normal for us xx
Goddess1 sue976
Hi Sue thanks so much for replying!
Wow same thing happen to with my tests, sometimes I think they really don't know🙄
Tammy123 Goddess1
Goddess1 Tammy123
Hi Tammy
thanks for your reply! I wish you luck with your issue hunny…! It feels good just to know that I'm not alone dealing with all this madnesses!
notsure47790 Goddess1
kya85 Goddess1
Hi Goddess1
I am also hypo-t for 20yrs+ and had a hysterectomy at 29 (now 51). I didn;t notice the sweats in their infancy just felt I was warm on occasion. Then suddenly started with a full array of symptoms, but at the time didn't realise it was meno. After lots of trips and tests to hospital I was told my TSH/T3/T4 were way out of range and was overmedicated and 1% away from a coma! After a lot of backwards and forwards they still couldn't get my dosage right, they had so wound up I was afraid to take my thyroxine. I got so fed up I went privately to see an endo he told me (his words) "all cobblers". Bascically he told me to use bloods as a guide, and to listen to my body. That if I was okay before then its fine, once I accepted it was meno my anxiety eased. The real weird thing for me was being hot (normally freezing). All I can say is I am probably post meno around 10 months but my symptoms were as follows.
Flushes, sweats heat intolerance 24/7
IBS type symptoms
Internal shaking &bouncing
External shaking
Restless & agitated
Panic Attacks
Tachycardia & palpitations
Total loss of appetite difficulty swallowing
Tiredness and fatigue
Weight loss
Pounding heart
Chest tightness
Muscle & joint aches and pains
Dizziness and confusion
Brain fog
Forgetfulness and depression
Don't know if any of this helps
Goddess1 kya85
hi Kia
i feel like I've felt all those symptoms at different times…! God help us🙏🙏🙏
QueenDee1971 Goddess1
Hi ladies! I have hashimoto's and I am on Westhroid (similar to Armour thyroid). I have been going through a very intense and life changing perimenopause (hot flashing as I type- errrr). I am no wuss either. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but not much for perimenopause. I noticed changes in my mid 30's, but on a trip to Vegas for my 40th, that's when I noticed something was not right. I had no energy to go out on my bday and stayed at the hotel, alone! Since then (5.5 years ago) it has been one hellish roller coaster: missed periods, long periods, clotty periods, dribbling periods, fatigue, sweats, headaches, bloating/gas, anxiety, heart palps...blah, blah, blah. Ok, back to thyroid. Here is my observation. My free t3 levels go high when my estrogen is bottomed out. So...I am not only fluctuating with hormones, but thyroid as well. Fun, fun....NOT! Since estrogen binds with thyroid hormone, when I have none, it is left unbound and my normal dose becomes a bit much, which only intensifies the wretched hot flashes and night sweats. My last blood draw showed an estradiol level of less than 5! Yup! Girls age 1-10 have higher estrogen levels than I do currently. My doctor (obgyn) was going to implant testosterone pellets to help with my energy and fatigue and am I glad I won't be doing that now, or else I will surely turn straight into a man with a beard, zits and balding head. No thanks. I am waiting to see what the doc has to say since I don't think he quite believed me when I said I was plain miserable and felt 80 in a 45 year old's body. Surely with an estradiol level of <5, he will believe me now lol. So yes, my thyroid levels have clearly been affected by the up and down swings of these rotten hormones. I haven't had my period since January 27th, and I am really hoping that THIS time it isn't coming back. I'm cooked!
kya85 QueenDee1971
Yer what a life us ladies lead! The trouble I found when I was in early stages of meno was telling the difference between the hypo-t and meno, so many crossovers. My bloods like yours were all over the place. I will keep all crossed that all stays away before you start roasting again. As a post meno lady I can say now that apart from a few mild nights sweats all my other are symptoms are gone, At least I still have all my hair and none in the wrong places YET.